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They Demand To Free Sefilyan Immediately

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  • They Demand To Free Sefilyan Immediately


    [10:34 pm] 11 December, 2006

    Today, a number of parties and organizations have made a statement
    about the arrest of Zhirayr Sefilyan. It says:

    "On December 10 of the current year, about 15 armed and masked people
    arrested former commander of the Shushi regiment, lieutenant colonel
    Zhirayr Sefilyan, coordinator of the initiative 'Union of Armenian
    Volunteers', head of the NGO 'Protection of Liberated Lands', in a
    public place, in the presence of his wife and friends, violating the
    11th and 12th articles of the RA Criminal Code.

    On the same day, member of the initiative 'Union of Armenian
    Volunteers' Vardan Malkhasyan was arrested in his own house, regardless
    of the presence of his sick mother.

    On the same day about 40 citizens were arrested and their houses were
    searched. Until now, the fate of some of them is unclear.

    We condemn any activity reminding the year 1937 and announce officially
    that they authorities which have long exhausted all the civilized
    resources, will not be able to create an atmosphere of fear but will
    suffer the just anger of the society.

    We demand to set Zhirayr Sefilyan, Vardan Malkhasyan and their friends
    free immediately.

    We also demand to give Zhirayr Sefilyan citizenship of Armenia for
    sacrificing his whole life for the well-being of his country".

    The statement was signed by "New Times", "Fatherland and Honor",
    "Republic", "Democratic Path", "Democratic Homeland", RA People's
    Party, RA Democratic Party, "National Self-Determination Union",
    "Constitutional Right Union", RA Progressive party, "Orinats yerkir",
    Hnchakyan party, "National Democrats' Union", and Nzhdehyan party.

    It was also signed by the aldermen of the Intellectuals' forum,
    and the Civic Disobedience Movement.