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A Politics Of Myth

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  • A Politics Of Myth

    Seda Muradyan

    Open Democracy, UK
    Dec 12 2006

    As women in Armenia renew efforts to secure their role in politics,
    Seda Muradyan examines the challenges they confront, from flowers in
    place of debate, to systemic corruption.

    Twenty-two parties recently signed a document making proposals for
    Armenia's electoral code, to broaden women's access to politics. It
    suggests a 25 percent quota for women in party lists, up from the
    current provision of only 3 percent. But the chances of any real
    change emerging may be slim, given lack of support from two of the
    largest factions in government. Women make up more than 65 percent
    of the literate population with higher education. Yet they face an
    uphill struggle to achieve political influence.

    Armenia ranks among the lowest countries in the world for women's
    representation in parliament, with a participation rate of only 5
    percent. In local government, this figure is below 2 percent. Seven
    of the National Assembly's 131 members are women, while one minister
    and three deputy ministers are female. So why is women's intellectual
    potential neglected in state management? Women engaged in the public
    sphere divide the underlying reasons into myths and realities.

    Seda Muradyan is Armenia country director for the Institute of War
    and Peace Reporting (IWPR)

    Myth or reality? "It is cultural: politics is a man's business"

    One of the commonest explanations for women's exclusion says politics
    is a man's business and Armenian women more frequently see themselves
    as housewives, mothers and wives.

    Alvard Petrosyan, of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (a ruling
    coalition member) does not think this is a myth. "Armenian women love
    ruling the country or the family from behind their husbands' backs.

    Might it be true that it is important to maintain a womanly image? I
    keep this in mind even when I am at the National Assembly... I
    frequently hold back and think: 'let these men speak out here'. In
    cases where I become extremely active, I don't show it off, and the
    reason is in the nature of Armenian women." However, she is confident
    that for the country to develop harmoniously both sexes should be
    equally represented at the National Assembly.

    In contrast, Hranush Kharatyan, head of the agency for ethnic
    minorities, says "frequently we become 'cultural conservatives',
    although our culture has no traditions of opposing women's
    activities". No matter how much women in Armenia might dispute cultural
    factors, the moral-psychological atmosphere dictates certain attitudes
    towards women politicians.

    In 2005, Gagik Beglaryan won the Kentron community local administration
    election over his rival Ruzan Khachatryan, the only female candidate
    for the post. Throughout the campaign Gagik Beglaryan presented his
    female rival with bunches of flowers instead of holding ideological
    debates with her. On 8 March 2004, some five hundred women marched
    to the presidential residence to demand the ousting of the incumbent
    authorities. The president claimed, "those women either have no
    families or lack family warmth". (Ruzan Khachatryan disputes this
    crude equation. "There are women in Armenia who are actively involved
    in social and political work, but it does not keep them back from
    being caring mothers and loving wives.")

    Meanwhile, a 2006 Gallup survey measuring pre-election tendencies
    revealed that, presented with a choice, Armenian voters would give
    preference to male candidates. Only 6 percent of voters were ready
    to vote for women against 64 percent support for male candidates.

    Political analyst Aghasi Yenokyan believes that men's predominance
    stems from social factors, and that women's inclusion remains a mere
    cosmetic measure from parties. "Women have not traditionally been
    engaged in politics in Armenia. It is not perceived as a matter of
    their daily activities. They are still not formed as a social group
    that could demand and get benefits."

    So is there a desire and understanding for women's participation in
    politics? Khosrov Harutyunyan, chairman of the Christian-Democratic
    Party of Armenia, regrets he can't see such demand, though he strongly
    believes that many things - from tolerance to corruption - would
    radically change if women played a decisive political role. Yet he
    is confident that women's suppression by men is not the problem.

    He too attributes women's lack of participation to social attitudes.

    But scratch the surface, and the reality may be more fluid than the
    myth. Armenia's national UNIFEM program coordinator Ilona Ter-Minasyan
    refutes the idea that the Armenian mentality is an obstacle. "There
    have been many other things that our mentality once lacked. But we
    are already seeing change in some spheres despite the fact only a
    short period of time has elapsed. We can't say our mentality in five
    hundred years will be the same as it was three hundred years ago. We
    can influence our mentality, to change aspects of it, and we must
    do so. We need to realise the necessity and orient ourselves to the
    country's development."

    Myth: "Women are unwilling to go into politics"

    That women are unwilling to go into politics is one of the most
    irritating stereotypes for politically active Armenian women. Women
    politicians are confident that they are "simply not allowed to come
    close to politics".

    Eighteen women ran for seats in the National Assembly during the 2003
    parliamentary election in Armenia. Only one was elected.

    "Today the deputies in the National Assembly are mostly those who
    have gained property in the course of the time and their aim is to
    keep that property. They will hardly make way to others. That is
    why they need a myth about the unwillingness of the women to go into
    politics," says Jemma Hasratyan, chair of the Association of Women
    with University Education.

    Some experts think that the view that women are to some extent
    unready to be engaged in politics relates to women's lack of political
    experience rather than inadequate knowledge or education.

    Ruzan Khachatryan is confident there is quite a big number of
    politically active women, but they are not allowed to enter the field
    because the opponents exploit 'dirty political mechanisms' like the
    use of force, violence and fraud. She says this is why women do not
    want to be engaged in politics, despite their suitability.


    Once myths are dispensed with, the underlying realities become
    clearer. The political and economic spheres are adjusted to suit male
    managers, such that women are more likely to bend to the system than
    to struggle against it. Women require the backing of a political
    party to enter politics, and cannot take part independently. The
    highest positions they can hope to achieve are head of an agency,
    advisor or deputy minister - not positions that would allow them to
    reform the system. "A woman moving in this milieu needs to adopt the
    laws and the rules. The environment does not create the conditions
    for a woman to manifest her other qualities," says Ilona Ter-Minasyan.

    And the system is frequently corrupt. A recent survey by Transparency
    International showed that 62.9 percent of the Armenian population
    thinks corruption has grown in the last three years. Amalia Kostanyan
    of Transparency International is confident that the system in Armenia
    is "corrupt from top to toe".

    Women politicians think a certain percentage of representation would
    help them avoid obeying the rules of the game set by men, in terms
    of corruption, and prevent them falling victim to the system.

    Will quotas solve the problem?

    International organisations promote women's increased participation
    in politics, in the hope of building democracy (a key requirement in a
    recently adopted action plan for greater cooperation with the European
    Union, for example). But their efforts have so far been successful only
    in the non-governmental sector, where women play a major role. Analysts
    believe the overall situation will remain unchanged unless women are
    artificially included in politics, with steps on the state level to
    promote women's entrance into the political arena.

    UN expert Dubravka Simonovich thinks the implementation of quotas is
    an effective mechanism to redress the balance, while specifying that
    it is not "a sign of discrimination towards men, because convention
    provides for quotas to promote women's participation in big politics".

    "A parliament that does not represent the interests of the half of the
    population is not representative. It's not an aim in itself, but the
    balanced representation of men and women provides the opportunity to
    consider problems raised by both men and women," says Jemma Hasratyan.

    Nevertheless, many believe legislation alone will not solve
    the problem: attitudes also need to change. Both opposition and
    pro-governmental parties accept the need for more women in the National
    Assembly. Yet they agree the attempt to artificially increase their
    number will not be very productive.

    At the parliamentary election 2003 it was decided that 5 percent of
    the party lists would be allotted to women. Because the position of
    women on the lists was not specified, men immediately took advantage,
    says Hermine Naghdalyan, elected on the Republican Party list. Women
    were included to meet legal requirements, but their names were set
    in the lowest places.

    To escape such disappointment in future the introduction of quotas
    needs to be accompanied by a relevant work with the political parties,
    says Ilona Ter-Minasyan. Women's names should be set in every fourth
    place in the list, and women should not be included simply for
    being women, but so they are engaged in the development of human
    and intellectual resources. Foreign experience shows the quantity
    gradually turns into a quality.

    Looking ahead: election 2007

    Parliamentary elections in May 2007 will be another test of Armenian
    democracy. Armenia has failed its previous tests. It is too early to
    forecast the results this time, but the unofficial campaigns already
    launched do not inspire much hope.

    The Republican Party of Armenia, the largest coalitional political
    force in Armenia, has chosen to target young people by engaging them
    in various events and organising concerts by Russian pop stars for
    them. Gagik Tsarukyan of the Prosperous Armenia Party pays young
    people's tuition fees, distributes potatoes and seeds, and organises
    activities for rural villagers. Despite the prohibition of business
    activities by politicians, many members of the National Assembly
    of Armenia don't bother concealing their violations, and their
    entrepreneurial endeavours enable them to spend large amounts of
    money gaining voters' hearts.

    These unofficial campaigns tend to replace intellectual and
    policy competition, and distort the democratic process, since such
    "benevolence" - which is not within the responsibilities or the
    salaries of National Assembly members - generally amounts to bribery.

    Such methods add to the obstacles women face, as they are less able
    to raise funds for campaigns.

    So perhaps democracy itself will be the force that properly enables
    women's participation. "The artificial involvement of women in
    politics will not make the country democratic. If the country becomes
    democratic, women's inclusion in politics will grow without special
    efforts," says National Assembly member Shavarsh Kocharyan.

    In any case, it seems the two will need to go hand in hand.

    Lena Badeyan of the A1+ TV Company also contributed to this article. esolution_1325/armenia_4176.jsp