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Pleasure With "Vympelcom"

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  • Pleasure With "Vympelcom"


    [06:22 pm] 06 December, 2006

    It is not known whether the brand of "ArmenTel" will be changed or
    will remain the same. "Vympelcom" which has bought 90% of the shares of
    "ArmenTel" does not have the answer to that question yet. The reason,
    according to the representatives of "Vympelcom", is the respect for
    "ArmenTel": the issue is still being discussed.

    Until then, the subscribers of "ArmenTel" must be ready to "enjoy
    the connection and feel free in time and space" together with
    "Vympelcom". This is the mission of "Vympelcom" in Armenia which
    will be fulfilled under the direction of Oleg Bliznyuk who has been
    appointed director of "ArmenTel" replacing Vasilis Fetsis from Greece
    who occupied the position since 2004.

    "Vympelcom" realizes that they have bought a large company which
    "is an important step in the development of your own business in
    the CIS countries". By the way, this bargain is the first attempt
    of the Russian company in the telecommunication field. Nevertheless,
    the director promises that the quality of the connection will improve
    considerably. "Vympelcom" intends to become the leader in the Armenian
    market and to provide the subscribers with high-quality service.

    The representatives of the company did not inform how much money they
    are going to invest in order to achieve their aims. They also refused
    to say how the investments will affect the pockets of the subscribers.

    Oleg Bliznyuk also claimed that their company is not afraid of
    competition and stated that they are ready to renounce the monopoly
    in the internet field. As for the fate of the 10% of the shares which
    belongs to the RA Government, it is not yet clear. Let us remind
    you that the Minister of Transport and Communication, who has been
    entrusted with the shares, said the RA Government is ready to sell
    that part if the new owner of the company renounces the monopoly.