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RFE/RL Iran Report - 12/04/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 12/04/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 45, 4 December 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    Iran's Assembly of Experts is one of the country's most
    powerful institutions, as the 86-member body has the power to select
    and dismiss the country's supreme leader. But candidates for the
    upcoming assembly elections have to be approved by Iran's
    conservative Council of Guardians.
    The council has decided that only one-third of the hopefuls
    for the December 15 election meet the criteria to be candidates. Most
    importantly, it appears that reformists and fundamentalists are being
    kept out of the race in favor of traditionalists.
    The vetting of assembly candidates by the Council of
    Guardians represents a significant effort by traditionalists -- the
    generation that has ruled the Islamic Republic of Iran since 1979 --
    to fight back against a younger generation of fundamentalists that is
    symbolized by President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and his purported
    religious guide, Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi.
    Abbas Ali Kadkhodai, a spokesman for the Guardians Council,
    announced on November 28 that 163 candidates are eligible for the
    upcoming election, Fars News Agency reported.
    When registration ended in October, 492 people were
    officially listed as potential candidates, meaning that only
    one-third of those who applied to be candidates were accepted by the
    Council of Guardians. Some races were left uncontested as a result.
    The Interior Ministry published the lists of approved
    candidates on November 29 and, on the same day, several political
    parties issued lists of the candidates they will support.

    Trends In The Rejections

    There were complaints about those who were disqualified, but
    Interior Minister Hojatoleslam Mustafa Pur-Mohammadi denied that the
    reformists were singled out, "Hemayat" reported on November 29.
    In the days preceding the announcement of eligible
    candidates, several trends became apparent. The first trend -- which
    is not unexpected -- was the Guardians Council's rejection of
    pro-reform candidates, even if they were incumbents.
    The second noticeable trend was the Guardians Council's
    rejection of candidates associated with Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi, the
    fundamentalist cleric that Ahmadinejad allegedly follows.
    Qassem Ravanbakhsh, the editor of Mesbah-Yazdi's weekly
    "Parto Sokhan," said that members of Mesbah-Yazdi's Imam Khomeini
    Institute failed the eligibility exams, "Siyasat-i Ruz" reported on
    November 20. They passed the written exam, he added, but failed the
    oral tests.
    "Right now, we are looking for independent candidates in
    other provinces whose qualifications have been approved," Ravanbakhsh
    said. "Of course, I must say that our list might have names in common
    with the Qom Theological Lecturers Association." That statement can
    only muddy the waters because it suggests that the fundamentalist
    candidates might not be part of any known faction or they might be
    backed by a mainstream theological association.
    Mohsen Gharavian, one of Mesbah-Yazdi's students,
    announced that although he registered as a candidate in Qom he would
    instead run as a candidate in Northern Khorasan Province because
    there is only one candidate there, "Ayandeh-yi No" reported on
    November 16. Gharavian also claimed that he no longer cares to
    associate himself with Mesbah-Yazdi supporters. The final Interior
    Ministry list showed that Gharavian remained a candidate in Qom.
    And the candidacy of Mesbah-Yazdi -- in Tehran -- was

    Traditional Conservative Advance

    As the Guardians Council eliminated reformists and fundamentalists,
    it approved the qualifications of the traditional conservatives.
    Then it moved these candidates to constituencies where they would
    not face any competition, according to "Ayandeh-yi No" on November
    Moving candidates around is a new development, but the
    vetting of candidates for elected office has been used often to shape
    the course of politics in Iran. It is for this reason that the
    requirements to serve in the Assembly of Experts have grown more
    restrictive since it was first created in 1979. Of the 72 members
    elected then, only 55 were clerics. This first assembly existed for
    just a few months, and its function was to draft the Islamic
    Republic's new constitution.
    At the next assembly election in 1982 it was determined that
    only those trained in and capable of interpreting Islamic law
    (ijtihad), and therefore capable of recognizing religious sources of
    emulation, were eligible.
    Only the testimony of three well-known, high-level seminary
    professors or Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini himself --
    attesting to possession of the required skills -- was enough for
    someone to qualify as a candidate.
    By 1990, the regulations for candidacy were made even more
    restrictive, and prospective candidates had to show proof that they
    had acquired the rank of mujtahid (one who can interpret religious
    They would have to undergo oral and written exams unless they
    were given an exemption from the new supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
    Khamenei. The number of selectors was reduced, furthermore, with only
    the highly conservative Guardians Council examining eligibility.
    These new requirements eliminated nearly every leftist cleric. A
    reported 62 of 178 applicants failed, and seven withdrew.
    New standards were added again for the 1998 assembly
    elections. All potential candidates had to demonstrate the "proper
    political inclination." Fewer than half of the 396 applicants were
    accepted by the Guardians Council, but some incumbents were allowed
    to run even though they failed the ijtihad examination, with the
    Guardians Council arguing that Khomeini had previously approved their
    All of these restrictions and the limited number of
    candidates for the Assembly of Experts indicate that these will not
    be the most competitive of races, nor will campaigning for these
    important elections be dramatic. If the traditionalists retain their
    hold on the assembly they will have made a dent in the armor of the
    political machine of Ahmadinejad and his followers. This will
    undermine the illusion of fundamentalist inevitability, and it could
    motivate other political factions to participate in the upcoming
    parliamentary and presidential elections. (Bill Samii)

    vetted candidates for upcoming municipal council elections in Iran
    will be announced in the final days of November, some two weeks
    before the actual voting takes place. Preliminary reports from around
    the country suggest mass disqualifications of reformists in the
    provinces, in contrast with official reports of inclusiveness.
    Behind the scenes, factional disputes and competition are
    preventing the formation of election coalitions, a development that
    will hinder the reformist challengers.
    Heshmatollah Falahat-Pisheh, a parliamentarian and spokesman
    for Iran's Central Committee for Monitoring Council Elections,
    said on November 25 that a final figure on the number of qualified
    candidates is not available yet, the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA)
    reported. He added that 700 candidates who were previously
    disqualified were reinstated.

    Reformers Approved In Tehran...

    Six days earlier, Falahat-Pisheh said, "According to the
    figures we received from some 28 provinces, the average
    disqualification rate in executive committees was 11 percent in
    cities and 5 percent in villages; and supervisory committee reviews
    have reduced these numbers by 50 percent."
    Tehran is considered the bellwether of national politics,
    even though Iran is an enormous country of roughly 70 million people.
    Falahat-Pisheh claimed on November 19 that all the reformists in
    Tehran were approved as candidates.
    According to Ahmad Karimi-Isfahani, a member of the executive
    committee for council elections in Tehran Province, "All the
    inquisitions and qualification assessments for the candidates of
    Tehran have been finalized and it must be mentioned that 1,243 people
    were qualified, 191 disqualified, and seven resigned from running."
    Although reformists may have won approval in Tehran, there
    are reports of widespread disqualifications of them in other parts of
    the country. Referring to Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province, the
    Islamic Labor Party's Abdullah Amiri said all the reformists were
    rejected. Approving reformists in Tehran, he continued, is meant to
    hide the disqualifications elsewhere. Moreover, Amiri said, the
    reformists are unlikely to win in Tehran.

    ...Rejected In Provinces?

    Also referring to the provincial disqualifications, Hussein
    Kashefi, deputy secretary-general of the reformist Islamic Iran
    Participation Front, charged that there is opposition to the holding
    of legitimate elections. "They only wish to have some show
    elections," he added.
    Ayatollah Jalaledin Taheri-Isfahani, a member of the Assembly
    of Experts, said on November 25 that all the prospective reformist
    candidates in Isfahan were rejected.
    In late October and early November the focus was more on
    coalitions and rivalries than it was on individual candidates. With
    the conservatives, there was talk of a competition between the allies
    of President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer
    Qalibaf, who had run against Ahmadinejad in the 2005 presidential
    Qalibaf allegedly annoyed Ahmadinejad, his predecessor as
    Tehran mayor, when he appointed Mohsen Hashemi as head of the Tehran
    subway system. Hashemi is the son of Ayatollah Ali-Akbar
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the former president and Ahmadinejad rival who,
    for the fundamentalists, symbolizes corruption and a retreat on
    Islamist ideology. The president reacted by not allowing Qalibaf to
    attend cabinet meetings and by showing reluctance in releasing funds
    for the subway's budget.

    Linking The Conservatives

    Around this time, there was talk of pro-Ahmadinejad and
    pro-Qalibaf factions, and also of a more traditional conservative
    faction associated with the Islamic Coalition Party. The entities
    carried names such as the Council of Elders, the Council of Trustees,
    Front for Followers of the Line of the Imam and the Leader, and the
    Association of the Loyal Supporters of the Islamic Revolution.
    Despite the different names, their memberships were sometimes
    identical, "Farhang-i Ashti" reported on November 11.
    The Islamic Coalition Party tried to put itself above these
    conflicts and rivalries. Secretary-General Mohammad Nabi Habibi said
    the party wants to serve as a link between the fundamentalist groups.
    By late November, it appeared that the quest for a unified
    list of conservative candidates remained unfulfilled. Hassan
    Ghafurifard, former secretary-general of the Society of the Loyalists
    of the Islamic Revolution, said, "with only three weeks to go to the
    elections, there are still no clear prospects of attaining a single
    list for the [fundamentalists]." He said the Qalibaf and Ahmadinejad
    backers have their own lists.
    Like the conservatives, the reformists are finding it
    difficult to achieve unity. Fatemeh Karrubi of the Islamic
    Association of Women said that her group shares many of the
    reformists' views, but it will have its own list. She added that
    there is no complete reformist list yet, but said one will be
    announced at the end of the week.
    The December 15 elections for municipal councils may seem
    unimportant in terms of national politics. Although called for in the
    constitution, council elections did not take place until 1999. Former
    President Mohammad Khatami and other reformists promoted the councils
    as an important step in the development of civil society institutions
    in Iran, and voter participation in the 1999 elections was

    Disappointed In The Councils

    The councils did not live up to practical expectations,
    however, not least because they do not have any significant
    powers or responsibilities. They deal with
    construction permits, fire departments, garbage collection, parks,
    public transportation, roads, and street cleaning. The central
    government is responsible for everything else, such as education,
    electricity, and the provision of water.
    A recent commentary in a reformist daily -- "Mardom Salari"
    on November 22 -- claimed that an Interior Ministry poll found that
    less than 20 percent of residents of the country's medium and
    large cities are satisfied with the councils. The councils were
    criticized for their failure to consult with experts on urban
    management and, on those rare occasions when they did, only
    individuals who confirmed pre-existing views were chosen. The
    councils' lack of long-term planning was criticized, too.
    There also are accusations of corruption. Friday Prayer
    leader Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati referred to this problem in his
    November 3 sermon in Tehran. Some of the councils, he said, "are
    governed by bribery," state television reported. "If you bribe them
    your business will be sorted out immediately and if you do not give
    in to bribery you will be running [around] for a year [trying] to
    sort out a trivial business," he said. "If you do not want to pay
    bribes you will be left behind doors for four to five years."
    Despite these criticisms of the councils, there is stiff
    competition for a place on them. Reformist parties see victory in the
    council elections as an important step in regaining the elected
    offices lost to fundamentalists in the parliamentary race of 2004 and
    presidential race of 2005. The fundamentalists see the elections as
    an important stage in continuing their winning streak and cementing
    their hold on power. (Bill Samii)

    on November 26 blamed strife on Iran's periphery to the
    country's enemies, Fars News Agency reported. "Enemies of Islam
    intend to exercise the same policy and sow discord between the
    Shi'a and Sunnis in a number of border provinces, such as Sistan
    va Baluchistan, Khuzestan, Kurdistan, etc., in a bid to hinder
    materialization of the goals of the Islamic Revolution and prevent
    our revolution from setting a paradigm for other countries," he said.
    Nasser Bani Assad, spokesman for the British Ahwazi
    Friendship Society, said the same day that Haddad-Adel is
    misrepresenting the situation in southwestern Khuzestan where,
    according to him, 70 percent of the population is Arab and 80 percent
    of the Arabs practice Shi'a Islam, according to the society's
    website. Locals' protests are not, he continued, "against
    Shi'ism but against the regime's anti-Arab racism."
    The province has seen fatal bombings and demonstrations over
    the last 18 months; provincial television has broadcast the heavily
    edited confessions of some bombers, and in March two were executed.
    The UN General Assembly on November 22 voted in favor of a
    resolution that criticized Iran's human rights record and its
    treatment of minorities; the European Parliament had adopted a
    similar resolution on November 16. (Bill Samii)

    airplane being used by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)
    crashed shortly after takeoff from Tehran's Mehrabad Airport on
    November 27, killing 36 people, news agencies reported. There are two
    Eleven people lost their lives when a military aircraft
    crashed in January in northwestern Iran, and in December an Iranian
    C-130 hit a building in Tehran, killing its 94 passengers and more
    than 20 people on the ground.
    Mir-Ali Akbari, deputy commander of the IRGC's Qadr air
    base, told state television the aircraft was flying to Bandar Abbas
    via Shiraz, and the cause of the crash is under investigation. The
    commander of the IRGC, General Yahya Rahim-Safavi, discounted the
    possibility of sabotage and said one engine fell off after takeoff,
    Fars News Agency reported. This caused the plane to lose its balance
    and a wing hit the ground.
    Justice Minister Jamal Karimi-Rad said on November 28 that a
    lawsuit relating to the crash will be filed soon, the Islamic
    Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported. Filing a lawsuit, he explained,
    is necessary for an investigation to take place.
    Mohammad-Kazem Bahrami, head of the armed-forces judicial
    organization, said on November 28 that there will be no ruling on
    whether the crash was the result of criminal activity until a
    technical report is ready, IRNA reported. Bahrami called for patience
    while the matter is being investigated.
    Meanwhile, four members of parliament issued a written notice
    to the minister of defense and armed-forces logistics and to the
    minister of roads and transport on November 28 reminding them that
    they must investigate the previous day's airplane crash, IRNA
    reported. Legislators Mohammad-Reza Mir-Tajedini, Eshrat Shayeq, Reza
    Talai-Nik, and Jalal Yahya-Zadeh also advised Defense Minister
    Mustafa Mohammad Najjar and Transport Minister Mohammad Rahmati that
    they are obliged to keep the public informed about the case.
    Alaedin Borujerdi, the head of the parliamentary National
    Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said on November 28 that his
    committee will investigate the crash thoroughly, IRNA reported. (Bill

    head of a center for Iran's disabled war veterans announced on
    November 26 that Iraq's former Baathist regime used chemical
    weapons against civilians and soldiers some 300 times in the 1980s.
    Two decades later, still suffering the long-term effects of chemical
    agents, many of the 100,000 Iranian survivors of Iraqi gas attacks
    continue to seek justice as they follow the trial of former Iraqi
    leader Saddam Hussein.
    They are described by many as forgotten victims of Saddam
    Hussein. In many cases, they are soldiers who fought in the bloody
    Iran-Iraq war in 1980-88. But many others were noncombatants.
    Iranian authorities have registered more than 50,000 victims
    of chemical weapons requiring special medical care. But it is thought
    that about 1 million Iranians were exposed to mustard or nerve gas
    during the war.
    Hussein Mohammadian, a resident of Sardasht in Iran's
    Kurdistan, is among those victims.

    'A Special Smell'

    Sardasht came under chemical attack months before the March
    1988 attack on the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja, which became a
    symbol of Saddam Hussein's brutality. But Sardasht received scant
    media coverage, and was soon forgotten by many.
    But Mohammadian has vivid memories of that hot afternoon in
    late-June 1987.
    "It was not the first time Sardasht was being attacked, but
    the difference was -- and it became clear later -- that it was a
    chemical attack," he says. "Some of the bombs fell only a few meters
    from me. I thought our house was destroyed and my parents were under
    the rubble. I started running toward the house, when I realized there
    was thick smoke in the air and a special smell."
    Several mustard bombs were dropped on the city, contaminating
    some 4,500 people. More than 100 people died in the first month after
    Mohammadian says neighbors began coughing and suffering from
    blisters. Some vomited, while others could barely open their burning
    Eleven members of his family were seriously contaminated.
    Mohammadian was in such a critical state that he was transferred to a
    hospital in Tehran, and then Madrid, for treatment. He learned of his
    father's death only two months after the attack.

    Lifetime Of Pain

    Mohammadian, now 46, is a senior member of a nongovernmental
    group that tries to help Sardasht's victims of chemical weapons.
    He tells RFE/RL that the city still bears the scars of that attack
    nearly 20 years ago.
    "Many people have problems, including respiratory
    difficulties and weak nerves -- their immune systems have become
    weak," Mohammadian says. "The reality is that [scientists] have not
    yet found a guaranteed cure for these victims."
    Many have died of collapsed lungs over the years, and others
    remain disabled.
    Dr. Shahryar Khateri is a physician who has spent time
    researching the effects of chemical agents on Iranians. He says many
    survivors suffer from psychological symptoms, including depression
    and anxiety.
    Khateri was 14 years old when he joined the war to repel the
    Iraqi invasion, and spent three years on the front lines. There, he
    witnessed several chemical attacks.
    "In one of them, nerve gas was used -- but we had atropine
    cyanide injections and, fortunately, because of that our
    contamination was not very serious," Khateri says. "In another
    mustard-gas attack, we were some distance from where the bombs fell
    and we used masks."

    No Forgetting

    After the war, Khateri finished his medical studies and got
    involved in drawing attention to the plight of victims of chemical
    He says many survivors have developed chronic lung, eye, or
    skin diseases.
    "This is one reason why we believe [chemical weapons] are
    much more destructive than conventional weapons -- because even 20
    years later, those who at the time of the attack were not seriously
    injured are slowly developing health problems," Khateri says.
    Khateri is now the director of international relations at
    Iran's Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS). His
    nonprofit group helps victims and is also active in peace exchanges
    and efforts to eliminate unconventional weapons.
    Khateri tells RFE/RL that Iran's victims of chemical
    weapons feel the world has forgotten about them.
    "There is talk of [Saddam Hussein's] crimes everywhere,
    but there is not a word about the crimes he committed against
    Iranians," Khateri says. "Sardasht is the first city in the world to
    have been attacked with chemical weapons. When it comes to Iran, this
    issue has been affected -- maybe because [Tehran] does not have good
    political relations with some countries."
    Khateri says many victims are glad to see Iraq's former
    leader finally facing justice, but there is also disappointment.
    "I -- and also many other survivors of the war whom I've
    talked to -- are happy that [Saddam Hussein] is facing trial," he
    says. "But we are disappointed that the attack against Iran and the
    use of chemical weapons [against Iranians] have been ignored. I feel
    this trial is not fair."

    Unanswered Question

    In Sardasht, Hussein Mohammadian holds out hope that Saddam
    Hussein -- who has already been sentenced to death for the mass
    killing of Iraqi civilians -- will also face prosecution for the use
    of chemical weapons against Iranians:
    Khateri wants to know as well: "Before his [death] sentence
    is carried out, I would like him to answer a question: Why did he
    order the use of chemical weapons, especially against the defenseless
    people of Sardasht?"
    In the minds of the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iranians
    whose lives have been wracked by pain and suffering since those
    chemical attacks, that question deserves an answer. (Golnaz

    PILGRIMS TO MECCA URGED TO AVOID STRIFE. Speaking to worshippers
    before the November 24 Friday Prayers in Tehran, Hojatoleslam
    Mohammad Mohammadi-Reyshahri discussed the upcoming Hajj, or
    pilgrimage to Mecca, the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA)
    reported. The hajj is obligatory for all Muslims and is one of the
    five pillars of Islam.
    Reyshahri warned that there are efforts to create differences
    between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and he encouraged friendliness.
    Turning to the Iranian-organized "Disavowal of infidels" event which
    takes place every year at the pilgrimage, he said, "The slogans of
    'Death to America' and 'Death to Israel' are the same
    as those used for the disavowal of infidels and rejection of
    polytheism in the world of Islam which are, with the grace of God,
    being realized, and we hope to see the disintegration of America and
    Israel in the near future."
    Reyshahri has been the supreme leader's representative at
    the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization since 1991 and leads the
    pilgrimage delegation. In June 1993, Reyshahri was prevented from
    returning to Medina from Mecca by Saudi authorities after Iranian
    pilgrims held illegal demonstrations. Iran boycotted the pilgrimage
    from 1988-91 because a 1987 Iranian rally resulted in clashes with
    Saudi security forces in which more than 400 people died. (Bill

    Mahmud Ahmadinejad's November 29 open letter to the American
    people has been provided by IRNA and received coverage in Iranian
    newspapers, state television and radio, and on Radio Farda.
    Ahmadinejad discusses Palestine and refers to alleged
    "persistent aggressions by the Zionists" there. "For 60 years, the
    Zionist regime has driven millions of the inhabitants of Palestine
    out of their homes," Ahmadinejad says, complaining that the White
    House has given Israel "blind and blanket support."
    Ahmadinejad then discusses Iraq, advocating a U.S.
    withdrawal, before turning to the U.S. detention facility in
    Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He also notes U.S. expenditures in Iraq and
    refers to the problems faced by victims of Hurricane Katrina, as well
    as poverty and homelessness.
    Ahmadinejad claims that judicial due process in the United
    States is "trampled upon," and he adds, "Private phones are tapped,
    suspects are arbitrarily arrested, sometimes beaten in the streets,
    or even shot to death."
    Ahmadinejad addressed a letter to U.S. President George W.
    Bush in May that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said at the time
    contained "nothing new...that would suggest that we're on any
    different course than we were before we got the letter."
    The more recent epistle received a similar reception from
    Washington. U.S. State Department spokesman Tom Casey responded on
    November 29 to President Ahmadinejad's open letter to the
    American people by suggesting that "there's really not a lot new
    here, and certainly it is something of a public-affairs or
    public-relations effort on the part of the Iranian government,"
    RFE/RL reported.
    Casey dismissed Ahmadinejad's observations on Iraq,
    saying, "If you look at Iranian actions towards Iraq, it's a bit
    hard to take some of these things seriously when Iran continues to
    actively work in a negative way in Iraq, including through its
    support for violence, its support for militias, as we've
    previously discussed."
    An Iranian university lecturer identified only as Dr.
    Moslehzadeh by state radio said on November 30 that global media have
    falsely portrayed Ahmadinejad as a "hard-line and extreme person who
    does not respect international regulations." Moslehzadeh argued that
    the portrayal has only increased the president's popularity.
    In the eastern city of Mashhad, legislator Musa Qorbani said
    on November 30 that Ahmadinejad's letter shows Americans that
    lies are being told about Iran, IRNA reported. "The letter will pave
    the ground for a more objective public opinion on U.S. policies and
    their impact on countries," Qorbani said. (Bill Samii)

    WEAPON IS 2010. Gregory Schulte, the U.S. ambassador to the
    International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told the audience at a
    November 27 event sponsored by the Austrian Institute for
    International Affairs that Iran could build a nuclear bomb by 2010,
    AP reported. "Our assessment...the assessment from our intelligence
    community, is that the soonest they could produce a nuclear weapon
    would be the beginning of next decade, 2010 to 2015," he said.
    The next day, November 28, French Foreign Ministry spokesman
    Jean-Baptiste Mattei said in Paris that France, Germany, and the
    United Kingdom have transmitted a draft UN resolution regarding Iran
    to China, Russia, and the United States, AFP reported. The draft
    reportedly outlines sanctions against Iran for its nuclear
    activities. "The general rationale of the text remains the same, that
    is, to target Iran's nuclear and missile programs as well as the
    institutions running them and the individuals in charge of them,"
    Mattei explained.
    In Vienna on November 28, IAEA director-general Muhammad
    el-Baradei said that Iran needs to go beyond its legal obligations
    and must "take the initiative" to prove that it has a purely civilian
    nuclear program, Reuters reported. El-Baradei said Iran must explain
    why it did not report some nuclear activities for a 20-year period.
    "Much of that goes beyond [its legal nonproliferation commitments],
    so the solution is not going to be found in relying on one legal
    clause or another," Reuters quoted him as saying.
    In Tehran the same day, Hojatoleslam Hassan Rohani, who is
    Supreme Leader Khamenei's representative to the Supreme National
    Security Council and who was the council's secretary for 16
    years, said that referring the Iranian nuclear case to the UN
    Security Council was a mistake, and furthermore, "has no logical or
    legal basis," ISNA reported. Rohani said the IAEA is the proper
    entity to deal with the issue.
    Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Husseini on
    November 29 rejected el-Baradei's calls for Iran to do more to
    clarify the nature of its nuclear program, ISNA reported. Husseini
    said the statements and reports of nuclear inspectors so far have
    been "so transparent" that their "reconstruction" has given the IAEA
    "clear perspectives" on Iran's program, ISNA reported. He said
    Iran "had and has no hidden nuclear activity, and has...said all that
    was necessary regarding its nuclear activities and installations,"
    ISNA reported. (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    IRAQI PRESIDENT VISITS TEHRAN. Jalal Talabani, whose trip to Iran was
    delayed a few days due to the closure of the Baghdad airport, arrived
    in Tehran on November 27, Radio Farda reported. At a press conference
    in the Iranian capital, Talabani said the main topic of his
    discussions will be security and counterterrorism in Iraq. President
    Mahmud Ahmadinejad pledged Iran's assistance in this effort,
    saying that the violence in Iraq upsets all Iranians.
    In a meeting with Singaporean Ambassador to Iran Gopinath
    Pillai on the same day, Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki said
    Iraq's occupiers need other countries' help to extract them
    from the "Iraqi quagmire," IRNA reported. He also criticized Israel
    and advised Arab states to sever their diplomatic ties with it.
    Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei pledged his
    country's assistance in Iraq to Talabani at a meeting on November
    28 that was also attended by President Ahmadinejad, Iranian state
    radio reported. "If the Iraqi government calls for our help, Iran
    will spare no efforts in helping Iraq restore its stability and
    security," Khamenei said.
    He added that U.S. policies, which he described as being
    executed by its intermediaries, are behind insecurity in Iraq.
    Khamenei also dismissed suggestions of a Shi'a-Sunni conflict.
    Khamenei said Washington has bitten off more than it can chew in
    Iraq. The key to resolving insecurity, Khamenei continued, is the
    occupiers' departure.
    Talabani concluded his visit to Tehran on November 29, and
    the two countries issued a joint statement wherein they each pledged
    not to interfere in the other's internal affairs, to abide by
    bilateral agreements made and registered with the UN, and to step up
    cooperation, ISNA reported. The statement stressed the importance of
    Iraqi territorial integrity, and Tehran committed itself to
    supporting the consolidation of "democratic institutions chosen by
    the Iraqi people" and of full popular sovereignty, also stating its
    support for Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's efforts to bring
    about national reconciliation and include diverse Iraqi groups in the
    political process.
    The statement also stated, according to ISNA, that Iraq
    should implement its decision to expel opposition Iranian militants
    of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization, currently based in a camp in
    Iraq; that both sides condemned "the continued criminal and
    destructive acts of terrorist groups in Iraq"; that Iraq should allow
    direct air links with Iran and help with the opening of Iranian
    consulates in Irbil and Al-Sulaymaniyah; and that Iran should, in
    turn, help Iraq open a consulate in Mashhad, while Iranian firms
    should be allowed to participate in construction projects in Iraq.
    (Bill Samii, Vahid Sepehri)

    member of the parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy
    Committee, on November 29 urged Iran to play a more active diplomatic
    and stabilizing regional role, ISNA reported. He said the Foreign
    Ministry and the Supreme National Security Council must be more
    active in helping "create stability and security" in Iraq,
    Afghanistan, Lebanon, and Palestine. Rudaki said President Mahmud
    Ahmadinejad should travel to states like Yemen, Turkey, Afghanistan,
    and Jordan for talks, which "will to lead to more cooperation and
    coordination in creating stability and security in the region," ISNA
    Another legislator, Elham Aminzadeh, told ISNA the same day
    that any international resolution to resolve the crisis in Iraq will
    be "condemned to failure" if it neglects to "take Iran and
    Syria's role into account." He said Iran and Syria would benefit
    from stability in Iraq, so "Iraq's two neighbors are ready to
    provide any assistance to that country."
    Another committee member, Dariush Qanbari, told ISNA that
    visits to Iran by the Syrian and Iraqi presidents are useful to the
    United States and "serve to assure security in Iraq." He said Iran
    could also use them to reduce U.S. pressure on it over its nuclear
    dossier. (Vahid Sepehri)

    RUSSIA DEFENDS ARMS SALES TO IRAN. Russian Defense Minister Sergei
    Lavrov said in a November 27 interview in the German magazine "Der
    Spiegel" that his country's delivery of the Tor-M1 air-defense
    system to Iran is under way, Radio Farda reported. He described this
    as a defensive weapons system that will not adversely affect the
    regional balance of power, Radio Farda reported. Lavrov added,
    according to Radio Farda, that he is certain Iran does not want to
    build a nuclear weapon. Russia is building the nuclear power plant in
    Bushehr, and Lavrov said this facility cannot be used for a weapons
    program. Lavrov explained that Russia is providing the enriched
    uranium for use there, and the depleted fuel will be returned to
    Russia. Lavrov also advised against the imposition of stringent
    sanctions by the UN Security Council, warning that this could push
    Iran to leave the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. (Bill Samii)

    soccer federation lodged on November 25 an official complaint against
    Federation International de Football Association (FIFA) after it
    suspended Iranian participation in international competition, Fars
    News Agency reported. The Iranian federation attributed FIFA's
    action to international politics. FIFA issued its ruling on November
    22 due to what it called government interference in running the
    sport, Reuters reported. FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation
    had given Iran a November 15 deadline for reinstating the elected
    president of the country's soccer federation, Mohammad Dadkan,
    who along with his board was forced out by the government. (Bill

    WEIGHTLIFTERS MAY RESUME COMPETING. International Weightlifting
    Federation (IWF) President Tamas Ajan said on November 27 that Iran
    has agreed to pay a $400,000 fine incurred for its athletes'
    abuse of performance-enhancing drugs, dpa reported (see "RFE/RL Iran
    Report," October 9, 2006). Ajan said Iran will pay $100,000 up front
    and the rest in installments. The Iranian squad was not allowed to
    participate in the September world championships, when nine of 11
    athletes tested positive, and the IWF statement means Iran can
    participate in the Asian Games in Doha, which begin on December 1.
    (Bill Samii)

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    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

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