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RA NA Deputies Contemplate Over The NKR Referendum

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  • RA NA Deputies Contemplate Over The NKR Referendum


    [05:04 pm] 12 December, 2006

    Armenian FMs found the position of the international institutions
    not to recognise the NKR referendum quite natural.

    Shavarsh Kocharyan, NA deputy commented on the loyalty of the
    deputies in this respect. "The referendum of which country has been
    recognised? Have you ever come across cases? In case international
    structures recognise the NKR referendum, it will be a scandal."

    On December 10, the mission of 9 Armenian NA deputies observed the
    NKR Constitutional Referendum. They were guided by the practice of
    OSCE observers' missions - they worked out similar questionnaires,
    studied the provisions - as international observers usually do.

    The Armenian deputies concluded; "The NKR Constitutional Referendum
    was fair, free and transparent. It was but apparent".

    The Referendum of Nagorno-Karabakh even has aroused "envy" among the
    Armenian PMs and they consider the balloting as a good model.

    "The referendum opened a new phase in the political life of
    Karabakh. We can call it a phase of democracy establishment. It is
    upon international structures to endorse or turn down the results. It
    is not them who must say whether the Karabakh residents must live in
    a country with a constitution or without it", noted Samvel Nikoyan,
    member of the Armenian observers' mission.

    Shavarsh Kocharyan who was also among the observers claims that the
    referendum will have its direct influence on the negotiation process,
    but the impact won't be negative as is often predicted. "We may not
    feel it now, but time will put everything in their places", added
    Mr. Kocharyan.

    "The referendum is aimed at eliminating the ambiguity existing in the
    negotiation process. The ambiguity is that the conflict has become
    an apple of discord between Armenia and Azerbaijan where Armenia has
    the role of an aggressor. Whereas now it is already proved that the
    sides involved in the conflict are Azerbaijan and Karabakh. The panic
    of Azerbaijan is determined by it".

    Today RA FMs mentioned that everything in Karabakh has been done
    willingly and not by the order of European structures.

    The Armenian deputies claim that after comparing the constitutions of
    Karabakh and Azerbaijan it becomes obvious which of them is democratic.

    On the whole Shavarsh Kocharyan maintains that "it is high time the
    two Armenian countries competed with each other to see which of them
    is more democratic and legal".

    Judging by the vivacity of the Armenian deputies, the NKR referendum
    holding and adoption, the level of the citizens' participation,
    it becomes clear who is the current winner.