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Archbishop Goriun Babian visits Sharjah - Dubai

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  • Archbishop Goriun Babian visits Sharjah - Dubai

    Archbishop Goriun Babian visits Sharjah - Dubai

    Azad-Hye, Dubai
    23 December 2006

    On the second part of his visit to the United Arab Emirates, His Eminence
    Archbishop Goriun Babian, the Catholicosal Representative of the Diocese of
    Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf countries transferred to Sharjah, where he held
    a meeting on the 13th November 2006 with the members of legislative and
    executive bodies in Sharjah - Dubai. The meeting took place in the assembly
    hall of the Saint Krikor the Illuminator Armenian Church in Sharjah. The
    following two subjects were discussed:

    1- The Council of the Armenian Community in Northern Emirates suggested
    conducting the Temagan elections on 9th February 2007, considering that the
    period from 17th January to 2nd February 2007 coincides with the school
    year's mid-term vacations.

    2- Establishment of daily Armenian school:
    Several weeks ago a decision was reached to hold a consultative meeting on
    19th November 2006 with the participation of Archbishop Babian, members of
    both legislative and executive bodies and Harout Ohanesian, the benefactor
    of the Armenian weekly school of Sharjah. Unfortunately, due to
    circumstances beyond personal will, the benefactor and several other members
    will not be able to attain the meeting. It was therefore considered right to
    postpone it to December (Archbishop Goriun will be visiting Sharjah again on
    December to attend the 25th anniversary celebrations of the school).
    Nevertheless, all the members insisted on conducting this meeting as soon as
    possible in order to clarify several pending issues.

    Holy Mass in Sharjah on the occasion of the 8th anniversary of the
    inauguration and official blessing ceremony of the Saint Krikor the
    Illuminator Armenian Church of Sharjah (1998-2006)

    Until recently it was a tradition in Sharjah to celebrate the Name Day of
    the Sharjah Church on the commemoration day of Saint Krikor's entry to the
    deep dungeon (moodn i virab). The sacrificial offerings (madagh) were
    prepared on the same occasion. Considering that the above commemoration day
    often coincides with the period of Greater Lent (Medz Bahk), and
    specifically with the week that goes before the Palm Sunday (Dzaghgazart) -
    during which the consumption of meat was a serious cause of contempt by the
    believers - it was deemed therefore appropriate to detach the Name Day
    celebration of the Saint Krikor Church from the sacrificial offerings day.
    This first time experience proved to be very successful.

    In the evening of 16th November 2006 special ceremony took place followed by
    the blessing of the meat and salt. Soon afterwards the whole night
    preparation of the madagh took place with the collective effort of 50

    In the morning of the following day (17 November 2006) Archbishop Babian
    performed the Holy Mass ritual with the presence of several hundreds of
    Armenians from Sharjah - Dubai and nearby locations. It is worth mentioning
    that thanks to the efforts of Der Aram Deyirmenjian a four-part mixed choir
    was formed in Sharjah, which on this occasion performed composer Yegmalian's
    famous Divine Liturgy.

    Archbishop Babian delivered a sermon on the subject of pilgrims and
    pilgrimages in general and the offering of sacrificial meat and its meaning.
    He referred to the centuries-long history of the Armenian Church which
    reflected the history of the Armenian nation.

    Following the Holy Mass a procession (consisted of the clergy and the
    laymen) entered the community hall, where cauldrons were holding the
    well-cooked madagh. Following the blessing of the madagh the believers sang
    the semi-official anthem of Cilician Catholicosate "When the doors of hope
    open" (Yerpor patsvin trnern huso).

    Visit to the Ohanesian weekly school

    During the visit to the Ohanesian weekly School Archbishop Babian expressed
    his appreciation for the great job the Head of School Lorig Katerjian and
    the rest of the education staff have been doing. He noted that the school is
    experiencing increase in the number of students (160 this school year
    compared to 125 in the previous year 2005-2006), covering all stages from
    Kindergarten up to the eight grade.

    Source: Excerpts from the report prepared by the office of the Diocese of
    Kuwait and the Arabian Gulf Country, 22 November 2006. English translation
    by Azad-Hye.

    _______________________________________ _
    1- Preparation of the sacrificial offerings (madagh).
    2- Blessing of meat and salt.
    3- Sermon delivered by Archbishop Babian.
    4- Believers follow the Holy Mass.
    5- The procession moving towards the community hall.
    6- Requiem service and blessing of the herisa (a special recipe prepared
    from the madagh sheep or chicken roaster)
    7- The ordained choristers.

    See Armenian text and photos at: Id=371daf93