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Statement of Democratic Faction of NKR National Assembly

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  • Statement of Democratic Faction of NKR National Assembly


    Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]
    16 Dec 2006

    On December 11 the Armenian office of the Council of Europe released
    the statement of the CoE Secretary General Terry Davis on the
    referendum held in NKR, which runs: `A lasting solution for
    Nagorno-Karabakh can only come out of the political process
    facilitated by the Minsk Group. Any future solution must respect human
    rights, and if it is submitted to popular consultation, the vote must
    be free and fair and open to everyone. The main responsibility for the
    settlement is with the political leadership of Armenia and Azerbaijan
    and especially President Kocharian and President Aliyev. This is one
    of the accession commitments of both Armenia and Azerbaijan to the
    Council of Europe.' We are not likely to argue with the Council of
    Europe Secretary General, nevertheless, we have to note that the
    referendum on Constitution is not an initiative for the settlement of
    the conflict and does not determine the outcome of the talks over the
    settlement of Karabakh, but concluded 15 years of experience of our
    independent state and marked new, more liberal and democratic goals,
    which, we believe, are fully compliant with the goals of the
    international community. With his statement the secretary general
    admits that every step based on human rights is fair, but amazingly he
    sees such a possibility for Nagorno Karabakh in the future only,
    whereas the 150 thousand citizens of the republic, which has existed
    for 15 years, has overcome the war imposed on it and taken the track
    for democracy, cannot postpone the problems of shaping a more liberal
    public administration and levers of civil control until indefinite
    future, because life demands keeping up with the modern world.
    Meanwhile, Mr. Davis unfortunately wishes to direct the people of NKR
    towards totalitarianism and arbitrariness, which is not only
    inappropriate for the system of values of the Council of Europe but
    may also shatter stability in the region. We are hopeful that this
    unrewarding mission was not an appointment commitment of Mr. Davis to
    the high-ranking post of Council of Secretary General. As to the
    statement of the CoE Secretary General that the main responsibility
    for the settlement is with the political leadership of Armenia and
    Azerbaijan, we have to note that earlier he personally appealed to
    Azerbaijan to set up relations with the Karabakh party, which was
    neglected by official Baku. We are reluctant to insist that official
    number one of such an authoritative organization as the CoE edits his
    own approaches in accordance with expediency, but unfortunately, the
    neglect of the NKR people and its elected representatives by Mr. Davis
    arouses no other attitude but pity.

    Stepanakert, NKR December 13, 2006 NKR NATIONAL ASSEMBLY PRESS SERVICE

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress