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BAKU: "Echo": "USA to Follow Human Rights Related Situation in Azerb

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  • BAKU: "Echo": "USA to Follow Human Rights Related Situation in Azerb

    "Echo": "USA to Follow Human Rights Related Situation in Azerbaijan"

    Democratic Azerbaijan
    Dec 22 2006

    US Deputy Secretary of State on the issues of democracy, human rights
    and labor, Barry Lowenkron, declared "USA closely follow human rights
    and democracy related situation in Azerbaijan", US Deputy Secretary
    of State on the issues of democracy, human rights and labor, Barry
    Lowenkron, declared during meeting with representatives of human rights
    organizations. Saida Gojamanli, chief of office on protection of human
    rights and observation of lawfulness, informed "Echo". Accordingly to
    her, Arzu Abdullayeva, Leyla Yunus, Eldar Zeynalov, Ilgar Ibrahimoglu,
    Murad Sadaddinov and Rena Sadaddinova and US Ambassador to Azerbaijan,
    Ms. Ann Ders, joined meeting. Accordingly to human right activist,
    in the course of meeting lasted an hour and a half, parties discussed
    issues connected with human rights and public and political situation
    in the country.

    "Moreover, we discussed issues connected with mass media, freedom of
    assembly, holding of election etc.", she added. Human rights activists
    drew attention of B. Lowenkron to the fact that after parliamentary
    election of 2005 situation relating to human rights and court system
    has considerably been aggravated in the country.

    In turn B. Lowenkron declared that it is not his last visit to
    Azerbaijan. Accordingly to him, in February report of US Department
    of State on human rights situation for 2006 will be made public. B.

    Lowenkron met with students of Azerbaijan State Language University.

    Making speech before the students, he underlined that "USA completely
    recognizes territorial integrity of the country". Accordingly to
    diplomat USA advocates searching for the ways to regulate Nagorni
    Garabagh conflict which would meet interests of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Head of University, head of Azerbaijan delegation to PACE, Samad
    Seidov, US Ambassador, Ann Ders, attended the meeting. According B.

    Lowenkron, relations between Azerbaijan and USA are based on 3
    equivalent principles - ensuring regional and global security,
    creation of global energetic security, promotion of democracy and
    freedom in Azerbaijan ("Turan").

    Having underlined significance and interrelation of all 3 factors,
    diplomat focused on issues of democracy and human rights. Mr.

    Lowenkron holds that energetic incomes open new opportunities for
    Azerbaijan, however, country may face new challenges. To prevent
    possible problems availability of democratic institutions is
    necessary. "There are 5 important factors promoting development of
    democracy: supremacy of law; free and fair political system; freedom
    of mass media; guarantee of human rights and freedoms; availability
    of citizens with high education level and, ready to actively partake
    in public and political processes", he said.

    Stressing that Azerbaijan has already reached certain progress
    in development of its legal system, he underlined necessity of
    implementation of reforms in this field. "It is necessary to reach
    professionalism of judges and public prosecutors, improvement of
    legal defense of citizens, formation of qualified advocates", he
    added. Diplomat also declared about reforms within police to prevent
    misuse committed by representatives of law enforcement agencies. He
    urged government of Azerbaijan to implement election reforms to bring
    election system in accord with international standards. "Free and
    independent mass media plays key role in protection of democracy.

    Everyone should enjoy right to get information from the source free
    of censorship". B. Lowenkron underlined.