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NKR: Referendum Evaluated By Observers

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  • NKR: Referendum Evaluated By Observers

    Svetlana Khachatrian

    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
    14 Dec 2006

    The delegations of observers from the Moldavian Republic of
    Transdnyestr, the Republic of South Ossetia and the Republic of
    Abkhazia shared their impressions in a news conference. Ljubomir
    Ribjak, member of the Transdnyestr parliament, said they were one of
    the first observers to arrive earlier so they had a possibility to
    follow the preparations. Two days before the referendum L. Ribjak
    and Claudia Treskova had visited a number of villages and reported
    100 percent readiness to hold a referendum. In a village, he said, a
    woman gave us a hug after she learned that we are from Transdnyestr. I
    was amazed that not only in Stepanakert but also in a remote village
    they know about Transdnyestr, he said. Ljubomir Ribjak stated that
    the outcome the referendum is another expression of the will of NKR to
    be free and independent. The deputy foreign minister of the Republic
    of South Ossetia Allan Pliyev said they observed the referendum in
    Stepanakert, Martuni and Martakert, followed the voting and talked
    to voters. He stated that the people of Karabakh made a free vote. He
    said they did not see a reason why the outcome of the referendum should
    not be recognized. "Starting with this moment Karabakh completed the
    establishment of the state," he said. Galust Trapizonyan, member of
    the Abkhazian parliament said he had visited several polling stations
    in Stepanakert, Shushi, and n oticed the activity of voters. December
    10 is the international day of protection of human rights. On the
    same day the people of Karabakh upheld their right to be independent
    by this referendum, said the Abkhazian observer.