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No Amendments Without Consulting Mass Media First

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  • No Amendments Without Consulting Mass Media First


    [03:30 pm] 15 December, 2006

    «A few months away from the forthcoming parliamentary elections, the
    Assembly attaches special importance to pluralism of the electronic
    media and the reform currently in progress, since equitable access to
    the electronic media by all political parties is an absolute
    prerequisite for the holding of free and fair elections», says the
    Provisional version of the draft resolution «Honouring of obligations
    and commitments by Armenia».

    The Assembly has noted that «the revision of the constitution has
    paved the way for greater independence of the bodies which regulate
    the electronic media. Nonetheless, legislative amendments subsequently
    drawn up by the government without first consulting media or Council
    of Europe representatives have met with strong criticism, not least
    concerning the membership of the National Television and Radio
    Commission (NTRC) and the method of appointment of its members. The
    Assembly urges the Armenian authorities to consult the Council of
    Europe's experts and take into account their recommendations before
    adopting amendments to the broadcasting legislation».

    The Assembly also calls on Armenia to adopt an open, transparent
    process of appointment of members of the Public Television and Radio
    Council, as recommended by the Venice Commission.

    «Apart from reforming the legislation, the Armenian authorities must
    take steps to ensure the freedom and pluralism of public television
    and radio on a day-to-day basis».

    With regard to the print media, which are reputed to be free and
    pluralist but play only a minor role in the provision of public
    information on account of their small circulation, the Assembly notes
    with satisfaction that no criminal libel proceedings have been
    instituted against journalists for some years now. Since the reform of
    the Criminal Code in 2004, libel has been punishable by a prison
    sentence only in the event of a repeat offence. The Assembly welcomes
    this progress and encourages the Armenian authorities to decriminalise
    libel completely and repeal Article 318 of the Criminal Code, which
    establishes the offence of "insulting a representative of the public