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10th Anniversary Of Union Of Manufacturers And Businessmen Of Armeni

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  • 10th Anniversary Of Union Of Manufacturers And Businessmen Of Armeni


    Noyan Tapan
    Dec 12 2006

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. During 10 years of the existence
    of the Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen of Armenia (UMBA),
    the union members hav e developed a business consciousness and the
    tradition to discuss problems jointly, while the union has become the
    partner of the state, especially in the issue of law drafting. The UMBA
    Chairman Arsen Ghazarian pointed out these achievements of the union
    at the sitting dedicated to the 10th anniversary of its foundation,
    which took place at the House of Governmental Receptions on December
    12. In his report A. Ghazarian said that it is the 5th year that their
    union has been cooperating with the RA Ministry of Labor and Social
    Issues, assuming the function of social partner. In his words, the
    solution of problems related to this cooperation will become more
    urgent after the expected amendments in the RA labor legislation
    concering the signing of collective labor contracts. It was noted
    that the union will continue provide social assistance and operate
    in the infrastructure improvement, education and science of Armenia
    and the NKR. A. Ghazarian said that the UMBA and the RA Ministry
    of Education and Science will sign an agreement on cooperation
    in the near future. It is envisaged that businessmen engaged in
    big entrepreneurship will be included in managing councils and
    graduation commissions of higher educational institutions to assist
    with preparation of necessary personnel for companies.

    The union chairman attached special importance to the adaptation of the
    Armenian business to international one in the coming years, as well
    as to ensuring equal competition and market freedom in the country's
    market. In his speech the RA Minister of Trade and Economic Development
    Karen Chshmaritian characterized the UMBA as "a well-established body
    capable of presenting its interests properly." In his words, an active
    dialog is going on between the private sector and the state, especially
    at the Business Support Council chaired by the RA prime minister. It
    was noted that a lot of disputable problems have been solved by this
    body. In the minister's opinion, this dialog has contributed to the
    improvement of Armenia's business environment, enabling Armenia to
    be in 27th place in terms of economic freedom and in 30th place -
    the freedom of doing business. The minister noted that it was no
    accident that the UMBA was founded in 1996 because prior to that,
    "problems of survival" were mainly dealt with in Armenia. In his words,
    in 1996-2006, the Armenian GDP and budget have increased fourfold -
    indices achieved by few countries. K. Chshmaritian considered it
    important that in the next 10 years state officials should realize
    that "the private sector is also part of the state." He underlined the
    necessity of introducing the idea of "the priority of public interest"
    among businessmen. Besides, he considered it essential to increase
    the efficiency of management at Armenian enterprises and to ensure
    participation in the innovation process. By the decree of the RA Prime
    Minister Andranik Margarian, A, Ghazarian was awarded a memorial medal
    dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the UMBA foundation. During the
    sitting dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the 550-member union,
    the congratulatory messages of the RA President Robert Kocharian and
    foreign organizations - partners of the UMBA were read, as well as
    officials of diplomatic missions accredited to Armenia and heads of
    business unions made speeches.