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China Doesn't Stand Aloof From The Karabakh Conflict Either

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  • China Doesn't Stand Aloof From The Karabakh Conflict Either


    19.12.2006 GMT+04:00

    Each side hears from the diplomats what it wants to.

    Probably very few countries are left in the world, which, according to
    Azeri Press do not support the territorial integrity of the Republic
    of Azerbaijan regarding the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    regulation. China didn't stand aloof from the issue either. According
    to APA (Azeri Press Agency) Press-Secretary of the Chinese Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs Guin Guang announced, "China respects the integrity
    of the Republic of Azerbaijan, its sovereignty and supports the
    Resolution of UN Security Council on Nagorno-Karabakh".

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ China, of course, is a large country and is a member
    of UN Security Council and has a right of veto. Its opinion, like
    the opinion of the other countries, is vital. The fact is that the
    Azeri Mass Media so often disseminates such misinformation, that the
    Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs is hardly believed to have made
    such an announcement. And even if it is so, then it means, that the
    World Community, is poorly informed about the conflict and moreover
    about the UN Resolutions, for which the same China voted in 1993. By
    the way, Resolutions are much spoken about in Azerbaijan; however
    the text itself isn't quoted. In the meantime, the UN Resolutions are
    estimated by forces, which have taken control of several Azeri regions,
    like the "local Armenian forces", and in this way the statement of
    the official Azerbaijan concerning the participation of the RA Armed
    Forces in these developments is rejected.

    Besides, the mentioned documents of UN Security Council call for
    taking all the necessary measures in the region and solving the
    existing problems (withdrawal of troops, reestablishment of economic,
    transportation and power links in the region, returning of the
    displaced persons, negotiations within the frames of OSCE Minsk Group,
    as well as direct contact between the sides with the aim of coming to a
    final decision etc.) There were only four of them: UN Security Council
    Resolution N 822, 29.04.93; UN Security Council Resolution N853,
    29.06.93; UN Security Council Resolution N874, 14.10.93, UN Security
    Council Resolution N884, 11.11.93. It is obvious, that it is not
    handy for Azerbaijan to be reminded of the kernel of these documents;
    moreover, probably Baku hopes that nobody remembers what was stated
    in them, so they may interpret them in the way they would like them to.

    On the other hand each country hears from the diplomats what
    it wants to. That's our neighbors - the whole world is for the
    territorial integrity, only for some reason the nation's right on
    self-determination is always affixed to it. Even if we admit, that
    such announcements supporting the Azerbaijani positions regarding the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict regulation have been made by countries like
    China, Japan, Korea then it must have been dictated by the momentary
    dependence of the mentioned countries on Azerbaijan.

    In the end, it's all the same for all of them how the confrontations
    in Nagorno-Karabakh will end. In this very case China is interested
    in energy vectors, which are skillfully implemented by Azerbaijan. It
    is not by accident that earlier the Chinese side has expressed its
    readiness to assign financial support for Kars-Akhalkalaki-Baku
    railroad construction. However, this is not enough either to make
    such kind of announcements. Strangely enough, China has been silent
    regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh referendum so far.

    "PanARMENIAN.Net" analytical department