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ANKARA: Whose Accession To Whom: Turkey To EU? Or Vice Versa

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  • ANKARA: Whose Accession To Whom: Turkey To EU? Or Vice Versa

    by Professor, Dr. Ali Al-Hail

    Zaman Online, Turkey
    Dec 7 2006

    Virtually, since the second decade of past century, Turkey has, more
    or less been a strategic partner to the 'Christian' West and Europe
    in particular.

    Later in the century, Turkey had reinforced this partnership by
    joining the U.S.-led-NATO without 'fabricated' difficulties, as
    the case with the EU nowadays. Apparently, the role of Turkey as a
    military power was then, and now alike is much needed by the U.S. and
    the EU-led-'Christian World'.

    Although secular Turkey (officially, at least) that, emerged out of
    the Ottoman Empire's ashes 9 decades ago politically, distanced itself
    from Islam and Muslims to an extent, the EU-led-'Christian World'
    had not seemed to become satisfied by Turkey's sacrifices in favor
    to the 'Christian World', most notably, Europe, and the U.S.A.

    When the European Union (EU) began to expand three years ago, bringing
    in more countries in Europe, other than the traditional founding state
    members mainly, France , Germany , and Britain Turkey had felt that,
    it was left alone. The EU, for long alleged that, Turkey had not yet,
    done enough to meet its "required criteria", a phrase that, one quite
    often, could elicit automatically, whenever there is a talk about
    Turkey's accession to the EU, despite all Turkey's striving efforts
    to please the EU.

    Having stated that however, "required criteria" hasn't necessarily,
    been always the norm by the EU. Some of the new member states
    were accepted in the EU albeit, didn't meet most of the "required
    criteria". The reality that, they are Christian majority countries
    was good enough to help them meet the EU's "required criteria"
    to become members. This 'Christian' factor is perceivably, the
    real bottom line, despite the EU's continual denial, concealing,
    and confusion. all the EU member states are, as a matter of fact
    Christian majority countries. Only, Turkey a member state 'hopefully'
    to be with Christian and Jewish minority but with Muslim majority.

    Though, Turkey 3 years ago had a date which is 2010, to start (not
    joining the EU), but to talk about whether possible or otherwise for
    Turkey to become a member in the EU, an obstacle after another the
    EU, or certain member states in the EU began to throw in the face of
    Turkey. One could Presumes, as do many that, the aim has consistently,
    been to influence negatively, the 2010 Turkey 's negotiating accession
    to the EU.

    In the very beginning, there was too much waffles about the record of
    human rights in Turkey . Months later, the EU seemed to be content
    with the efforts Turkey had to put to correct the 'alleged' human
    rights record. Second, was the claim that, Turkey wasn't respecting
    the religious freedoms, and values of minority Christians and Jews.

    In the same way as was in the latter scenario, the EU changed its
    views, and had declared that, Turkey was no longer, restricting
    religious liberties. Third; came the minority socialists at the lower
    house in the French Assembly National proposal, criminalizing any
    one denying the Armenian genocide by Ottoman Turkey during 1915 . In
    a Machiavellian blatant manner, the minority socialists while all of
    a sudden, had focused on the 'alleged' Turkish role in the Armenian
    genocide ignored the Algerian genocides since 1830-1962, especially,
    the Setif 1945 Algerian genocide. Recently, the international tribunal
    for Rwanda started 3 months ago questioning the French role in
    Tutsis genocide that had once again neglected by the French Assembly
    National. Fourth; aroused the controversial headscarf 'the Hijab'
    in Turkish schools, and work force. Fifth; came the Vatican's Pope
    announcement while in a historic visit to a Muslim majority turkey
    lately, that Turkey should be joining the EU, providing hailing
    Christian and Jewish minorities, though Turkey is popular with
    embracing religious minorities, far more than many member states in
    the EU perform in this regard. And above all, of course the old-new
    story, or the mother of all Turkey 's stories with the EU i.e., the
    'Christian' Southern CYPRUS .

    Recently, a partial freeze has, unjustifiably, been imposed by the EU
    on Turkey 's membership talks with the European Union for and because
    of the 'Christian' CYPRUS . Whilst the manifested agenda is to punish
    Turkey , or to humiliate it for not opening its ports to Cypriot
    goods, the hidden or at least the undeclared agenda is presumably,
    to throw yet another obstacle in the face of Turkey . If the former
    is accurate, this means that, the EU wants Cyprus to benefit from
    well facilitated Turkish ports, while Turkey future as a potential
    EU member state to be hangs lousy in the air.

    These EU's tales with Turkey reminds one of, as they do to many of that
    'person' who desperately, was looking for a flaw in a rosy flower. As
    she he had failed to find anything wrong in the rosy flower, she
    he said addressing the rosy flower: your cheeks are rosy!

    Hence; many in the Arab and Muslim Worlds, and within Turkey
    itself do argue, why should Turkey behaves, as it is dying for an
    EU membership. Aren't the EU, and the U.S.A. are in a greater need
    for Turkey ? There were historical precedents, and many geopolitical
    factors at present seem to consolidate this predisposition. As early,
    as WWII the West, Western Europe, and the U.S.A. constantly, needed
    Turkey for military help outs. To cite one example, the role of
    Turkey in providing the allies with logistic support in the Turkish
    peninsula of Gallipoli from April 1915 to January 1916 during the
    First World War that came to be known as the battle of Gallipoli,
    in which the allies successful landing gave them a landslide victory
    over Germany. Moreover, in 1991 had turkey not authorized American
    bombers to use its basis to hit Iraq , the U.S.-led anti Saddam's
    regime campaign would have not completely, succeeded.

    Now after 9 decades from Gallipoli, and 15 years since the second Gulf
    War the U.S.A. and the EU are believed to be in need for Turkey even
    far more than any point in history. Turkey does hold, despite Turkish
    conceived laxity many cards in the Middle east . For instance, had
    Turkey utilized its cards professionally, would have been of fatal
    consequences on both the U.S.A. and the EU all-out interests. For
    example, Turkey predominantly, was for long being influential in
    Northern oil -rich Iraq . Should Turkey wishes, it can hurt Western
    interests in this part of volatile Middle East . Turkey has an
    influence that can be profounder than it is now in Palestine .

    Turkey can should it wishes so, breaches the US-EU boycott against
    the free Hamas elected government, and could cause a potential threat
    to the U.S-EU interest in the entire region. Additionally, Turkey
    is the last leader of one united Muslim nation under the banner of
    the Ottoman empire . Had Turkey wished to renew its strategic ties
    with its Arab, and Muslim brotherly, countries would have hurt the
    U.S-EU right in the very core of their plans in the region. Turkey
    can take a hard stance against Israel , since nearly, 75% of Turks
    are according to Turkish sources not pleased with Israeli brutal
    actions against the Palestinians. As such, since Iran and Syria,
    Turkey neighboring states, both the opponents of the U.S.-EU greater
    Middle east project, Turkey can (if the EU further humiliates it, by
    inventing excuse after another to delay Turkey's accession to the EU)
    join the Iran-Syria geopolitical belt that would certainly, jeopardize
    the already fragile presence of the U.S. and EU in the Middle East.

    To conclude, Turkey should not stay aloof while the EU persistently,
    fabricates excuses on a regular basis to block Turkey 's chances to
    join the EU. Apparently, the EU attempts to punish Turkey for its
    historical role, as the center of the Islamic Ottoman Empire.. Turkey
    ought to (if not must) wave with the many cards it has in its hands,
    and make the EU understand that they, the EU needs Turkey as much as
    Turkey probably, needs them.