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VoA: Three Faiths Share Adjoining Sites In Istanbul Neighborhood

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  • VoA: Three Faiths Share Adjoining Sites In Istanbul Neighborhood

    By Miguel Angel Rivera

    Voice of America
    Dec 4 2006

    One of the themes of Pope Benedict's visit to Turkey last week was to
    strengthen the bonds between the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern
    Orthodox Christians. But he also began his pilgrimage by expressing
    sympathy for the pressures felt by religious minorities within the
    Muslim world.

    And he is expected to sharpen his calls for what the Vatican calls
    "reciprocity" -- the idea that Muslim demands for greater respect
    in the West must be matched by increased tolerance and freedom for
    Christians in Muslim countries.

    Turkey itself is 90 percent Muslim. But in parts of the large cities,
    there are pockets of people of different faiths, living together
    peacefully. VOA's Miguel Angel Rivera looks at the relationships
    between three houses of worship that share adjacent sites in one
    Istanbul neighborhood.

    Kuzguncuk, is an ancient part of Istanbul, the only city in the world
    that lies in two continents; Asia and Europe. For hundreds of years it
    has been inhabited by Muslims, Jews, and Christians; Turks, Armenians
    and Greeks. Kuzguncuk lies on the Asian side of the Bosporus Strait.

    There is a church, a mosque, and a synagogue, right beside each
    other. The priest of the Armenian Orthodox Church, using a key made
    in 1835, opens the doors to a Christian world within a Muslim one.

    The priest is one of a few who come from another part of Istanbul to
    serve the faithful. And when he says faithful, he is referring to
    Jews and Muslims, as well as Christians, who enter this holy place
    to pray. "There is no difference between us. Muslims come in here
    to light a candle. Yes, Muslims come to pray here. They light the
    candle and they pray. There is no difference. There is only one God
    and different paths to that God."

    The church leader, Mehmet Biraz, says cooperating on every level is
    vital for offsetting the religious negativity he finds in politics.

    He says ties with others are still strong. "We have good relations
    with the neighborhood. We are buying things from this area because we
    want the local merchants to benefit from our trade. In the political
    world there is the appearance that religions have problems among
    themselves. But at the people level, we have no problems among

    One woman has lived in front of the church and mosque for 20 years
    says, "Very beautiful... We live in peace here. Everybody loves each
    other. This mosque on this side, and the synagogue on the other,
    being so close to each other, shows that Turks really accept different
    religions and cultures."

    It is a fresh late morning, after a rain, and faithful Turks await
    the arrival of the imam or hoja, the religious leader to direct them
    in midday prayers, and prepare to pray with ritual cleansing.

    The land the mosque sits on was a gift -- from the Armenian Orthodox

    For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire promoted religious
    tolerance. Modern Turkey's founder, Mustafa Kemal, also known as
    Ataturk, rejected tying his new government to Islam, even prohibiting
    the use of traditional clothing in favor of western wear. Religious
    tolerance was also his government's policy.

    A resident, Mahmut Uslu, says, "We have good relationships with our
    neighbors the Armenians and the Greeks. They come to our funerals. We
    go to their funerals. The Armenian Church is older than ours.

    Ataturk's new republic had an open door policy to all religions. You
    can come to our home. Religion is important, not what religion you
    belong to."

    Imam Aydin Vantan has led prayers in the Kuzguncuk mosque for years.

    "We are all very close, like the flesh and fingernail. We are all
    together. Nobody can separate us, Christians, Jews, and Turks."

    There are more than 22,000 Jews in Turkey. Most of them live in
    Istanbul. There was an influx into the Ottoman Empire during the last
    years of the fifteenth century, after Jews and Muslims were expelled
    from Spain during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella..

    Jews held senior positions in the sultan's government. Rabbi Cenk
    Misraji is the highest-ranking Jewish leader in Asian Turkey. "From
    the moment of our arrival more than 500 years ago, there has been
    great religious tolerance in Turkey. We have been able to follow our
    religion, and open our synagogues wherever we desired. We were free
    to follow our traditions, practices and Jewish customs."

    There have been some glaring exceptions to the general tolerance of
    Turkish society. The Christian Armenians say they were the victims
    of Ottoman genocide in 1915, when thousands died. The Turks deny the
    accusation. Turks and Kurds -- fellow Muslims -- have battled each
    other for years in parts of the country where the Kurds are found.

    And there have been terrorist attacks against Jewish targets, most
    recently in 2003.

    But in this neighborhood, there is a different story.

    Here a Muslim, in a gesture of brotherhood, designed, constructed, and
    donated a small park with its delicate fountain in front of the doors
    of the synagogue, behind, and adjoining, the mosque and the church.