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Kocharian 'Will Retain Key Government Role After Exit'

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  • Kocharian 'Will Retain Key Government Role After Exit'

    By Ruzanna Stepanian

    Radio Liberty, Czech Rep.
    Dec 4 2006

    President Robert Kocharian intends to continue to play a key role in
    Armenian politics and government affairs after completing his second,
    presumably final term in office in just over a year from now, his
    national security adviser said on Monday.

    Garnik Isagulian predicted that Kocharian will retain his "big
    influence" on political processes in the country, giving more weight to
    suggestions that the Armenian leader is aiming for another high-level
    government post.

    "The role to be played by President Kocharian [after his anticipated
    resignation] will be quite large," Isagulian told reporters. "Life will
    tell," he said when asked to specify what concrete forms it might take.

    Armenia's constitution bars incumbent presidents from staying in
    power for a third consecutive term, and Kocharian has so far left no
    indication that he will try to find a legal loophole for contesting the
    presidential election due in early 2008. There are growing signs that
    his most influential and longtime associate, Defense Minister Serzh
    Sarkisian, is his preferred candidate for the Armenian presidency.

    The Armenian press has been rife with speculation that Kocharian
    would like to serve as prime minister after 2008. The 52-year-old
    president, who came to power in 1998, himself stoked it at a November
    2005 meeting with university students in Yerevan. "Who is better than
    I in terms of knowledge, experience, hard work and resilience?" he
    said, answering a question about his political plans for the future.

    Kocharian has been heavily linked with a new but extremely ambitious
    party set up by Gagik Tsarukian, one of Armenia's wealthiest
    government-connected men. The party called Prosperous Armenia has
    effectively kicked off its well-financed campaign for next spring's
    parliamentary elections recently with a large-scale distribution of
    relief aid to impoverished farmers across the country.

    Local analysts believe that Prosperous Armenia's main mission is to
    win strong presence in the next parliament and serve as Kocharian's
    main support base. Some say it is also meant to hold Sarkisian and
    the governing Republican Party of (HHK) in check.

    But Isagulian, who makes no secret of his strong support for
    Sarkisian's apparent presidential ambitions, denied any rivalry between
    Armenia's two most powerful men. He also indicated his intention to
    team up with the HHK ahead of the upcoming parliamentary polls.