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ATP Makes Pledge to UNEP Billion Tree Campaign

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  • ATP Makes Pledge to UNEP Billion Tree Campaign

    Armenia Tree Project
    65 Main Street
    Watertown, MA 02472 USA
    Tel: (617) 926-TREE (8733)
    Email: [email protected]

    Press Release
    December 5, 2006

    Armenia Tree Project Pledge Contributes to UNEP Billion Tree Campaign

    YEREVAN, Armenia and WATERTOWN, Massachusetts--Armenia Tree Project (ATP)
    has joined the worldwide tree planting campaign launched by the United
    Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

    As part of the ~SPlant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign~T
    [], ATP pledged to plant at least 500,000
    trees in 2007. This will be part of Armenia~Rs contribution to the UNEP goal
    to plant at least one billion trees worldwide during 2007.

    ATP was founded in 1994 in to further Armenia~Rs economic and social
    development by assisting the Armenian people to use trees to improve their
    environment and standard of living. Guided by the need to promote
    self-sufficiency, aid those with the fewest resources, and conserve the
    indigenous ecosystem, ATP mobilizes resources to fund reforestation and the
    preservation of remaining ecosystems.

    Through interrelated programs including urban and rural tree planting,
    environmental education, and advocacy, ATP stands at the forefront of
    addressing Armenia~Rs environmental challenges.

    Over the past 12 years, ATP~Rs Community Tree Planting program has
    facilitated the planting and restoration of more than 800,000 trees at over
    600 sites in Armenia. Fifty thousand trees are grown each year to supply
    this program at nurseries located in the refugee villages of Karin and

    At these two nurseries, ATP conducts research on tree propagation
    techniques, produces 53 varieties of indigenous tree species, and provides
    environmental education programs for students, professionals, and visitors.
    In addition to improving the environmental landscape, the program creates
    jobs and a living wage for hundreds of people in a country where half the
    population lives below the poverty line.

    Beginning in 2003, ATP began a micro-enterprise reforestation program in the
    rural refugee village of Aygut. The Backyard Nursery Program was designed to
    simultaneously regenerate the local forests and reduce poverty by providing
    jobs. The program has expanded from a pilot program of 17 families to over
    300 families, who produced nearly 300,000 trees this year. And, ATP
    established the Mirak Family Reforestation Nursery in Margahovit village in
    2005, which will have the capacity to produce over one million trees each

    ~SArmenia Tree Project is honored to be a part of the UNEP Billion Tree
    Campaign,~T stated Executive Director Jeff Masarjian. ~SAs we begin organizing
    our 2007 programs, we are expecting to plant 60,000 fruit and decorative
    trees from our Karin and Khachpar nurseries, 230,000 tree seedlings from our
    backyard nursery program, and 210,000 pine and other reforestation seedlings
    from our nursery in Margahovit.~T

    ~SWe were inspired by the UNEP Billion Tree Campaign announcement by Nobel
    laureate Wangari Maathai at the UN meeting on climate change in Nairobi last
    month, and we were the first organization to join the campaign with a pledge
    from the Republic of Armenia,~T added Masarjian. ~SWe are proud to join this
    international effort to plant trees to fight climate change, which is
    worsened by rampant deforestation around the world.~T

    About Armenia Tree Project

    Armenia Tree Project (ATP), a grassroots-supported non-profit organization
    based in Watertown and Yerevan, conducts vitally important environmental
    projects in Armenia's impoverished and deforested zones and seeks support in
    advancing its reforestation mission.

    Since 1994, ATP has made enormous strides in combating desertification in
    the biologically diverse but threatened Caucasus region. Nearly 1.5 million
    trees have been planted and restored, and hundreds of jobs have been created
    for Armenians in seasonal tree-regeneration programs. For more information,

    Photo caption:

    (Karapetyan Family.jpg) The Karapetyan Family with their thriving backyard
    micro-enterprise nursery in the village of Aygut; this is one of the
    hundreds of families that Armenia Tree Project (ATP) has employed in the
    Getik River Valley through its Backyard Nursery Program

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress