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Winter Problems In Gegharquniq Region

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  • Winter Problems In Gegharquniq Region

    By Sevak Hakobian And Naira Poghossian
    December 08, 2006

    Regular visits to the regions of Armenia initiated by ARF's Supreme
    Board continued last week in Gegharquniq region.

    Ministers of Science and Education, Agriculture, and Healthcare
    Levon Mkrtchian, David Lokian and Norayr Davidian, Deputy Minister of
    Urban Development Karlen Gevorgian, Armenian Revolutionary Federation
    Supreme Body of Armenia Representative and Chairman of the NA Standing
    Committee on External Relations Armen Rustamian, National Assembly's
    ARF faction leader Hrayr Karapetian, ARF Supreme Body members Ishkhan
    Saghatelian and Areg Savgulian had meetings with local doctors,
    teachers, students, village mayors and local population.

    The guests visited the memorial of ARF member Taghlari Aghabek
    and during the commemoration ceremony some new ARF members took
    their oaths. Armen Rustamian and David Lokian had an opportunity to
    communicate with the local population through Gavar TV. The local
    population shared with the representatives of the legislative and
    executive power their problems and concerns.

    Head of the Healthcare Department at Gegharquniq Governor's Office
    Gurgen Davtian reported to the Healthcare Minister that 89 million
    drams was allocated to the healthcare sector in the marz, which
    constituted a 173% increase compared to 2002 budget.

    The funds allocated to primary healthcare, hospital treatment and
    emergency healthcare services have increased significantly. During
    his meeting with the staff of the hospital in Sevan Minister Davidian
    stated, "Along with the regular visits made by our Ministry, this
    time I have come upon the instructions of ARF's Supreme Body to
    listen to your problems and try to find the best possible solutions
    to them. Therefore, I ask you to engage in a sincere dialog."

    There are so many healthcare-related problems in this region that
    the response followed immediately.

    As director of Sevan hospital Aram Nikoghossian noted the issue
    of an emergency ambulance vehicle is the most urgent issue for the
    hospital. Among other issues were absence of a sonographs, and lack
    of qualified endocrinologist and X-ray specialist.

    Minister Davidian promised to solve these problems with the assistance
    of ARF 's Central Committee in Canada that can provide the necessary
    medical equipment. The Minister immediately solved another problem
    - Vladimir Aghajanian, a patient in need of immediate heart
    surgery could not afford it since the operation would cost 1500
    dollars. Minister Davidian immediately included this patient into
    the government-subsidized list so that he could get free of charge

    The maternity hospital in Gavar has no heating

    However, fortunately, this has not hindered the gradual increase in
    the number of babies born in Gavar. Several years ago only 500 babies
    a year were born in the hospital. This year 750 babies were born and
    no cases of maternal mortality were registered in the last 15 years.

    Director of the maternity hospital Hovhannes Chichoyan expressed
    his hope that in 2007 sufficient funds will be allocated to provide
    heating for the hospital, renovate its roof and solve some other
    urgent problems.

    The policlinic in Gavar serves the needs of 35 thousand population. It
    also has a lack of qualified specialist, especially young doctors,
    pediatricians, and X-ray specialist.

    The healthcare institutions in Gegharquniq need renovation. This
    becomes an especially acute problem in winter since these institutions
    have no heating.

    Deputy Governor of Gegharquniq and Minister Davidian met the staff
    of healthcare institutions who shared their problems with the guests.

    Among the most urgent problems was the issue of low salaries. The
    problem with issuing death certificates was also raised: in order
    to issue a death certificate it is necessary to pay 12,000 drams
    for an autopsy. Village population cannot afford to pay this
    money. "The government cannot pay these expenses today. However,
    in some circumstances an autopsy is not obligatory if there is a
    reference provided by the community's doctor," Davidian said.

    Problems of high mountainous region

    The staff of all healthcare institutions raised the problem
    of insufficient funding for working in high mountainous regions
    especially in the winter season. In Gegharquniq region winter lasts
    seven or eight months and the healthcare institutions have to pay 20%
    increased salaries to their staff during this period.

    However, they do not get any compensation from the government because
    for some reason funds allocated for this purpose are evenly distributed
    among all regions. "It is very wrong to distribute the funding in
    this way because for instance in Ararat valley the winter season lasts
    three months while in our region it lasts seven months. Therefore, our
    hospitals suffer from the lack of funding," the staff of healthcare
    institutions complained. Minister Davidian promised to address this
    issue as well.

    At Gavar State University

    Minister of Science and Education Levon Mkrtchian and head of
    ARF's parliamentary factions Hrayr Karapetian met with the students
    and faculty of Gavar State University and teachers from different
    schools. Rector of Gavar State University Ruzan Hakobian noted that
    the second priority after national security in Armenia is education
    and science.

    Hakobian expressed her appreciation of the fact that the education
    and science sector is led by a serious, principled, objective and
    balanced minister who is concerned with reforms of science and
    education. Hakobian also thanked the Minister for assisting Gavar
    State University.

    Head of ARF's faction Hrayr Karapetian noted in his speech that the
    faction receives numerous letters and complaints from the population
    but places utmost importance on live communication with the population.

    He stressed that the party will soon have its platform for all
    sectors. As the head of ARF's faction, Karapetian spoke about the draft
    laws that ARF has submitted to the National Assembly. These drafts
    include the law on persons evading military service, the package
    of laws on Armenian Studies, the law on minimal consumer's basket,
    the law on dual citizenship, etc. Minister of Science and Education
    Levon Mkrtchian noted that there are a number of unsolved problems
    in the education sector.

    The Minister believes the education system does not develop in line
    with the requirements of our times. There are about three dozens of
    private universities in Armenia that issue diplomas equivalent to those
    issued by public universities. However, students graduating from these
    universities do not mange to find jobs because the knowledge they gain
    is not sufficient and does not reflect the needs on the job market.

    The diplomas gradually lose their value

    A number of questions were addressed to the Science and Education

    Dean of the Humanities department at Gavar State University Hamlet
    Ghajoyan requested the Minister to allocate government-subsidized
    places to the department since 85% of the students here are from
    the region.

    They apply for reduced tuition fees. The dean also requested
    to allocate additional money for maintenance costs such as
    heating. Minister Mkrtchian noted that the issue of tuition fees is
    one of the most serious problems in most universities. 70% of students
    in Armenia pay for their education. The students can receive education
    loans from the banks but the interest rates are too high. An agreement
    has been reached with the World Bank whereby education loans will be
    allocated to students with annual interest rate of 1-3%.

    Responding to a request to open a natural sciences department at
    the university, the Minister noted that the number of graduates from
    natural sciences departments has drastically decreased.

    Our universities mostly train economists, lawyers, historians,
    diplomats who can be viewed as potential unemployed in the
    future. Therefore, the progress in the education sector is
    hindered. Mkrtchian noted Gavar State University should review the
    list of courses taught at the university to reflect the needs of the
    region. One of the questions raised by the university faculty was the
    issue of transferring students from one university to another. The
    Minister noted that the Ministry has started a process of university

    Small countries cannot have an independent education system. Therefore,
    we have started integrating into the European education system. The
    quality of education in Armenia has to be brought into correspondence
    with the globally accepted educational standards.

    Very soon, students in Armenia will be able to use their diplomas
    and certificates to transfer from one university to another within
    Armenia. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to ensure that all
    course and curriculum criteria are universal for all universities. It
    is necessary to create an internal transfer network in Armenia based
    on a national system of education quality.

    The Minister assured that the diplomas issued by our universities
    will also be accepted in other countries in the future.

    At Martuni State College

    The State College in Martuni has over 450 students. Director of the
    college Martin Khlghatian says the college building needs renovation
    and furnishing.

    Absence of heating is the most serious problem in the winter
    season. The college also lacks qualified specialists of law, English
    language and other subjects.

    Mayor of Martuni Bagrat Harutyunian noted that even though Martuni is
    an agricultural town it lacks agriculture experts. Minister Mkrtchian
    noted that the government places special attention to secondary
    professional education.

    The government has a special program for vocational education. Colleges
    and vocational education institutions will be able to train the
    necessary specialists.

    The reputation of schools will be improved

    The high-level guests met with the staff of schools in Martuni and
    nearby villages. The main problems raised by the teachers were the
    issues of salaries, school renovation, heating, entrance examination,
    transition to the twelve-year secondary education system. Minister
    Mkrtchian assured that a new program for financing schools is in the
    process of development in cooperation with the World Bank. According
    to this program, all schools in Armenia will have their five-year
    development plans. As to the salaries, the Minister informed that the
    salary for one shift for teachers will be set at 70 thousand drams
    in 2007.

    Minister Mkrtchian stressed that there should be no manipulations in
    the sphere of education. The university entrance exams should be fair
    and transparent. The new system of entrance exams to be introduced in
    2007 will minimize any manipulations of the examination process. The
    students will solve the multiple choice tests and get their grades
    in an automatic manner.

    The Minister assured that the system will be school-friendly. There are
    several issues to be settled which will result in improved reputation
    of the schools. The Minister assured that once the new system is
    introduced there will no longer be a need for private tutorship for
    university entrance exams. The high schools will therefore be made
    more professional, and the students graduating from high schools will
    be able to take one uniform exam to enter universities. Transition
    to the new system will be made in the upcoming two years.

    Secondary school in Vardenik

    A number of questions were raised during the meeting at secondary
    school in Vardenik. Director of the school Kamo Badalian noted that
    the school's main problem was absence of computer equipment and need
    for renovation. Minister Mkrtchian promised to solve this issue. The
    Minister also commented on the twelve-year secondary education system
    saying that it is very common in many countries. Under this system,
    children go to school at the age of 6.

    The twelve-year education is more professional, and students will
    take some courses that are equivalent to those offered for the
    Bachelor's degree.

    Therefore, the duration for the Bachelor's degree studies will be
    reduced by one year. In other words, the students will study for nine
    years in the general secondary school, after which they will study
    for three years in the high school based on the choice of their future
    profession. Minister Mkrtchian promised to have meetings with teachers
    in all regions to introduce the planned reforms and innovations.

    In Lichq village, Minister of Science and Education Levon Mkrtchian
    and head of ARF's parliamentary faction Hrayr Karapetian also placed
    wreaths on the memorial commemorating the 90th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide.