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Bye Mom, Ilham needs me!

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  • Bye Mom, Ilham needs me!

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    December 22, 2006 Friday


    by political observer Grigori Aleksandrjan

    LEGISLATION OF AZERBAIJAN; New Year surprise for Azerbaijani

    Azerbaijani authorities intend to amend the acting legislation in
    order to boost numerical strength of the regular army. The idea is
    promoted by the presidential apparat i.e. by President Ilham Aliyev
    himself. Judging by what is contemplated, Azerbaijani youths are in
    for trouble.

    Azerbaijan runs conscription campaigns four times a year - in
    January, April, July, and October. It means that whoever is
    disinclined to go to the army is kept under pressure the year round,
    constantly compelled to pay bribes for their freedom for another
    couple of months. Conscription campaigns have been limited to the
    first 20 days of the abovementioned months until now. The idea is to
    extend their duration to 30 days every 3 months.

    Graduates from universities and colleges are to be drafted for
    eighteen months in the army, not twelve anymore.

    The new amendments will be particularly harsh on conscripts with
    three children. No more deferments for them.

    Conscription to the regular army in Azerbaijan applies to men aged
    18-35. It means that Azerbaijan experiences difficulties with
    staffing the army.

    Only five years ago the conscription age in Azerbaijan ended at 27,
    like in the good old USSR.

    Independent military experts do not expect these innovations in the
    legislation to improve the state of affairs in the Azerbaijani army
    or to do away with its problems that worry society. Here is a list of
    some of these problems or shortcomings. Corruption of the officer
    corps. A lot of senior officers of the Azerbaijani army are guilty of
    theft of state property, bribes, abuses of power, forgery, and so on.
    Senior positions in the regular army are reserved for incompetents
    with pipelines into high places or with money sufficient to buy the
    position and promotions afterwards. Cruelty in the barracks is
    omnipresent. A great deal of youth drafted in the army are physically

    The Azerbaijani army is literally a disease-breeder.

    All of that compels families to seek ways and means to spare their
    young the necessity of military service. Many of the latter leave the
    country, mostly for Russia. The authorities therefore cannot help
    taking measures to staff the regular army.

    Uzeir Jafarov, a military expert prominent in Azerbaijan, does not
    think meanwhile that quantity means quality. Janmirza Mirzoyev,
    former commander of the Baku Supreme Naval College, agrees with
    Jafarov. He is convinced that these new amendments will only breed
    corruption in conscription campaigns. "Our army is unfortunately
    corrupt," Mirzoyev said. "Whatever sums set aside for the Armed
    Forces are mostly embezzled. If you ask me, this is what
    parliamentarians should be paying attention to."

    Parliamentarians all but appointed by Aliyev himself are unlikely to
    listen to Mirzoyev who is out of favor with the powers-that-be.

    "We know that Karabakh is still occupied. Everyone believes that
    these lands should be fought for and returned to Azerbaijan. Once we
    begin preparations for it, however, everyone finds an excuse to be
    doing something else," said Ali Guseinov, Chairman of the
    Parliamentary Commission for Legal Policy and State Development.
    Sound reasoning indeed.

    Is the regular army of Azerbaijan ready for combat? Another military
    expert Alekper Mamedov is absolutely correct when he says that it is
    something that may be decided only when the hostilities have already
    begun. "No matter how we extol certain accomplishments in the sphere
    of national defense, we should never forget that the neighbor country
    (Armenia - author) has not been idle either. It has built up its
    military potential too," he said. That is why Mamedov promotes
    reforms in all spheres from staff policy to technical rearmament as
    the only means of strengthening the army. According to Jafarov, even
    Turkey seems to be rapidly losing interest in the Azerbaijani army.
    "If you ask me, the Turkish military has perceived Azerbaijan's
    disinclination to implement NATO theoretic and practical programs of
    development of the armed forces," he said. As a matter of fact,
    Jafarov does not even think that the ever increasing arms spending
    signify strengthening of the army because the military budget is
    anything but transparent. There are no guarantees that the money does
    not end up in someone's pocket.

    In any case, presidential amendments will be certainly adopted which
    we believe will only anger the Azerbaijanis whose sons are doomed to
    encounter all peculiarities of military service in Azerbaijan.

    Source: Novoye Vremya (Yerevan), December 19, 2006, EV

    Translated by A. Ignatkin

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress