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Suggests New Tasks For Organization For Security And Cooperation In

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  • Suggests New Tasks For Organization For Security And Cooperation In


    NewsBlaze, CA
    Dec 6 2006

    A senior U.S. diplomat has urged the Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to play a larger role in ending "frozen"
    regional conflicts, but also warned the 56-nation group that some
    members seek to undermine their shared commitment to democratic values.

    "The path to reform of the OSCE lies through action on the real
    challenges of our time," R. Nicholas Burns, under secretary of state
    for political affairs, said December 4 in Brussels, Belgium.

    Addressing the organization's 14th annual ministerial council, Burns
    said the United States believes the OSCE has the ability to find
    lasting settlements to the so-called frozen conflicts in southeast
    Europe, where many ethnic minorities fought for independent enclaves
    during and after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

    Burns visited Brussels as part of a three-nation trip. He traveled
    next to Paris for talks on the Iran nuclear issue, and was scheduled
    then to travel to India. (See related article.)

    The OSCE is the world's largest regional security organization, with
    56 participating states from Europe, Central Asia and North America.

    It is active in early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management
    and post-conflict rehabilitation. The OSCE's Office for Democratic
    Institutions and Human Rights observes elections and monitors human

    Since its Cold War-era founding, the OSCE has played a significant
    role in helping to "rebuild communities based on a model of tolerance
    and respect for others," Burns said.

    "Unfortunately, recent years have seen efforts to degrade these
    principles by some signatories," Burns warned. "The very commitments
    that are the bedrock of our shared values are increasingly brought
    into question."

    Burns said there are "too many examples of backsliding by some OSCE
    states," particularly Belarus. Examples include using administrative
    rules to keep candidates off ballots; denying access to public media
    for opposition parties; restricting freedom of assembly and detaining
    human-rights defenders; harassing nongovernmental organizations;
    intimidating and attacking journalists; and using criminal court
    systems to silence critics and limit freedom of expression.

    "We should emerge from this ministerial [council] rededicated to
    enlisting OSCE to affect positive change," Burns said.

    The United States over the past year has offered numerous ideas aimed
    at reinvigorating the OSCE's core missions, he said.

    In Georgia, the OSCE should expand its activities in South Ossetia
    and press authorities in that breakaway region to take demilitarizing
    steps matching those taken by the government of Georgia. OSCE should
    increase the number of monitors with access to the entire region,
    including the Roki Tunnel, currently controlled by South Ossetian
    separatists and a Russian peacekeeping force. Burns invited Russia to
    "play a major role in the search for confidence and peaceful resolution
    of these frozen conflicts. (See related article.)

    On Nagorno-Karabakh, Burns thanked Russia and France - co-chairs
    of the Minsk Group - for working with the leaders of Azerbaijan
    and Armenia to develop "a reasoned approach which promises to lead
    to a negotiated settlement." Burns urged OSCE to call on leaders
    to implement a peaceful settlement based on those discussions and
    agreements. (See related article.)

    In Moldova, the United States has called for an immediate resumption of
    talks on the region of Transnistria. The OSCE should support Moldova's
    unilateral disarmament steps and demand similar reductions from the
    Transnistrian side, he said. The United States continues to call for
    a resumption of Russian military withdrawal. (See related article.)

    The United States also has proposed strengthening the OSCE's Personal
    Representatives on Tolerance, and has called for an OSCE conference
    on anti-Semitism in 2007.

    The United States and other OSCE members have pushed for OSCE
    involvement in fighting the sexual exploitation of children.

    Russia and the United States have proposed that the OSCE embrace a
    concept for fighting terrorism through public-private partnership.

    (See related article.)

    The OSCE mission in Kosovo should be given a clear mandate to continue
    to support the transformation of Kosovo, Burns said. He added that
    OSCE should contribute wherever possible in the implementation of
    a future-status settlement for Kosovo, expected to be proposed by
    the United Nations following Serbian elections in January 2007. (See
    related article.)

    The full text of Burns' remarks is available on the U.S. Mission to
    the OSCE Web site.

    Source: U.S. Department of State op.nb/newsblaze/TOPSTORY/Top-Stories.html