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Andranik Margarian: Year Of Armenia Became A New Stage In History Of

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  • Andranik Margarian: Year Of Armenia Became A New Stage In History Of


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 04 2006

    SAINT PETERSBURG, DECEMBER 4, NOYAN TAPAN. Official closure ceremony
    of Year of Armenia in Russian Federation took place in the evening of
    December 2 at the Yekaterinskaya Palace of Saint Petersburg. RA Prime
    Minister Andranik Margarian and First Vice-Chairman of RF Government
    Dmitry Medvedev made speeches at the ceremony. The latter in his speech
    emphasized the high level of Year of Armenia in Russia. "We once more
    made sure that the Armenian people is very talented, it subtly feels
    the art, takes care of values and achievements of culture, science
    and education," D.Medvedev said. At the same time, he emphasized that
    Armenian and Russian peoples kept the experience of tolerance between
    different nations for many centuries, and today no manifestations of
    xenophobia can exist in the two peoples' cooperation. "Unfortunately,
    we come across such hideous manifestations lately, but I am convinced
    that such ideas cannot find support in Russia where 160 nations live,"
    the First RF Vice-Prime Minister said. M.Margarian in his turn said
    that Year of Armenia in Russia became a new stage in the history of
    Armenian-Russian relations. He expressed the hope that Year of Armenia
    gave Russians the opportunity to reveal Armenia with its potential
    and abilities. In the Prime Minister's words, the events organized
    within the framework of the year gave the opportunity to enrich
    many-sided Armenian-Russian cooperation, opened good prospects for
    mutually beneficial unification of trade and economic, educational,
    scientific and cultural potential. "In the modern world, together
    with political relations, economic relations are also the basis of
    mutually beneficial long-term partnership.

    Russia is the biggest trade and economic partner of Armenia. At the
    same time, I would like to mention that there is unused potential
    in this sphere and active mutual steps should be taken in this
    direction. We attach primary importance to development of further
    cooperation with Russia in such spheres as energy, metallurgy,
    transport, chemistry, etc," A.Margarian said. He also mentioned that
    the biggest Armenian Diaspora lives in Russia. It was formed during
    centuries. In A.Margarian's words, in all periods of history Armenians
    made a contribution to establishment and development of the Russian
    state as far as possible, in which there were all conditions for
    keeping the national originality, language and culture. "We are sure
    that problems and aspirations of our compatriots in Russia continue to
    be in the focus of attention of the Russian leadership. Exclusion of
    any manifestation of national intolerance is an issue of responsibility
    of all of us. In this context we are too anxious about cases of
    violence towards our compatriots in RF. Armenians in Russia just like
    Russians in Armenia are bearers of centuries-old traditions, the bridge
    of friendship between the two countries we should strengthen and keep
    with all possible means," RA Prime Minister emphasized. According to
    the report submitted to Noyan Tapan from RA government Information
    and Public Relations Department, in connection with closure of Year
    of Armenia a concert was held at the Yekaterinskaya Palace and a
    reception on behalf of RA Prime Minister at the Gilded Hall, which
    was concluded with fireworks.