[02:52 pm] 19 December, 2006
No matter how hard economists try to prove that the recent revaluation
of the dram has had its positive influence from many points of view,
in practice we see the vice versa; RA citizens have suffered greatly
from the dram appreciation.
"A1+" offered it readers to answer the following question, "Does the
dram appreciation influence on the mode of life?"
On the whole, over 359 people participated in the polling. Most of
them (53%) assume that the dram revaluation has its negative impact
on the life standards. Others gave the following answers;
Yes, it influences positively (25 %)
Slightly (4%)
Greatly (11 %)
It doesn't influence at all (4%)
I cannot give a definite answer (3%)
This week "A1+" has initiated polling to find out the level of
corruption in Armenia". Therefore, we urge our readers to participate
in the polling actively and to answer the question, "Did you have to
give bribes over the passing year?"
[02:52 pm] 19 December, 2006
No matter how hard economists try to prove that the recent revaluation
of the dram has had its positive influence from many points of view,
in practice we see the vice versa; RA citizens have suffered greatly
from the dram appreciation.
"A1+" offered it readers to answer the following question, "Does the
dram appreciation influence on the mode of life?"
On the whole, over 359 people participated in the polling. Most of
them (53%) assume that the dram revaluation has its negative impact
on the life standards. Others gave the following answers;
Yes, it influences positively (25 %)
Slightly (4%)
Greatly (11 %)
It doesn't influence at all (4%)
I cannot give a definite answer (3%)
This week "A1+" has initiated polling to find out the level of
corruption in Armenia". Therefore, we urge our readers to participate
in the polling actively and to answer the question, "Did you have to
give bribes over the passing year?"