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ANKARA: Akgun: EU Has Special Sympathy To Armenia

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  • ANKARA: Akgun: EU Has Special Sympathy To Armenia


    Journal of Turkish Weekly, Turkey
    Dec 11 2006

    Mensur Akgun, the executive director of Turkey Economic and Social
    Studies Foundation (TESEV), told the APA Turkey bureau that Karabakh
    and Cyprus issue have some similarities yet the EU does not make any
    pressure on Armenia.

    Akgun stressed that UN resolutions on both conflicts did not find
    its settlement.

    "Security Council has several resolutions concerning Nagorno
    Karabakh conflict. No-one, even EU does not put pressure on Armenia
    for execution of the resolutions. It has two reasons. First, Armenia
    is not a country willing to be member of EU, second, EU has special
    sympathy to Armenia. No-one can deny that Armenia is better than us
    for EU" he said.

    However Dr. Nilgun Gulcan from USAK says that there are great
    differences between these two problems:

    "First, the Turks did not occupy another country. They re-gained
    their own right in their own country. The Republic of Cyprus was not
    a Greek state, but a joint state. The Greeks made a coup and Turkey
    helped the Turkish Cypriots to restore their rights. In Karabakh,
    Armenian forces attacked another country. Karabakh was not an Armenian
    state. It was not even a state but part of another state.

    Not only Karabakh but also many orther towns were also occupied by
    the Armenians. If Mr. Akgun thinks that these two cases are similar,
    he knows nothing about both of the problems. However he is right that
    the Armenians are the golden child of the EU like the Greeks."