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Microsoft Technologies Optimize IT-Sector Of Armenia

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  • Microsoft Technologies Optimize IT-Sector Of Armenia


    Lilit Aslanyan, ArmInfo, December 5.12.06.

    Official opening of the Office of Armenian representation of the
    world-known MICROSOFT Corporation was held in May, 2006. Though
    not so much time has passed ever since, however, the Corporation has
    definitely succeeded in Armenia within this half a year. In particular,
    it has completed the works for localization of Windows XP, carried
    out by Bi Line Company, enlarged the circle of partners, enabled the
    country's IHE to enrich the information bases, developed a number of
    programs. ArmInfo correspondent asked its Chief, Grigor Barseghyan,
    to give particulars of activity of the Armenian Office.

    It is known that the educational programs are one of the priority areas
    of the Microsoft activity in Armenia. What are works the Corporation
    had already carried out in this area?

    Within the last 10 years, the Microsoft Corporation has been working
    with the educational community, explaining the important role of IT in
    education and assisting in getting an access to IT and the knowledge
    for their use. The corporation demonstrates a readiness to cooperate
    with the Governments, the state and non-state organizations, the
    learners and teachers as to provide conditions for the use of huge
    opportunities, laid in IT.

    We also invite all the specialized chairs and faculties of the
    Armenian IHE to subscribe to the MSDN Academic Alliance Program,
    which is a part of the Microsoft initiative in education. Two IHE
    in Armenia, the American University of Armenia and the Mehrabyan's
    Medical University, already use this program.

    The advantage of this Program is that it gives an access to the
    teachers and students to the modern development software, to servers
    and platforms of the Microsoft Corporation. One of the peculiarities
    of the Program is that it enables the teachers and students to install
    the licensed products of Microsoft in their PCs as well, with the
    aim of study and use for scientific researches and developments. The
    Microsoft Academic Open License, an efficient and flexible program,
    is also accessible in Armenia today. It enables to get permanent
    licenses for Microsoft software at prices lower than those for the
    commercial software. The state and private Institutions of Higher
    Education, the secondary and specialized secondary educational
    institutions, the refresher courses and the institutes of advanced
    training, the training centers, which have licenses for educational
    activities, the administrative education management agencies, the state
    scientific-research institutions, the hospitals and teaching hospitals,
    the public libraries, the museums and charitable organizations can
    make use of its advantages.

    At present, we prepare proposals to the RA Government for cooperation
    in education for the purpose of implementing more scaled joint

    What about the partner environment of Microsoft?

    More progress is observed in this sphere. Thus, if the Corporation,
    at the first stage of its activity, had only one certified partner
    in Armenia in the person of one of the biggest Internet-providers
    of Armenia, Arminco, the number of our partners now is much
    greater. Dom-Daniel, Unicomp, LANS, X-Art, MTD-Group, Smart Systems,
    Armenian Software Companies now cooperate with Microsoft. The Bi Line
    Company comes out as an official distributor of the Corporation in
    Armenia. The support of partners is carried out by special partner
    programs, trainings, seminars and conferences.

    We have recently signed a contract on a three-year cooperation with
    the Armenian cell operator, the VivaCell Company, negotiations with
    several other big Armenian companies are underway. We bring all our
    technologies, software products, complex solutions to our clients
    through the partners.

    The first IT-month in Armenia with participation of Microsoft has been
    recently summed up. In your opinion, what has this project given to
    the country's IT-sphere and how much important it is to Armenia?

    In fact, we have participated in this project, its seminars,
    conferences, presentations. The Vice President of the Corporation in
    the Central and Eastern Europe, Mr. Vahe Torossyan, also took part in
    the event. The Microsoft displayed a special activity in the Digitec
    exhibition, in the framework of which the Corporation has presented
    its own stand. As for the role of IT-month in Armenia, it has been
    held with a great success, however, besides serious achievements,
    it enabled to reveal some deficiencies of the sphere and to outline
    the ways of its improvement. In my opinion, we have not to confine
    ourselves to only one month per year. The events, devoted to IT,
    should have a continuous character, since one can achieve more
    noticeable results only in case of persistent laborious work. Both
    the authorities, businessmen and a wide public in whole are to be
    involved in this process.

    Weather the IT influence on the country's economic development will
    become more noticeable in this case?

    Unambiguously, but first of all, due to the own resources available,
    rational investments and very literate policy of authorities
    and business representatives, based on a successful international
    experience. The IT industry enables the country' s economy to use all
    the existing resources more efficiently by vast productivity increase
    that is more than urgent for Armenia. The purpose of the Microsoft
    initiative is for the Corporation technologies and its partners'
    solutions to enable, first of all, the citizens to receive different
    services, have an access to the information by Internet, to learn
    during the whole life and participate in a state administration and,
    secondly, the private companies to increase the productivity and
    competitiveness of enterprises, have an access to the state Internet
    services, more efficiently cooperate with partners and consumers for
    their business development. Third, the purpose of Microsoft is for
    the technologies of the Corporation and the solutions of its partners
    to enable the state bodies and elective persons to increase their
    efficiency, rebuild the relations with the population and involve
    all the citizens in political and other discussions, having attracted
    their attention to strategic directions.

    However, the strict observance of the intellectual property rights is
    the necessary condition for IT development in the country. Otherwise,
    we'll not be able to stop the "brain drain" and create a favorable
    investment climate for the foreign big IT Corporations.

    It is known that the Bi Line Company localizes the Windows XP in the
    Armenian language, by the Microsoft order. What is the next step of
    the Corporation in Armenia?

    Yes, during the Corporation financing, the Bi Line had already
    completed the translation of the operating system Windows XP to be
    shortly submitted to the consumers' judgment. In my opinion, this is
    a very important project since it enables the wide sections of the
    population, especially in the distant and border regions of Armenia,
    to join to IT achievements. The Bi Line Company has also started to
    localize the most modern operating system, Microsoft Windows Vista,
    and we intend to offer it to the Armenian users in the second half,
    2007. Taking the opportunity, I invite all the persons interested to
    take part in the project and make their contribution, having visited
    a specially created website:

    The issue of the Armenian version of Microsoft Office 2007 is also
    not far off.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress