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Armenia Commemorates Earthquake Anniversary

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  • Armenia Commemorates Earthquake Anniversary


    ITAR-TASS, Russia
    Dec 7 2006

    YEREVAN, December 7 (Itar-Tass) - Armenia is commemorating the
    victims of a disastrous earthquake that hit and destroyed its northern
    provinces back in 1988.

    Powerful underground tremors wiped out the towns of Spitak, Leninakan,
    Stepanavan, Kirovakan and dozens of villages and settlements from
    the face of the earth on December 7 eighteen years ago. Hundreds of
    people were wounded and crippled, thousands became homeless.

    The entire Soviet Union and the whole world rushed to Armenia's
    rescue. Building equipment and construction workers from all Soviet
    republics and foreign countries arrived in the republic. The apartment
    buildings and neighbourhoods were later named after the names of
    regions and cities from where the construction teams came from.

    The residents of Spitak will on Thursday gather in the town centre
    near a monument to the former Soviet Prime Minister Nikolai Ryzhkov
    who supervised the rescue operation and restoration works.

    Armenian leaders and public representatives will visit Spitak, Gyumri
    (Leninakan), Vanadzor (Kirovakan) as well as other cities and districts
    hit by the earthquake.

    Churches in Armenia and other countries will hold funeral services
    to commemorate the earthquake victims.