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NKR: Sergey Nasibian Summed Up Preparations For Referendum

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  • NKR: Sergey Nasibian Summed Up Preparations For Referendum

    Laura Grigorian

    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
    11 Dec 2006

    On the eve of the referendum Sergey Nasibian, chair of the NKR Central
    Commission on Referendum, gave an interview to the Azat Artsakh. He
    informed that the electoral registers have been checked again to
    avoid irregularities, and about 90 thousand voters aged 18 and up
    are included in the registers.

    According to him, 278 polling stations have been set up, including
    one at the NKR Representation to Armenia, where the citizens of NKR
    temporarily living or staying in NKR will vote. Sergey Nasibian
    said efforts were made to guarantee security and order at the
    polling stations, as well as to prevent disruption of telephone
    communication. According to him, 46 million drams have been allocated
    for preparations, which was provided in time and has been spent. "
    According to the NKR Law on Central Election Commission, like
    in the previous elections, at least half of the eligible persons
    should vote for the question, and the referendum will take place
    if 1/3 of voters included in the electoral registers show up," said
    Sergey Nasibian. Several days ago the mayor of the village of Mets
    Tagher stated on Artsakh Public Television that the village did not
    get the draft constitution, and people are not acquainted with its
    provisions. With regard to public awareness, Sergey Nasibian said:
    "The draft constitution of NKR was published in the Azat Artsakh and
    distributed to the regions. Besides, a booklet was published in 3500
    copies and distributed to the communities. I cannot say how these
    were used. The mayors and regional administrations were supposed
    to deal with this, and propaganda is supposed to be carried out by
    political parties, staffs of government agencies. The divisional
    committees were given instructions. Nevertheless, there appear to be
    drawbacks. Especially in the capital. People need to know that we are
    going to adopt a constitution, which is the basic law of the country
    and sums up 15 years of independence, and includes their rights and
    duties, as well as the guarantees of protection of their rights. If it
    is not perfect, it can be improved later in case questions occur. This
    is important, and we should explain to people that we are moving
    towards reconfirming the referendum on independence on December 10,
    1991." According to Sergey Nasibian, people are especially active
    in the regions of Hadrut and Martakert. "When the general idea is
    explained to people, they realize that we need the Constitution." With
    regard to observation and coverage of the voting, Sergey Nasibian told
    the Azat Artsakh that by the information of the Central Commission
    on Referendum 12 international observers and 7 international media
    will arrive. Besides, 39 local reporters and 109 local observers have
    been registered. However, he said, it is expected that the number
    of international observers will grow. The foreign ministry gets a
    number of phone calls from different countries, said the chair of
    the Central Commission on Referendum. According to Sergey Nasibian,
    the results of the voting will be released every three hours. The
    preliminary roundup must be made within 28 hours. The final outcome
    will become known within three days.