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Mgr Franceschini: Turks Are Missing Pope

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  • Mgr Franceschini: Turks Are Missing Pope

    Dec 4 2006

    The president of the Turkey's bishops' conference told how after
    Ephesus, Benedict XVI "could at last be a religious leader through
    and through" and how he won people's hearts. And there were evident
    signs of communion with the Orthodox Patriarch.

    Ankara (AsiaNews) - Thanks to his gestures in Turkey in last week's
    visit, the Pope has managed to overcome the attitude of hostility
    that many awaited him with. This is what Mgr Ruggero Franceschini,
    president of Turkey's bishops' conference and the archbishop of
    Smyrna, told AsiaNews. The archbishop accompanied Benedict XVI from
    the very first steps of his journey in Turkish territory. Three days
    after the pope's departure from Istanbul, he is still taking in the
    climate of joy and satisfaction. There are many signs, small and big,
    of a climate of relaxation and serenity. Mgr Franceschini said: "I
    am an optimist by nature but I am not one to be deluded. I looked in
    the eyes of people many times, and every time I found expressions of
    sympathy for the Pope. I cannot deny how tense the Holy Father himself
    was in Ankara, during the political diplomatic meetings; it was the
    spiritual immersion in Ephesus, especially as he took in the display
    of affection and goodwill by the people, which calmed him. At last,
    from being a political leader, a role that is not really his and
    that certainly embarrassed him even if it was undertaken very well,
    he could be a religious leader through and through.

    Immediately, as soon as the Eucharistic celebration at Mary's house
    was over, he could exclaim joyfully: 'Now I feel I can speak freely
    and that I can express all my faith in God, I do my part and he
    will do his.'" The archbishop continued: "I can truly say that I
    saw him abandon himself into the hands of God and that this voyage
    turned out to be a great success. The welcome from everyone was
    especially marvelous, starting from his descent from the Mountain of
    the Nightingale where Meryem Ana is situated. There were many people
    - obviously Muslim, including many veiled women - who rushed to the
    sides of the road so they could see and greet him. It was a popular
    manifestation that offered, in all simplicity, a humane welcome of
    reconciliation, and it enabled one to forget the other manifestation
    against the pope, the gathering in Istanbul on the Sunday before
    his arrival. Christians then took heart: this encouragement, this
    reawakening, was needed, especially by Christians in Smyrna, who
    do not have big problems to face as do Christians in other parts of
    Turkey. But they tend to rest on their laurels; faith is no longer the
    deepest dimension of their lives. They were roused by the Pope who
    reminded them of the example of Don Andrea who wanted to be a seed
    and who shed his blood in this land." Mgr Franceschini continued:
    "Even the attitude of the civil authorities has been interesting:
    some - with evident political intent - sought to gain the support
    and sympathy of the Pope, even to the extent of affirming things
    that Benedict XVI had not said. But others allowed themselves to be
    led by their hearts, like the vice prime minister and various chief
    officials and mayors, who were infected by people's enthusiasm.

    The mayor of Smyrna was exemplary, he affirmed that this was a great
    day for him, and some civil leaders who went to shake the Pope's hand
    in Ephesus were hard pressed to keep back their tears of emotion.

    Religious authorities also showed respect and esteem. The religious
    affairs chief amazed people. After his hard words about the speech
    in Regensburg, he had the courage to say there was the need to work
    together for peace and dialogue, forgetting the past... But the Muftì
    of Istanbul was still warmer and more affectionate as he welcomed
    Benedict XVI in the Blue Mosque with such simplicity and sympathy.

    The shared prayer was the right ending for a meeting between wise
    people who are careful to pay mutual respect. It was no coincidence
    that they exchanged the same symbol: a dove, sign of peace."

    "The Orthodox, then, were affectionate in every way; they put
    everything at our disposal, and the Ecumenical Patriarchate turned
    out to be a welcoming and open environment where people from all the
    world merged together, including the Korean metropolitan with many of
    his faithful. They came from so far away precisely to underline their
    communion with Patriarch Bartholomew I and the Pope. I was amazed,
    finally, at the large crowd that gathered at the Armenian Patriarchate
    and there too, by the warm welcome shown by the stupendous Armenian
    choir." The president of the Turkish episcopate said: "This was the
    most beautiful success of the visit: the Pope managed to win over the
    hearts of all. A comment by a television journalist Mihat Bereket was
    significant: "The unwanted Pope has become a Pope we will miss!" Mgr
    Ruggero added optimistically: "We cannot tell now what the fruits of
    this visit will be, but certainly this new esteem for Pope Ratzinger
    will serve to give birth to something positive and lasting."

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