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Armenia Wants To Have A Resident-Ambassador

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  • Armenia Wants To Have A Resident-Ambassador


    [03:58 pm] 05 December, 2006

    On December 5 RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan received Per Eklund,
    newly appointed head of the European Commission's mission in Armenia
    and Georgia.

    The RA prime minister congratulated Mr. Eklund on the new post
    and voiced hope that they will continue the constructive and
    close cooperation started during the office of Torben Holtze,
    former head of the European Commission's mission. In his words,
    the EU-Armenia Action Plan, confirmed within the framework of the
    European Neighbourhood, opens new prospects for the enhancement and
    expansion of the above-mentioned cooperation.

    Andranik Margaryan expressed Armenia's readiness to exert all the
    possible measures to implement the Action Plan efficiently and
    underlined the great share of the EC mission.

    The RA prime minister claims that the activity of the mission is
    highly appreciated in Armenia. Mr. Margaryan also noted that taking
    into account the quantity of the issues put into Armenian-EU agenda,
    it would be wiser to have European Commission's resident-ambassador
    in Armenia.

    During the meeting the two parties also referred to 400 million euros
    assistance rendered by Euro-Commission within the realm of TASIS
    program. The head of the RA government thanked the commission on this
    score and said that the on-going assistance to Armenia contributes
    to the economic, political progress of the country, as well as the
    integration procedure.

    Besides, it enhances the EU-Armenia commercial ties.

    EU is Armenia's commercial partner and the investments of the EU in
    our country are rather significant.

    The head of Euro-Commission mission assured the RA prime minister that
    the relations between the two countries will still thrive and they will
    be based on mutual understanding and fruitful cooperation. He thanked
    Andranik Margaryan for Armenia's readiness to cooperate further on.

    At the end of the meeting Andranik Margaryan wished Per Eklund success
    in his new office.