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Armenian authorities detain head of public org. on coup charges

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  • Armenian authorities detain head of public org. on coup charges

    Armenian authorities detain head of public organization on coup charges

    The Associated Press
    Sunday, December 10, 2006

    YEREVAN, Armenia -- Armenian authorities on Sunday detained the head
    of a public organization accused of plotting a coup attempt, officials
    and activists said.

    Zhirair Sefilian, the citizen of Lebanon who heads For Protection of
    Liberated Territories organization, is facing deportation on charges
    of plotting to overthrow the government, said Armen Agaian, a leading
    member of Sefilian's group. Agaian rejected the charges.

    An official at the Armenian National Security Service, who spoke on
    condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the
    media, confirmed Sefilian's arrest but refused to elaborate on the
    charges against him.

    Sefilian is a veteran of the 1988-94 war in the disputed enclave of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, which ended when Armenia-backed separatists drove
    out Azerbaijan's government forces.

    Source: International Herald Tribune /europe/EU_GEN_Armenia_Opposition_Arrest.php
    From: Baghdasarian