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Wanted In Beirut: Shiite Models, Christian Neighbors

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  • Wanted In Beirut: Shiite Models, Christian Neighbors

    by Kerry Sheridan

    Agence France Presse -- English
    December 17, 2006 Sunday 4:11 AM GMT

    The classified ads appeal for fresh Shiite faces at a modeling
    agency. The parking lots are marked "For Maronites only". And a sign
    at doctor's office reads: "Muslim Sunni".

    None of it is real, but part of a provocative advertising campaign
    which aims to take its warning against sectarianism to the airwaves
    with a series of television commercials in the coming weeks.

    The campaign was conceived by children of Lebanon's 1975-1990 civil
    war, who are now young professionals mainly in their 30s alarmed by
    the way society continues to isolate people of different backgrounds
    and beliefs.

    "Lebanon is quite tribal," said Asma Andraos, 35, one of the founders
    of the civic group 05Amam, adding that people can be "blunt" when it
    comes to religion and politics.

    "Very often you'll get into a taxi, and the driver will ask your name,
    then where you are from, and then more questions. What he is trying
    to find out is what religion you are -- a) if you're Christian or
    Muslim and b) if you're Orthodox, Maronite, Sunni or Shia," she said.

    "We are trying to say we have a problem. What we want to do is raise
    a debate."

    The ads have shocked Lebanon since they began appearing in eight major
    newspapers last month and on hundreds of billboards across the country.

    "Get the latest hairstyle from a qualified Armenian Orthodox coiffeur,"
    and "Real estate for rent: Greek Catholic owners and neighbors,"
    reads a panel of classified ads, distinguished only as a public
    service announcement by small print below: "Stop sectarianism before
    it stops us."

    Billboards depicting license plates with a letter "S" for "Shiite"
    and physician offices that show not the type of practice but instead
    the doctor's religion have even been attacked by people who believe
    they are real.

    "Of the 300 billboards we had, about 50 of them have been pulled down
    or destroyed," said Edmund Rabbath, 36, another founder of the group.

    "But it's good. We're happy about that because it means we have reached
    our aim. We want reactions, positive and negative," said Rabbath.

    Rabbath is among some 20 people who formed 05Amam after being on
    the frontlines of mass demonstrations last year which forced the
    withdrawal of longtime powerbroker Syria and the subsequent election
    of an anti-Syrian majority parliament.

    United in grief and anger after the February 14, 2005 assassination of
    five-time prime minister Rafiq Hariri, they camped out by the thousand
    on the government's doorstep in their call for a new leadership under
    the rallying cry of "Syria, out."

    Their demonstrations were dubbed "The Cedar Revolution" by the US
    State Department, after the tree on the Lebanese flag which protestors
    waved incessantly on Martyrs' Square in downtown Beirut.

    Afterward, a core group formed 05Amam, which takes its name from
    the year, 2005, and the Arabic "Al-Mujtamah Al-Madani" which means
    "civil society," and when condensed to "Amam" means "forward."

    "Our requests last year were national requests," recalled Rabbath.

    "We were asking for the withdrawal of Syria and an international
    tribunal into the Hariri killing."

    By pure coincidence, the 05Amam group launched its advertising campaign
    on November 12, the same day that five pro-Syrian ministers, including
    two from Shiite militant group Hezbollah, resigned from the cabinet
    after being included by Western-backed Prime Minister Fuad Siniora
    last year.

    For the past two weeks, thousands of opposition protesters led by
    Hezbollah and Christian followers of longtime exile and general Michel
    Aoun have been camping on those same grounds.

    They are demanding a greater say in the government, the resignation
    of Siniora, and are threatening to form their own interim government
    unless they gain a one-third blocking share of the cabinet.

    The protests have sparked deep dismay among those who took part in
    last year's demonstrations, because they believe Iran and Syria are
    mobilizing Hezbollah supporters to block the formation of a Hariri
    tribunal, which could see Syrian suspects tried.

    "Personally speaking, they have the right to ask for whatever they
    want," said Rabbath. "But now I think their orders are not Lebanese
    in origin, and the people camping out are doing so on the order of
    their parties."

    Andraos, who said that among the diverse members of 05Amam is a
    Christian who supports Hezbollah, said the campaign did not intend
    to launch at such a volatile time, but "it just makes it clearer how
    dangerous things can get."

    Sectarianism "is what drove Lebanon to civil war," said Andraos. "And
    it's possibly how today's opposition, which was initially a political
    thing, is now turning into a confessional thing."

    The group has received hundreds of emails, some from people who are
    panicked but most from people who applaud the tongue-in-cheek message.

    "It is important to raise awareness about this issue," wrote one man
    who described himself as a Jew of Lebanese origin. "Because Lebanon is
    the home of all Lebanese whether they be Christians, Muslims or Jews."

    The group is working to finalize a series of 15-second television ads
    that it hopes will start running later this month or early next year.

    Already, one channel has expressed interest in running the ads for
    free, though organizers declined to say which one for fear that other
    channels may be unfairly deterred.

    "It is as if the civil war never happened. None of us have learned
    any lessons," Rabbath said.