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Karabakh Funding Boost

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  • Karabakh Funding Boost

    By Ashot Beglarian in Hadrut

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    Dec 21 2006

    Impoverished southern district gets big Californian cash injection.

    The proceeds of a telethon in the United States are to be spent on
    trying to reverse the dismal fortunes of a poor war-ravaged district
    of Nagorny Karabakh.

    The Hadrut region in the south of the unrecognised republic is due to
    receive 14 million US dollars raised last month at the Los Angeles
    event organised by the diaspora donor organisation the Hayastan

    The region has 12,000 inhabitants. The head of the local
    administration Valery Gevorkian said that amongst the main problems
    facing the district were its worn-out water system, poor roads,
    lack of communications, insufficient housing and lack of medical
    facilities. All this, say experts, is hurting the economy and driving
    people away.

    The houses in the small village of Tsakuri are old and humble.

    Falling snow made the roads virtually impassable and our Niva jeep
    moved over the rough ground with difficulty. But the main problem
    that the locals complain about is not the roads, but water.

    Villager Armen Grigorian said that a foreign organisation had installed
    an enormous water-tank and pipes in the village several years ago,
    but that there was still not enough water to go around.

    "In summer the water flows for two hours a day, there is only a
    thin stream in our houses and we manage to collect just a couple of
    buckets for basic needs. We also have problems with transporting our
    agricultural produce to suppliers, which of course does not encourage
    farming. And this is in a place where a man has to work until he is
    an old man, because you can't survive on a pension," he said.

    In the neighbouring village, Grigory Firumian said he had little to
    complain about.

    "We don't live badly - if someone works hard and is industrious by
    nature, he prospers. Life in the village goes by at its own pace.

    Soon construction will end on the North-South highway that passes
    through our village and we will be able to get to the district centre
    much quicker than now," he said.

    Firumian has two sons serving in the army, alongside his son-in-law
    and their pay helps supplement the family income.

    He also says the village badly needs water and hopes the telethon
    will help provide it. "Of course it would be good to complete the
    construction of the school that was begun in the last century but I
    repeat the most urgent problems of our village at the moment is our
    water supply," said Firumian.

    These are common problems in the remoter parts of the South Caucasus.

    But the people of Hadrut are lucky in that their ethnic kin have come
    to their aid. Of the 14 million dollars collected, half has been
    earmarked for a drinking water system, repair of hospitals and the
    building of a new bridge at Tsakuri.

    Villages in Hadrut have already benefited from diaspora grants,
    with money flowing in from California and from the Union of Armenian
    Doctors of France, which has subsidised the building of a medical
    and social centre in the village of Norashen. In the same village,
    the Los Angeles and Sydney branches of the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union have funded a school for eighty pupils.

    "This is a strategic programme because this village is right on
    the border, it has an interesting history and you can build a model
    village here," said Arkady Gukasian, president of the republic of
    Nagorny Karabakh at the opening ceremony of the school.

    "We should implement programmes like this in the whole republic
    because we have two goals - for Karabakhis to live in Karabakh and
    for villagers to live in villages. Our best traditions are preserved
    in the villages."

    The more remote village of Khtaberd suffers from more serious
    problems. "You can travel in summer, but in winter it's practically
    impossible," said local resident Araik Baghdasarian. "We have just
    one jeep which serves as an ambulance, but if a person gets sick in
    winter then the situation is hopeless. Telephone communication with
    the regional centre is very poor and there's no question of contact
    with the capital."

    Baghdasarian said young people had nothing to do and infrastructure was
    falling apart. "We need to build houses, roads and schools," he said.

    The local administration said that as a result of the Karabakh
    conflict between 1988 and 1992, 200 Armenian refugees had resettled
    in Hadrut from various Azerbaijani towns and villages. It also tries
    to help families of those killed in the conflict or ones with many
    children. In the village of Mets Tager, local resident Julietta
    Altunian gave birth to her tenth child and was awarded with a bank
    account containing five thousand dollars.

    "If we use the funds raised in Los Angeles rationally and competently
    we will be able to restore the places in the region that most vitally
    need it and make it prosper," said one villager, cautiously hoping
    for the future.

    Ashot Beglarian is a freelance journalist and IWPR contributor in
    Nagorny Karabakh.