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Radik Norekian: Problems Arisen Between Armenian Community And Ambas

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  • Radik Norekian: Problems Arisen Between Armenian Community And Ambas


    Noyan Tapan
    Armenians Today
    Dec 08 2006

    community of Slovakia expresses its indignation on the occasion of
    actions of Ashot Hovakimian, the Ambassador of Armenia to Austria,
    as a result of what the Minister of Culture of Slovakia refused to
    sponsor the "Days of Armenian Culture" initiated in that country
    by the community, calling into question the initiators' competence
    in the issue of organization of those events," is said in the
    message received by Radik Norekian, a board member of the Armenian
    community of Slovakia, the Chairman of the "Ararat" club acting in
    Bratislava. According to the community board member, Marek Madaric,
    the Minister of Culture of Slovakia, who beforehand agreed to sponsor
    those events, after discussing this issue with the Armenian Embassy in
    Vienna, informed them in written form that "The Armenian Embassy in
    Vienna stated that it has general information about those events and
    that those are just of private character." Instead, in the Minister's
    words, the Ministry of Culture, at the Embassy's request, will receive
    them and discuss issues of wide cooperation in the sphere of culture."

    "In other words, Norekian mentions, the Ambassador advised the
    Minister not to cooperate with A.Grigorian, but to cooperate with the
    Embassy." "Then a similar letter was received from the Ambassador
    as well, just what arose our indignation," R.Norekian mentions and
    adds: "The matter is that Ashot Grigorian, the head of the Armenian
    community in Slovakia, the head of the Armenian Organizations in Europe
    Representation, who is also the not-on-the-staff-advisor of the Foreign
    Minister of Armenia, undertook works of organization and financing of
    the "Days of Armenian Culture" in Slovakia and neighboring countries.

    Both as individual benefactor and as Foreign Minister's Advisor,
    A.Grigorian had a right to organize similar events, what he,
    by the way, had carried out earlier and what he is going to do
    in future as well. But by Ambassador Hovakimian's calling into
    question the competence of A.Grigorian's actions in the Minister's
    eyes, A.Grigorian's dignity was stricken, who promotes in Slovakia
    considerable activity beneficial for Armenians not only in cultural
    but in other spheres as well: owing to his immediate efforts, the
    Parliament of Slovakia adopted the resolution on the Armenian Genocide
    two years ago." In R.Norekian's words, the Ambassador did not only call
    into question the competence of A.Grigorian's person, but in future,
    when, however, the Armenian music festival took place in Slovakia and
    had an astonishing success, he passed by in silence the circumstance
    that A.Grigorian financed a considerable part of the festival: concerts
    of the Yerevan Opera Theater soloists and "Komitas" quartet as well
    as receptions organized after some other concerts. A.Grigorian had
    partial participation in works of organization of other concerts of
    the festival. In Radik Norekian's words, Chairman of the Armenian
    community of Slovakia Ashot Grigorian has headed huge works to present
    the Armenian culture in Europe for more than ten years, and "it is
    the first time that instead of appreciating those works, they hamper
    and, moreover, in such shameful way." In Radik Norekian's words,
    members of the Armenian community of Austria have similar problems
    about which they shared their thoughts with them many times, but they
    attempt not to make them public, avoiding undesirable consequences.

    "Similar problems arisen in the European countries during those
    days among the local Armenian communities (even small in number) and
    the Ambassador seem very astonishing and inadmissible and make bad
    impression," Radik Norekian, a board member of the Armenian community
    of Slovakia, emphasized, expressing fear that consequences of this
    incident may have negative influence for a long time on the activity
    beneficial for Armenians of the Armenians living in Slovakia.

    To recap, both Ambassador of Armenia to Austria Ashot Hovakimian
    and organizer of the "Days of Armenian Culture" in Slovakia avoided
    giving commentaries concerning the issue: in response to the inquiry
    presented by Noyan Tapan, the Ambassador advised to address to the
    Foreign Ministry's Press Service with this issue, and A.Grigorian
    stated that he presented the problem to the Foreign Ministry and did
    not want to give commentaries until getting the official response.