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Political Forces Are Not Interested In The Problem Of Karabakh

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  • Political Forces Are Not Interested In The Problem Of Karabakh


    Lragir, Armenia
    Dec 5 2006

    The proposals offered at the table of negotiations over the Karabakh
    conflict are acceptable for the Christian Democratic Party, stated
    the leader of the CDP Khosrov Harutiunyan on December 5 at the Pastark
    Club. "First of all, the resolution, namely territories in return for
    security and referendum on status, I think, is highly favorable from
    the point of view of negotiations," says Khosrov Harutiunyan. "At
    any rate, I believe that the settlement should not be sought in
    independence or as part of Azerbaijan, but somewhere in between. This
    middle should be reached through a mechanism, and this mechanism is
    the referendum," says the leader of the Christian Democratic Party,
    mentioning that Karabakh cannot be subject to Azerbaijan.

    He says from the point of view of agreement on settlement of the
    conflict it is a good opportunity because the interests of the powers
    co-chairing the Minsk Group necessitate the settlement. "I think
    in 2006 the co-chairs are trying to achieve a critical amount of
    arrangements which would give rise to certain developments in 2007,
    independent from the political developments in 2007," says Khosrov

    According to him, the conflict sides, the negotiating leaders perceive
    the necessity of the settlement, whereas from the point of view
    of political elites and civic consciousness the situation hinders
    rather than favors. Khosrov Harutiunyan points to the absence of an
    atmosphere of confidence and a favorable public opinion.

    Meanwhile, his political prudence and experience prompt that the
    status quo cannot give us lasting guarantees of what we want to have.

    The international community is imposing a resolution and rejecting
    it means war, with the international community, not with Azerbaijan,
    says the leader of the Christian Democratic Party.

    The Karabakh society has the opposite opinion, who gained the
    liberated areas at immense costs, which have been turned into "tools
    of compromise". The majority of the Karabakh people who fought for the
    territories at the front line do not accept the return of territories
    independent from what they may get in return. It becomes clear that
    Khosrov Harutiunyan, who is speaking about compromise, knows this
    and even has his own proposal on resolution.

    "The people of Karabakh do not consider these territories as
    a means of implementing their vital interests, supporting their
    life. They consider them as a guarantee of their security. I think,
    if we offer them realistic guarantees of security, secure future,
    the perception of the problem will change," says the leader of the
    Christian Democratic Party.

    However, if Khosrov Harutiunyan were acquainted with the reality in
    Karabakh, he would not speak so confidently on their behalf, and say,
    "the people of Karabakh do not consider these territories as means
    of implementing their vital interests, supporting their life." He
    would know that most people in Karabakh live on the wheat they grow
    in these territories.

    Nevertheless, what guarantees should be offered to Karabakh if the
    real guarantee of security, the territories with their favorable
    strategic position, is taken away from them? After all, the recent
    example of Lebanon showed that the international legal guarantees
    are not worth anything and can be neglected at any time. And now it
    became clear that Khosrov Harutiunyan did not mean legal or only
    legal guarantees. "I understand your question. You demand that I
    speak about definite steps, mechanisms, which I would not like to
    voice even if I knew. I would like to speak about the principles.

    When I say guarantees, I don't mean only legal ones. I don't mean
    let's write it on paper because it is very easy to neglect what
    is written on paper, and often it is more difficult to neglect
    what is not written. Consequently, I mean not only what is written
    but practical efforts, such as, for instance, peacekeeping force,
    and the structure of this peacekeeping force should be decided
    by the conflict sides. For instance, I believe that the forces
    of the co-chair countries and first of all the Russian force will
    be included," says Khosrov Harutiunyan, adding that we must think
    about this system of guarantees, which "if do not appear reliable,
    we should, nevertheless, reach their establishment, including legal,
    military, geopolitical and international."

    The leader of the Christian Democratic Union also proposes thinking
    about a common approach to conduct a policy accordingly. "Therefore,
    the problem should be put clearly. Which is the goal we can never give
    up? You should agree that no pro-Armenian resolutions have been offered
    so far, everyone has their perception of what is pro-Armenian, but let
    us discuss to reach a public consensus, and then offer the leaderships
    conducting the talks to reach settlement through negotiations,"
    says Khosrov Harutiunyan.

    However, it is not realistic that the "problem will be set clearly",
    at least in the near future, because Khosrov Harutiunyan believes
    that the problem of Karabakh will not be a burning topic in the
    parliamentary election in 2007 because it does not interest the
    political forces unlike the year 2003.