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Is Revolution Possible?

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  • Is Revolution Possible?


    Lragir, Armenia
    Dec 18 2006

    The leader of the Liberal Progressive Party of Armenia Hovanes
    Hovanisyan stated December 18 at the Pastark Club that although they
    are against major quakes, "there is too much trash in the country
    and evolutionary development would take 50 years. Consequently, we
    need a movement and a shake-up to clean up this trash. Trash cannot
    foster stability." Hovanes Hovanisyan had one impression from Robert
    Kocharyan's recent interview. "He did not say a new thing. He said
    they will do everything to hold power."

    According to the leader of the LPP, if this logic of the government
    persists, the parliament as a political institution will become
    obsolete, the end of parliamentarism will come. "The government does
    not pursue progress and change in this country, and the principle is
    who will give out more. The government is seeking for a miscarriage
    of the political thought and removing political struggle from the
    political sphere. They do their best to eliminate political dialogue
    and ideas." In addition, the electoral campaign started too early,
    the entire political sphere was monopolized, the media are crammed
    with PR campaigns, "however, these campaigns are not always effective,
    very often these campaigns bring evidence against themselves."

    According to the LPP leader, the government is waging an internal
    struggle and a struggle with the opposition, and the second is not
    adequate to the steps of the competitor, "we have no political
    opponents, the government responds to our ideals with gossip,
    distortion, rejects a political dialogue, acts boyishly in this
    process." If the government carries out this policy successfully,
    it will eventually reach the degradation of the society, the society
    will become a dull, castrated mass unable to make any decisions. At
    the same time, Hovanes Hovanisyan does not exclude that electoral
    fraud in 2007 will make the society rise, "and a process may start
    which is called a revolution."

    Hovanes Hovanisyan denounces only the Republican Party. According to
    him, the Republican Party gave no new ideas to the Armenian nation in
    the 21st century except the ideas of Garegin Nezhdeh. But the ideas
    of Nezhdeh are formal for the Republicans. Moreover, in connection
    with shaping the structure of the parliament in 2007 by government's
    scenario Hovanes Hovanisyan said, "the Republican Party has become
    an errand political party. There are people who have not uttered a
    word at the National Assembly over the past decade but are likely to
    run for parliament." By the way, Hovanes Hovanisyan thinks that no
    one in Armenia can mention a definite rating of one political party
    or another because "the elections have been falsified since 1995."