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The Consequences For Discussing The Armenian Genocide

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  • The Consequences For Discussing The Armenian Genocide



    Ragip Zarakolu*

    (*) President of the Turkish Publishers Unions Committee for Freedom
    to Publish and IPA's IFTC Member

    The events that took place in the year 1915, namely the Armenian
    Genocide, continue to be the most sensitive and taboo topics in the
    history of the Turkish Republic. The prohibitions concerning the
    discussion of the events that took place in 1915 have escalated to
    such a degree as to question Armenian identity itself. Such
    prohibitions have endeavored to erase Armenian identity from
    historical atlases and encyclopedias, and have even encouraged the
    destruction of graves and historical sites. I have labeled this the
    final stage of the genocide.

    The chief endeavor of these prohibitions was to erase all
    consciousness of this incident from public memory. Up until 1965,
    which happened to be the 50th anniversary of the Genocide, it is
    plausible to argue that this was successfully achieved. During that
    time, aside from the dispersed Diaspora circles, the event had been


    Starting with the 1990's, when the problem was initially discussed in
    the courts, we may divide the prohibition process into three stages.

    1. 1923-1945. Orders for prohibition during this period were issued
    directly by the Council of Ministers (OPCM). In addition to Armenian
    publications, Kurdish, Greek, Laz, Circassian books and reviews,
    publications by intellectuals, leftist and Islamic circles which had
    been driven out of Turkey were also closely monitored. The issuing of
    prohibition orders based on the flow of these reports constituted a
    very important aspect of the government's duties.

    a) In 1925 after the issuing of the Takrir-i Sükun Law (Law for
    Peace or Silence), which encompassed both the press and political
    activity, the Armenian press in Istanbul saw its fair share of
    difficulties. The Hahtanak newspaper was shut down because it was
    argued that `it attempted to popularize bolshevism amongst Armenians.'
    In the 30's the Aztarar newspaper, which was also published in
    Istanbul, was shut down because of the prohibition by Council of

    b) During the time period in question publications outside Turkey were
    prohibited and denied circulation in Turkey because it was argued that
    `they might incite hostility amongst the citizens once again.' Another
    reason given for this prohibition was `to protect Armenians from
    harmful influences.' Yet another reason given was the alleged ties
    between these publications and the Tashnak Party. An interesting fact
    worthy of mention is that the Tashnak Party was seen as `a committee,
    which has important organizational links inside the country.'

    With that said, in 1928 the newspaper Harac published in
    Paris, Aztak published in Syria, Noror published in Athens, Husaper
    published in Cairo and Misak magazine published in California were all
    denied circulation in the country. In the following years Armenian
    publications that were prohibited are as follows: Hayrenik and Baykar
    (Boston), Mardigoz (Paris), Arev (Cairo), Zartonk and Ararat (Beirut),
    Aramatz (Athens), Aras (Bucharest),Yeprat and Hayastan Gacnak (USA),
    Azad Hosk (Sofya), The Armenian and His Works (Yerevan). In the
    decisions for outlawing these publications other reasons that were
    often given were that these were `inciting Armenians within the
    country' and ` catering to the Armenian cause.' It was claimed that
    the article which led to the closing of Mardigos in 1933 defended the
    position that the `Armenian revolution was in fact righteous and not
    working together with the Kurds was a very important tactical
    mistake.' The article that was given as the reason for closing Arev,
    which was published in Cairo, is one of he first examples of memories
    from 1915 being revitalized: `Due to the 20th Anniversary of the Mush
    Plain tragedy.'

    c) Books during this period also received prohibitions. Examples of
    these are `Today's Armenia' and `Gardens and Orchards' published in
    Cairo, `Emma' and `Longings for Life' published in Yerevan.

    d) In 1933 for the first time the entry of an encyclopedic publication
    was denied. The famous German dictionary/encyclopedia Brochaus' Atlas
    was prohibited because it was argued that it `had a splintering effect
    on Turkish Cultural Unity.' The prohibition concerning encyclopedias
    would once again resurface after the September 12th military coup
    d'etat in 1980. The reason given for this was the incorporation of
    `Historical Armenia.'

    e) An event that left its mark on this period was the attention
    Austrian writer Franz Werfel's Forty Days on Musa Dagh received. It
    was a novel that served as a reminder of the events that took place in
    1915. The Turkish diplomatic effort for the banning of this book was
    successful and the campaign served as an example for campaigns against
    1915 memorials in the world and the movie `Midnight Express'. The book
    was first published during the beginning of Nazi rule and with the
    OPCM its entry in to Turkey was immediately prohibited.

    A treaty with only a single condition was signed between Turkey and
    Nazi Germany concerning the prohibition of the book. This must have
    been one of the first international treaties the new German regime had
    signed. In any case Werfel's book in addition to many other authors'
    books was burned in campaigns organized by the Nazis through out
    Germany on May 10. In 1935 the book along with a photograph of Werfel
    was burned in the garden of the Armenian school in Pangalti. In 1934
    the book was published in French. France refused to prohibit its
    distribution. The American edition became a best-seller with over one
    million copies sold. The American company MGM expressed interest in
    making a movie based on the book. However, when faced with Turkish
    diplomats threatening to close Turkey's doors to the American film
    industry they gave up the idea. (The detailed story of this diplomatic
    campaign that spanned a time period of five years may be found in
    Rifat Bali's article in the magazine Tarih ve Toplum).

    f) Armenian graves were removed; most churches were either legally
    expropriated or simply left to collapse. These practices were once
    again employed after 1960 with the help of the secret Subcommittee for
    Minorities (Azınlıklar Tali Komisyonu) initiated by
    Prime Minister Ismet Inonu. This Committee were dissolved again
    secretly in 2005, by Government's Decree, as a part EU reforms.

    2) We may label the second phase of this process as the stage of
    amnesia or that of forgetting. In 1948, despite being one of the first
    nations to sign the UN's genocide treatise, it is safe to say that a
    general amnesia played an important role for Turkey in this decision.
    While the Turkish Republic signed this treaty with out giving any
    thought to the hardships it would cause later on, the United States
    waited until 1986 to sign it. The period between 1945 and 1990 marks a
    tumultuous democratization period for Turkey. In 1950 the founding
    party of the Republic, CHP, lost the elections and was removed from
    power. However, in 1960, 1971 and 1980 respectively military coup
    d'etats would take place. Despite all these changes the prohibition
    on foreign publications entering into the country as arranged by the
    Council of Ministers continued. Interestingly enough tourist guide
    books also suffered as a consequence of this because of mentioning
    `Historical Armenia.' Those who guide books on them or anyone who was
    found carrying books about Armenians at borders were detained. One of
    the most memorable demonstrations of the 1980 coup was the bombing of
    the resistance memorial at Musa Dagh by canons.

    During the militaristic rule of General Kenan Evren the French
    encyclopedia Larousse was prohibited from being imported due to the
    fact that it included an entry on the Armenian Genocide and its
    history. The editor of the Turkish edition of the British encyclopedia
    Britannica was tried in court for allowing an entry on `Historical
    Armenia.' The Britannica fascicle in question was taken out of
    circulation. During this time a Turkish encyclopedia which gave
    detailed accounts of all the provinces, Yurt Ansiklopedisi was
    published under strict censorship, cleaned from the pages about
    Armenia and Armenians.

    3) The third phase constitutes a kind of civil disobedience where
    books on the Armenian issue began to get published and discussion of
    the issue itself began to be carried out in the courts.

    The 1980 coup had a detrimental effect on human rights, this lead to a
    large scale human rights movement. The escalation of the Kurdish issue
    caused a continuation of these problems on the one hand and on the
    other intensified the search for civil liberties and rights.

    Ayse Nur Zarakolu, one of the leading figures in this human rights
    movement, published books on the Kurdish issue in 1990 and also
    published sociologist Dr. Ismail Besikci's books which had been banned
    from publication since 1971.
    By doing so Ayse Nur Zarakolu initiated the discussion of the Kurdish
    problem. In 1990 while being tried for the book Kurdistan: An
    Inter-states Colony in her defense Ayse Nur Zarakolu mentioned for the
    first time in addition to all the international human rights documents
    the Genocide Treatise. She stated that `It is the committers of
    genocide that should be tried not those who discuss it.'

    The 142nd Article of the Turkish Penal Code, which had been borrowed
    from the Italian Penal Code in 1930 and was removed in 1990, in
    addition to socialist publications had become the standard article
    with which books on the Armenian and Kurdish issue were handled. The
    article was used for prosecuting crimes that endeavored to incite
    hostility amongst social groups based on class, religion, ethnicity,
    race and nation.

    After the removal of the 142nd article from the penal code there was a
    significant increase in the number of publications concerning the
    Kurdish issue.

    But this also translated into an increase in the number of trials
    taking place. Med/Zel/Peri Publications' editor Ahmet Onal, in 1992,
    published Armenian researcher Garo Sasuni's The Kurdish National
    Movement and Kurdish- Armenian relations beginning with the 15th
    Century up until The Present the original of which was first
    published in Beirut and later in Stockholm. The book was tried and
    banned. 'The same publisher in 1994 published Western Armenia and
    Genocide by Kurdish researcher K.Kalman. The book was also tried and
    banned. In 1996 a book published by Ahmet Onal was banned: The novel
    Longing/Garod written by Hracya Kocar who had been exiled during the
    Stalinist rule in the Soviet Union, had its second edition banned,
    because of the cover.

    Despite the removal of article 142 from the Turkish Penal Code the
    State Security Courts began using article 8 of the Struggle on Terror
    Law and the Penal Codes 321st article in place of it, essentially
    employing these alterations for the same purposes as before.

    In accordance with changes taking place since the 2004 reforms for EU
    membership the 8th article of the Struggle on Terror Law has been
    dropped and the 312th article of the TPC has been `softened'. However,
    since these changes, cases dealing with the Armenians and Kurds are
    now tried under the 7th article of the Struggle on Terror Law and the
    old TPC's 159th article (301st under the new penal code). `Publishing
    materials contrary to the national interest of Turkey with the help of
    foreign aid' has been added on to this as a new article, article
    305. It is this article that permits for Armenian Genocide
    Publications to be prosecuted directly as offenses. So far no
    prosecution has made use of this article.

    While the 305th article has yet to be employed in such matters, cases
    that are taking place frequently prosecute under the law which
    prohibits insulting and making accusations against the Turkish State
    or its armed forces. In addition to this a special law that came into
    effect in 1951 which strives to protect the honor of Ataturk is also
    resorted to i.e. Dora Sakaryan's and George Jerjian's cases in 2005.
    Journalists who have made a point of discussing this kind of trials
    have found themselves in court houses being charged with `attempting
    to affect the Turkish Justice System'. Even the Administrative Court
    System has been included in trying to prevent the Armenian Genocide
    from being discussed in the Turkish Universities. This demonstrates
    just what kind of a political and ideological tool the legal system is


    With the threat of genocides in Bosnia and Yugoslavia and with the
    Kurdish problem not making any progress, with the process of a forced
    migration being reinstated we feel that it was time to once again to
    begin discussing the Armenian Genocide. Over the course of two years
    we worked on Yves Ternon's ` History of The Armenian Genocide' and
    published it in 1993 under the title `The Armenian Taboo'. The Rwanda
    genocide which was taking place at the time only confirmed our fears
    that history would have to be faced sooner or later.

    The same year Taner Akcam as part of the civil liberties and rights
    search, though not settling for the term `Genocide', concentrated his
    studies of the tradition of the oppressive Turkish State around the
    Armenian question and published his first book relating to the matter
    under the title `The Armenian Problem and Turkish Identity'.

    While the Ternon case continued in order to solidify our position and
    to broaden our argument we published a translation of Professor Vahakn
    N. Dadrian's `Genocide According to International and National Law:
    The Armenian Example' published by Yale University. This book too was
    immediately banned and a case was set up against it. While the Ternon
    case resulted in conviction and a two year prison sentence, the
    Dadrian case was dismissed and this in turn opened the door for
    further study of the matter. Because of the importance that rests on
    the shoulders of these two cases for having paved the way for further
    discussion of the Armenian Genocide we will talk about them in greater
    detail later on.

    Yves Ternon's Case, the Accusation, the Defense and the Conviction

    In November of 1993 we had given the following reason for publishing
    Ternon' s `The Armenian Taboo': `The Turkish public knows of only one
    story when it comes to the Armenian issue and that is the official
    position the government has taken. What is the other side of the
    story? This was never found out by the Turkish public. The prevention
    of future problems such as international hardships, more genocides and
    new dangers is only achievable through facing our own history in a
    bold manner. It seems unlikely that any Turkish Prime minister will
    ever kneel before a genocide memorial the way German Prime minister
    Willy Brand did. But they must.'
    In order to prevent discussion of the Armenian Genocide the first law
    that was put into action was the law concerning the struggle against
    terror and more specifically its 8th article. Therefore, Ayse Nur
    Zarakolu was tried as a ` perpetrator of terror' at the 4 State
    Security Court 4th in Istanbul. While the book on the Armenian
    Genocide was being prosecuted in Istanbul, in Paris, Historian Bernard
    Lewis was being prosecuted for arguing in one of his articles for Le
    Monde the inapplicability of the term `Genocide' for the Armenian
    issue. The case against Lewis had been brought on by Yves Ternon and
    the Armenian community. These two cases, which concentrated on the
    acceptance and the denial of the Armenian Genocide, affected each
    other and both resulted in convictions. Lewis was sentenced to pay a
    symbolic one Franc compensation in Paris, while Ayse Nur Zarakolu was
    sentenced to two years in prison along with a 250 million Lira
    fine. The prosecutor instead of grounding his charges in the 312th
    article of the TPC decided to prosecute under the struggle against
    terror law. Turkish media focused its attention mainly on the Lewis
    case in Paris and therefore paid little attention to the Ternon case
    in Istanbul, this resulted in no discussion taking place at all
    amongst the Turkish public concerning the Armenian Genocide.
    On December 4th 1994 the publishing house was bombed and in the case
    which was held shortly after the Government was on the losing side. It
    has been 12 years and the case still has not been recognized by the
    Court of Appeals.

    The Prosecutions primary argument:

    It was argued that the book `on 29 separate occasions claimed that at
    various times genocide had been committed against the Armenians, and
    it did so in a manner that openly provoked hostility amongst citizens
    based on racial differences. It labeled certain regions of the
    Republic of Turkey, Kurdistan and Turkish Armenia which is an argument
    in favor of the divisibility between the countries people and its

    Publisher Ms. A. N. Zarakolu's Defense:

    `As I stated from the very beginning, I am a human rights activists
    and it because of my beliefs as a human rights activist that I am
    opposed to all types of genocide. The only way of preventing genocide
    today is by unearthing past ones and discussing them.'

    The Decision:

    `While the book, which goes on to discuss the Ottoman Empires role in
    subjecting the Armenians to genocide and the massacres committed by
    the Kemalists during the Turkish independence movement, claims in 29
    separate pages the occurrence of an `Armenian Genocide' it is noted
    that the borders which are said to belong to Armenia overlap with
    regions claimed by the PKK to be Kurdistan' the decision then
    continues as follows:
    `The book is accurate in so far as the Armenian people living under
    the Ottoman Empire were over the course of history harassed, had their
    villages plumaged, and were killed by the Empires Kurdish subjects
    living in the same region. However, the portrayal of these two groups
    as currently friendly with one another, as two suffering nations,
    reflects a future interest in the sharing of lands.'

    A book which studied a period of history 80 years ago was being
    convicted for its involvement with a contemporary issue, the Kurdish
    issue. The decision which is full of all sorts of conspiracies
    continues like this:
    `From the books entirety it is understood that the requests of these
    two ethnic groups, both of which have never been able to achieve
    statehood, include territories of the Republic of Turkey. It is agreed
    that the defendant, therefore, has argued in favor of the idea of
    divisibility in relation to future times. The map in this book matches
    the map drawn by the PKK, and the victimization of both these groups
    is discussed at length. It is understood by these stated facts that
    the book is arguing in favor of the division of Anatolian territories
    into two separate states by the afore mentioned two groups. The State
    Security Court despite understanding the reasons for the books
    publication, which were stated to be `facing history and preventing
    future genocides', chose to ignore this. Instead, choosing to
    fabricate certain theories which have nothing to so with the contents
    of the book in question, they decided to convict based on
    fabrications. In 1997, twenty years after the publication of the books
    original edition in French, this conviction was approved by the
    Supreme Court of Appeals.***

    ** Because the court recognized ANZ as the author of the book she was
    given the maximum sentence. They noted that Dr. Ternon was `some
    unidentifiable person who was narrow minded and full of hate.' Once
    information concerning Dr. Ternon's status as a researcher and
    scholar, who at the time was delivering a paper on the Rwanda genocide
    in Paris, was established the Court of Appeals asked that her sentence
    be reduced to six months as the publisher of the book not the
    author. The court agreed to this only not changing their minds about
    the following: they stated that `considering the defendants past and
    her tendency to commit such offenses it is believed that with the
    reduction of the sentence will not prevent her from committing future

    ***The following Press Statement was released by Belge Publishing on
    the 27th of April 1997 as a response to the decision:

    `This decision is not based on any judicial truth. The reasons they
    have given are purely stereotypical. The only thing that is accurate
    about the conviction is that the term `Western Armenia' is mentioned
    in the book. According to the court this same region is claimed by
    the PKK to be a Kurdish region and therefore this book in some way
    serves their cause. This decision is perhaps the strangest one ever to
    be issued. Because of the ambiguity concerning the language that was
    used in the statement we wonder whether or not the committee
    responsible for reading and analyzing the book even did so. It has
    even led us to believe that perhaps the case was confused with another
    one! The statement mentions certain things that have nothing to with
    the contents of the book. They argue that this book, which was written
    in 1977 by a French researcher, serves the PKK's cause. The PKK was
    founded in 1978 which would make Dr. Ternon one of the world's
    foremost prognosticators! He discovered a separatist group before it
    had actually formed and had devised certain evil plans for Turkey
    through them! This scenario can only be described as paranoia. The
    map in the book is said to overlap with a map drawn by the PKK. If
    that is the case where is this map that was drawn by the PKK!? What
    does the PKK have anything to do with the issue at hand anyway!? In
    fact there is no map in the book. In all honesty this is an
    embarrassment for the legal process. We believe that it will suffice
    to say that Dr. Ternon's book is a study of a specific historical and
    tragic period in time and that its sole purpose is to aid in the
    prevention of future tragedies by allowing for honest and open
    discussion of history.'


    The acquittal of Prof. Dadrian's book, entitled `Genocide', on
    December 29 1995 by the No: 5 State Security Court of Istanbul was a
    decision of historical significance. This caused a significant
    increase in awareness and up until the wave of nationalism that came
    about as a result EU membership talk in 2005, not a single publication
    concerning genocide was prosecuted. We saw this decision as a victory
    in our struggle for truth.

    After the decision we issued the following statement:

    `Despite the courts reasons for the acquittal which were strange and
    somewhat offensive, we see this as a step towards forming a bridge
    between the two communities in an environment that uses the term
    `Armenian' as an insult, many times by high ranking officials to
    degrade their opponents. We see this as a step in the right

    The decision caused certain political debates. In 2000 the Islamic
    press drew attention to the issue by releasing the headline:
    `Acquittal for the Armenian, Conviction for the Hoca.' The reason for
    this was because of the convictions that were approved by the Supreme
    Court against former Prime Minister Erbakan and Istanbul's mayor
    Tayyip Erdogan. How is it that a book arguing in favor of the genocide
    could be acquitted (Akit, Oct. 6, 2000)

    The Prime Minister at the time, Bulent Ecevit, sent an official letter
    to the Supreme Court asking how such an acquittal could be issued. The
    court in its response stated that they did not accept the term
    genocide; however, in the TPC there was no article that was applicable
    to the case. The prosecution could not argue the 312th article.

    Ecevit during this time established a Committee that would be
    responsible for Struggle against the Accusations concerning the
    so-called Armenian Genocide (CSAAG). As the president of this
    committee he appointed Asst. Prime Minister and head of the
    Nationalist Movement Party Devlet Bahceli. The Committee would involve
    representatives from the General Staff, bureau of Internal Affairs,
    bureau of International Affairs, also from the ministry of culture
    along side MIT (National Intelligence Agency) and YOK (Council for
    University Education) and other representatives who would make a joint
    effort against the theory of genocide being committed against the

    This development involved reaching out to teacher and other government
    employees through out the country, editing text books with the
    inclusion of appropriate materials, composition assignments for
    students about the Armenian genocide, symposiums at universities
    concerning the issue. And anti-Genocide studies would be supported.

    During the same period the new draft for the TPC including drafts of
    the 301st and 305th articles were penned in a manner that aided this
    campaign. Erdogan and his cabinet have not altered these changes to
    cause a significant effect.


    The Dadrian acquittal is also interesting as it serves as an outline
    of the official denialist view on the Genocide. The Supreme Court paid
    special attention to the denial of the Genocide in its acquittal

    `The claim that at various times through out the 17th, 18th and 19th
    centuries (?) Genocide was committed against the Ottoman Empires
    subjects in the Caucuses is a well known Armenian accusation. Because
    this accusation is known by both Turks and Armenians it carries no
    legitimacy as a new development. The author has written this work with
    a very narrow frame of mind not making room for any opposing or
    comparative views and has endeavored to document it.
    During wars with large states a certain Nationalistic sentiment came
    about and the Empires Armenian subjects were affected by this. As a
    result of outside influences by neighboring states the Armenians
    actively jeopardized the safety of Ottoman forces, disrupted life for
    the local people and attempted to kill many of them in the process.
    Faced with these conditions the Ottoman government was forced to make
    certain decisions to try and stop these acts. The relocation of the
    Armenians to the Eastern regions of the Empire was a seen as a
    solution; however, certain losses were suffered in the process. The
    term genocide is not applicable to the losses that were suffered nor
    is it possible to hold the Turkish people responsible for what
    happened during the relocation.

    In addition to this it is noted that there is not a significant amount
    of the aforementioned people to incite. According to the TPC's 312t h
    Article the crime must endeavor to incite a large group of citizens.

    Because of these reasons stated the book must not be taken
    seriously. In addition to this because of the lack of scientific
    comparison it is not possible to qualify this book as scholarly in

    Despite distorting historical facts the book does not satisfy the
    conditions set forth by the TPC's 2nd article which states that a work
    must, in order for the article to apply, try to `incite the public
    based on racial, religious and regional differences.' Therefore it
    cannot be convicted.

    Out of the 5 presiding judges two were opposed to the acquittal and
    their reasons for the opposition are as follows:

    `When considering the book in question it was recognized to be a study
    that was not scholarly in nature and presented a single view point
    which was limited. From the book the following claim appears to be
    made `that Armenian's in Anatolia were systematically massacred in a
    genocide committed by the Ottoman Turks and the reasons for the
    Ottomans denying it are that they plan on committing such crimes again
    in the future and this has resulted in the emergence of a dangerous
    situation for Armenian citizens in the country.' This is a one sided
    argument that has been embellished and it does satisfy the conditions
    set forth by the 312th Article's last condition trying to `incite the
    public based on racial, religious and regional differences.' Because
    of this we do not agree with the opinion of the other judges in this

    In a way the accused in this case, the publisher, became the plaintiff
    and the court was left to defend itself.

    As Ms. A. N. Zarakolu said once, `It is our belief as publishers, that
    such discussions do not belong in the courtroom, but should rather be
    the subject of articles, reviews, books and conferences'.