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Nagorno-Karabakh Gains A Constitution, But Little Clarity For Future

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh Gains A Constitution, But Little Clarity For Future

    Zoe Powell

    EurasiaNet, NY
    Dec 12 2006

    The disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, a remote, predominantly
    ethnic Armenian region formerly held by Azerbaijan, gained a
    constitution on December 10, but the impact of the vote remains
    contentious. The international community, if it followed the referendum
    at all, criticized it as a potential threat to ongoing, delicate
    talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the territory. But for the
    separatist leadership itself, the vote was no more than a natural
    step in its 15-year journey toward full-fledged independence.

    "The constitution is not the answer to all our problems. The
    constitution is a chance," declared de facto President Arkady
    Ghoukassian at a December 11 press conference following the territory's
    adoption of the constitution. "Now that we've adopted a constitution,
    we have a much better chance to become a democratic country according
    to European standards . . . A country striving for European standards
    has a better chance for recognition than a totalitarian regime."

    Preliminary results show the referendum passed with the support
    of almost 99 percent of the 78,389 Karabakhi voters taking part -
    a staggeringly positive result that did not come as a surprise for
    most residents in this isolated mountain region, a six to eight-hour
    drive from the Armenian capital, Yerevan.

    The vote was not without controversy, however. Some observers
    initially questioned the referendum's timing - presidential elections
    are scheduled in the self-declared state for the summer of 2007 -
    and the relatively abbreviated time for public discussion.

    For now, though, the international community has given little
    sign of giving the government - or the many voters surveyed by
    EurasiaNet - their desired response. Azerbaijan, the European Union,
    the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE), and GUAM (a regional association including Georgia,
    Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) have all refused to recognize the
    referendum as valid. In a recent statement, OSCE Chairman-in-Office
    and Belgian Foreign Minister Karel de Gucht commented that the vote
    could undermine progress made in talks mediated by the OSCE between
    Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory. [For background
    see the Eurasia Insight archive].

    Meanwhile, Nagorno-Karabakh government officials maintain that
    they're moving on. "We, in any case, need to organize ourselves to
    be independent," commented de facto Deputy Foreign Minister Masis
    Mayilian. "What, should we wait 14 years until the Azerbaijanis agree
    to build our state?"

    Some 54 observers, primarily from Armenia, Russia and France, monitored
    the voting process. The day of the vote, the 15th anniversary of
    the territory's original independence referendum, has been declared
    "Constitution Day."

    Rather than cause for conflict, territorial leaders assert, the
    constitution should be cause for comparison - with Azerbaijan, which
    battled Armenia and Karabakh separatists for control of the territory
    from 1988-1994.

    The 142-article document describes the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic as
    "a sovereign, democratic legal and social state" with powers in
    territory currently controlled by the separatist government. It
    establishes a broad range of generally defined rights, from the
    direct election of the territory's president, parliament and local
    governments, to the presumption of innocence and freedom of assembly,
    speech, and religion. "If Azerbaijan had such a constitution, if it
    was the same democratic state, it'd be easier to talk with them,"
    Ghoukassian said. "I hope that this will be considered by the
    international community."

    The sensitive issue of the return of ethnic Azerbaijani refugees is
    not specifically addressed in the document, although the constitution
    provides for a right of return for "every citizen and foreign citizen
    having the right to live in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic." The issue
    of citizenship has been left undefined, pending a later law.

    Karabakhis currently carry Armenian passports, but cannot vote in
    Armenia's elections. Armenian is defined as the state language, but
    the constitution guarantees "the free use of other languages spread
    among the population."

    "Whether recognized or not, we have rights," commented Gegam
    Bagdasarian, editor of the independent weekly Demo and a member of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh parliament who abstained from voting on the draft
    constitution, approved on November 1. "The international community
    should be interested in democracy. The more democracy we have, the
    easier it will be to find a common language to resolve our problems."

    The military initially had a strong say in separatist
    Nagorno-Karabakh's affairs, but in the years since a 2000 assassination
    attempt against Ghoukassian, and the subsequent imprisonment of
    de facto Defense Minister Samvel Babaian, civilian government has
    asserted itself. Representatives of the territorial leadership claim
    that Nagorno-Karabakh now compares favorably with both Azerbaijan
    and Armenia in terms of freedom of expression.

    Newspaper editor Bagdasarian agrees. A critical article in his paper,
    Demo, questioned whether the constitutional referendum was linked to a
    desire by Ghoukassian for a third presidential term. The fact that the
    newspaper has not faced repercussions for questioning Ghoukassian's
    motives is a sign that greater openness has indeed taken root, the
    editor maintained. The Nagorno-Karabakh leader, in office since 1997,
    later held a press conference in which he stated that he would not
    seek a third term.

    "Five to six years ago, the government reacted very negatively to
    critical stories. But now, not at all," Bagdasarian said.

    Nonetheless, pragmatism dictates the response, he added. "It's not
    that they don't react because they're so civilized, but because they
    don't see a real threat [from print media] to themselves."

    Nor did hopes among many ordinary Karabakhis voting in the referendum -
    routinely described as "a duty" -- focus on democracy alone. Status as
    a legitimate, recognized state was one goal; the economic stability
    that is seen to come with the trappings of a recognized state was

    "We're a hard-working people. We want factories. We want work. We
    want for everyone to have a normal life," said Artur, a 45-year-old
    war veteran standing outside a grocery store not far from the polling
    station where de facto President Ghoukassian cast his ballot. "We
    have to vote so that people know our position."

    Some voters queried on their way to the polls asserted that they
    had studied the constitution carefully, but others shrugged off the
    question. "Why read it?" commented one elderly man en route to cast
    his ballot in Stepanakert's theater. "I'm going to vote for it and
    that's all that's needed."

    Souten Tantazian, the chairman of polling station #30 in Stepanakert,
    was succinct: "This is for our future."

    Editor's Note: Zoe Powell is the pseudonym for a journalist based
    in Tbilisi.