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Weakness of government or controversies within government?

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  • Weakness of government or controversies within government?


    Lragir, Armenia
    Dec 22 2006

    If the political assassinations started several months before the
    election, one can only imagine what will be happening in the
    pre-election period. It is possible, of course, that there will be no
    more assassinations in that period not to arouse anger in the
    international observers to give a bad evaluation of the election. The
    pre-election period will be used to arrest the necessary people to
    accuse of the murders committed before. After all, Robert Kocharyan
    has already set the model which certain people use to instill
    disbelief and divide within the team in power. The murders will be
    presented in this context. That is why the Bargavach Hayastan Party
    does not react adequately and publicly to the assassination of the
    mayor it supported, that is why the investigation of the
    assassination of Shahen Hovasapyan is not moving forward, at least

    All this is intended for pressure on undesirable forces and figures
    in the pre-election period rather than for the PR of the work of law
    enforcers. And nobody doubts the ingenuity and vigor of our judicial
    system, and as a member of the Republican Council Gagik Melikyan said
    on one occasion, in Armenia it is possible to bring charges on
    anyone. There are a number of examples. It is even possible to find a
    link between the murder of Julius Caesar with the process in 2007 in
    Armenia and accuse someone proceeding from a statement made by him.

    Let alone the value of the recent assassinations. However, we cannot
    conclude that these murders are committed to manipulate later and
    accuse certain people. It would be wrong to state absolutely that the
    government hits friends to frighten foes, or sacrifices friends to
    take revenge on foes. Simply we cannot afford not to conclude that
    the government should use everything for its interests.

    In this connection, it is becoming more interesting to know the real
    reason of the assassinations. Ostensibly, it does not fit the frame
    of the declared stability, consequently either they are revealing the
    weakness of the government and want to make pressure on one wing of
    power or another or they are the consequence of the controversies
    within the government. If the first is possible, the murders will
    ostensibly continue as long as any of the wings of the Armenian
    government has not made real efforts to change the situation.

    Ostensibly, this concerns especially the wing which is making
    ~Ssacrifices~T. If the controversies within the government are
    concerned, ostensibly the situation is so tense that the mechanism of
    arrangements fails, and they are trying to make it work through
    physical threats.

    Anyway, the current situation displays the critical state of Armenia,
    when the actions are not only illogical but may also obey any logic.

    The conclusion is one: tension has reached the boiling point.
