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Arrested Words: PEN Association Celebrates Imprisoned Writers

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  • Arrested Words: PEN Association Celebrates Imprisoned Writers

    By Jacquelyn Salam

    Asharq Alawsat, UK
    Dec 5 2006

    Toronto, Asharq Al Awsat - Where do the poems and stories that
    exist in the minds of imprisoned writers go when they are deprived
    of reading and writing tools and are delivered into the hands of the
    executioner and subjected to barbaric modern torture devices? Is the
    suffering experienced by all prisoners and the stories and poems that
    spring from it universally alike in the same way that the agendas
    and practices of dictatorship governments are similar?

    Perhaps if we were to leaf through the memoirs of any prisoner, both
    men and women, on the occasion of the Day of the Imprisoned Writers
    as designated by PEN to be the 15th November, where the Writers in
    Prison Committee of International PEN marked the 26th Writers in
    Prison Day with a campaign that centers around defending over 100
    writers and journalists worldwide who are imprisoned or facing charges
    for alleged libel. The occasion was celebrated in the 144 different
    branches of the PEN association located in 101 different countries.

    Nigerian Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka was present and read excerpts
    from his work. He said during an interview that in 1988, years after
    his release from prison, that, "I was in solitary confinement for 22
    months for a total period of more than two years. I understood the fact
    that it was an attempt to break my mind. Books and all means of writing
    were held from me, I persisted in trying to find human interaction."

    The Syrian poet, Faraj Bayrakdar, who is the winner of the
    Hellman-Hammett Award in 1998 and the American PEN Freedom-to-Write
    Award in 1999, said in an interview with the Oman-based 'Nazwa'
    magazine, that "it hadn't been long since my imprisonment that
    I began to discover poetry as a flash of light in the darkness,
    and justice in the face of tyranny, and love in the face of hate. I
    started writing in memory, as there were no pens or paper. Years later,
    they moved us to Sydnaya prison where I was able to reveal the poetry
    in my memories and the memories of my friends to transcribe it onto
    paper...later, I learned from my late friend, Jameel Hatmal, that he,
    in collaboration with others managed to get hold of the first few
    and they published them."

    Other writers recognized included, Hrant Dink, the Turkish editor of
    an Armenian-language newspaper who is still pending trial; Wesenseged
    Gebrekidan, the imprisoned Ethiopian journalist; Lydia Cacho, the
    Mexican writer who is still on trial for defamation; Yang Xiaoqing,
    the internet journalist from China who is sentenced to one year in
    prison, and the two Egyptians, editor and journalist respectively,
    Ibrahim Issa and Sahar Zaki who are both sentenced to a year for
    'insulting' the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.

    Yet despite all forms of repression, we still hear and read about how
    prisoners can 'reinvent' ink and paper and still manage to transcribe
    their words, set them free and release them into the world. David
    Cozac, the Canadian PEN representative who is also the head and
    coordinator of the Writers in Exile Network in Canada, gave a speech
    in which he highlighted the role and goals of the Canadian branch
    of PEN and its role in organizing continuous campaigns that can help
    liberate the words and opinions of imprisoned writers everywhere.

    In the tradition of the PEN Association, there was a vacant seat in
    the hall in honor and memory of an absent imprisoned writer. This
    particular seat was dedicated to Chinese writer U Win Tin, from
    Myanmar, who is 76-years-old and has already spent one-fifth of his
    life in prison for his peaceful opposition to the ruling military
    authorities, and his contributions to the defense of human rights and
    freedom of expression. First arrested in July 1989, he is not granted
    any rights in prison and does not receive proper medical attention or
    visitation rights, which is why the Canadian PEN Association issued
    a petition demanding his immediate release.

    Additionally, women writers from around the world read passages from
    their writings, books and autobiographies in what was a reflection
    of their personal experiences in Canada and in their native countries.

    Jacquelyn Salam read pages from her book 'Autumn Shedding Berry Leaves'
    and a text that includes a dialogue with an ex-prisoner.

    The Day of the Imprisoned Writer also took the opportunity to
    commemorate writers and journalists who were killed in the past year,
    including the late Russian journalist, Anna Politkovskaya whose
    death caused PEN centers worldwide to protest, hold vigils and send
    appeals to the Russian authorities demanding a proper investigation,
    also sending condolences to her family and colleagues. In total, 37
    writers had been killed since November 15 of last year, with Iraq,
    Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Russia ranking the highest
    among the most dangerous countries.