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NKR Referendum. Observers Fixed No Serious Violations

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  • NKR Referendum. Observers Fixed No Serious Violations


    11.12.2006 17:33 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ On the very day of the referendum the observers,
    whose signatures come below, visited 137 polling stations and were
    present during the counting of the votes in 32 polling stations. The
    list of the voters embraced 89 044 people. The observers wеre
    given the opportunity to familiarize themselves, without restriction,
    with documents, the samples of the ballots, the resolutions of
    referendum commissions, the journals, as well as receive copies
    and make extracts from them, says the report issued by international
    observers on the results of the constitutional referendum in Karabakh,
    reports the NKR MFA press office.

    "We have not faced any restrictions of our right as observers and
    mass media representatives, including freedom of movement.

    The ballot-boxes were installed in places visible for the persons
    authorized to be present at the polling stations.

    We have not fixed any serious violations either in the registration
    of voters and voting organization or in the processing the votes and
    transportation of the vote counting protocols from precincts to the
    regional (city) referendum commissions, and then - to the CRC.

    At the polling stations we discovered no facts of administrative
    or law-enforcement bodies` interference in the work of the election

    During the whole day of elections, the rate of attendance was reported
    every 3 hours. Finally, the participation of voters made up 87, 02 %.

    There were all conditions and terms made to keep the secrecy of
    ballot. The voters, we had spoken with, expressed their satisfaction
    as to the information on preparation and conducting the referendum
    by the media.

    In general, the voting was held in a cheerful, but quiet
    atmosphere. The attendance of the voters was high practically
    everywhere. Anyway, some problematic tendencies were observed on
    the very day of the referendum. Particularly, not every voter used
    the separation for confidential voting. Some cases of family voting
    were observed. The majority of the polls were hardly reachable for
    the physically disabled and the aged. We have observed some queues
    of the voters in some districts. However, this cannot be regarded as
    a violation, but rather a positive moment," the document says.