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ECONOMIST: The Turkish Train Crash; Charlemagne

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  • ECONOMIST: The Turkish Train Crash; Charlemagne


    The Economist
    December 2, 2006
    U.S. Edition

    A partial suspension of Turkey's EU membership talks

    How to salvage something from the wreckage

    MELANCHOLY is Istanbul's defining characteristic, writes Orhan Pamuk,
    Turkey's Nobel prize-winning novelist. And melancholy has now descended
    on the country's relationship with Europe. "Almost everyone I know
    has lost heart," says Soli Ozel, a political scientist at Istanbul's
    Bilgi University who wants Turkey to join the European Union.

    His disenchantment is justified. Turkey's membership talks are
    on the edge of collapse. The EU gave the Turks until December 6th
    to open their ports and airports to traffic from Cyprus (ie, the
    Greek-Cypriot republic). Turkey refuses to do this unless the Europeans
    lift what amounts to their trade embargo on the (Turkish-Cypriot)
    north. The current Finnish presidency of the EU has failed to find
    a compromise. So the only questions now are how many "chapters" in
    the negotiations will be suspended-this week the European Commission
    suggested eight out of 35, all related to trade and the internal
    market-and whether the suspension is handled with enough delicacy by
    both sides to let them be reopened easily in a couple of years' time.

    It was always going to be difficult to get Turkey into the EU. On top
    of complications arising from its poverty, its mostly Muslim culture
    and its mistreatment of the Kurds, it would be the largest member,
    with the most votes in the Council of Ministers and the most seats
    in the European Parliament. Even so, the accession talks have been
    unnecessarily fraught.

    During the past year Turkey and the EU have squabbled bitterly over
    Cyprus, over clauses in the Turkish penal code that limit free speech
    and over a French proposal to make it an offence to deny the Armenian
    genocide of 1915. These may be real issues, but they have not affected
    Turkey's Western orientation, as embodied in its NATO membership and
    its impressive reform programme. The economy is growing by 6-7% a year;
    Turkey was the first Muslim country to send peacekeepers to Lebanon.

    All this suggests that the quarrel is to do as much with the Europeans
    as with the Turks. In 2005 European political leaders agreed to
    negotiate Turkish accession in good faith, but it is not clear that all
    are doing so. Unwilling to admit that they want to keep Turkey out,
    France, Austria and Cyprus are making demands that seem designed to
    induce the Turks to walk away.

    Now another insidious argument is being aired. Negotiations with
    Turkey are not merely failing; they are damaging the country's
    Westernisation. Because of the disputes, Turkish support for joining
    the EU, which stood as high as two-thirds in 2004, has fallen to only
    one-third now. Three-quarters of Turks believe the EU will never
    let their country in. Better, say some, to suspend the talks now,
    before these squabbles do more harm.

    Some add that it will make little difference. The painstaking work
    of bringing Turkish law into line with EU law has more or less stopped.

    Talks on suspended chapters cannot restart soon because, over the
    next 18 months, three elections will get in the way (presidential and
    parliamentary ones in Turkey; a presidential election in Cyprus). So,
    the siren voices argue, Turkey would do better to give up now and
    settle for a privileged partnership instead (this is what Germany's
    Angela Merkel wants). Turkey's Westernisation need not be halted,
    just diverted: it began in the dying years of the Ottoman empire,
    long before the EU was dreamt of, and is thus independent of it. For
    the Turks, EU membership is not a matter of identity; it is a matter
    of choice.

    But it is a good choice-and the consequence of abandoning it could be
    more serious than the Europeans realise. The EU goal helps to stabilise
    several shaky elements in Turkey. For the moderate Islamist government,
    it offers protection against military intervention. For the army, it
    guarantees secularism. For business, it entrenches market reform. For
    Kurds, it promises minority rights. Turkey would not suddenly become
    like Iran if its membership bid failed. But any of these elements
    might wobble-and the risk of a clash between the army and Islamists
    would rise.

    Nor is Turkey about to join the axis of evil. But unlike previous
    applicants, it has options other than the EU: bad ones, perhaps, but
    alternatives nonetheless. It could flirt with Russia or Iran (as a
    former army chief has suggested). Or it could become pro-Western in
    the way that, say, Egypt is.

    For the EU, a rejection of Turkish membership would represent a huge
    lost opportunity. Europe's foreign policy, and its hopes of global
    significance, would suffer a catastrophic loss of credibility if
    it were seen to be blackballing a moderate Muslim country that has
    NATO's second-largest army. The EU's reputation in the Muslim world,
    which is watching the membership talks with Turkey closely, would sink,
    perhaps even below America's.

    At home, a failure of the talks would send a message to Europe's 15m
    Muslims: that you have no place in Europe. There are some 3m Turks
    in Germany. What is the government going to tell them? "You do not
    belong here. Please do not riot"? The Germans, who have more at stake
    than anybody else, have been breathtakingly insouciant about the
    consequences of a failure of Turkey's membership bid. In many ways
    Ms Merkel's ambivalence has done more to damage Turkey's prospects
    than the more obvious hostility of France and Cyprus.

    If it is bad policy to freeze the negotiations, and impossible to
    continue them, what is the alternative? At their summit later this
    month, the EU's leaders will rule on the plan to suspend talks on
    eight chapters and, unusually, to keep other chapters open until Turkey
    allows access from Cyprus. This may send a negative signal to Turkey
    but, given the doubts of many EU members, it may be the best that can
    be agreed on. The Europeans, however, should put no new obstacles in
    the way of reopening talks and also exert far more pressure on the
    Greek-Cypriots to settle the Cyprus problem. Hitting the pause button
    may be inevitable. But the pause must not turn into an indefinite stop.