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"New Evidence Leads To The Location Of Noah's Ark"

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  • "New Evidence Leads To The Location Of Noah's Ark"


    WKRN Nashville Tennessee
    December 1, 2006, 10:55 pm

    People have been searching for Noah's ark for decades.

    For the first time, an expedition team has actually brought back
    evidence that some feel proves the gigantic ship sits atop a 13,000
    foot mountain in the middle east.

    When Arch Bonnema shows people what he brought back from a summer
    trip to Iran, there's always shock and awe or skepticism.

    Bonnema believes the samples his expedition team gathered, are evidence
    of one of the greatest stories ever told.

    "We found the remains of an enormous ship at 13,126 feet in the region
    of the world that in Bible times was known as the region of Ararat."

    The pictures, Bonnema says, shows petrified wood. Cut wood, boards
    and planks and when his team sent the samples off to five independent
    science labs, they got another surprise.

    "On two of the pieces, when you cut them open, you find a sea creature
    that had burrowed into the wood."

    Their discovery didn't come in the mountains of Turkey known as Mount
    Ararat, but rather in the mountains just north of Tehran, Iran. The
    bible says Noah's ark came aground on Mount Ararat, Bonnema claims,
    that's because Mount Ararat was misidentified by Marco Polo, and they
    found other evidence.

    "There's thousands, tens of thousands of sea shells. Everywhere you
    lookthere's sea shells. Salt-water sea shells all around it.

    At 15,100 feet, we found what appears to be an altar. It has the burnt
    wood which is petrified, lots of broken pottery and a rock formation
    of being an altar."

    All five independent scientific labs concluded that what they found
    was the remains of an ancient ship. Still, others are skeptical that
    this could be Noah's ark. They either don't believe the ark ever
    existed, or don't believe it could be recognized 6,000 years later,
    but Bonnema is encouraged by the findings of another scientist who
    looked at the evidence.

    "He starts out the conversation by saying I'm not aChristian and I
    don't believe the Bible, but I thought you'd want to know that we
    traced the DNA of horses and the oldest horses in the world come from
    the same region where you found the ship."

    Bonnema says there's even more evidence they haven't shared yet. He
    promises we will hear from the scientists who looked at these samples
    and see photographs and video of what they believe is an altar...when
    they release a documentary next spring.