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BAKU: Mahmud Mammad-Guliyev: Armenia's Access To Circular Route Is T

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  • BAKU: Mahmud Mammad-Guliyev: Armenia's Access To Circular Route Is T


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Dec 25 2006

    Jackson-Vanik amendment can be abolished after Azerbaijan's accession
    to the WTO

    Deputy Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Mahmud Mammad-Guliyev's exclusive
    interview to the APA

    -Which projects does the November 14 adoption of the European
    Union-Azerbaijan Action Plan envisage?

    -Integration to the Euro-Atlantic structures, as well as
    strengthening of the relations with the EU is one of the main
    priorities of Azerbaijan foreign policy and this cooperation is of
    great importance for us. We are planning to expand our relations
    through European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) on the basis of the
    Partnership and Cooperation Agreement. The five-year EU-Azerbaijan
    Action Plan covers bilateral cooperation in political and security
    dialogue, economic reforms, trade, energy, transport, information
    technologies, environment, education, social defense, science,
    culture in fighting international terrorism, organized crimes,
    human trafficking, smuggling and also cooperation in the field of
    border control, police and justice. Memorandum on Understanding on
    Strategic Energy Partnership was singed between the European Union and
    the Republic of Azerbaijan on November 7 in Brussels. The main goals
    of this memorandum are to ensure the diversification and security of
    energy supply of the EU and modernization and development of Azerbaijan
    energy infrastructure, efficient use of energy, energy saving, and use
    of renewable energy. Draft State Program for 2007-2009 has been worked
    out to implement the items of the PCA so as to bring Azerbaijan's
    legislation closer with the EU standards. This program is designed
    to gradually bring Azerbaijan legislation to the EU legislation. In
    particular, this program, covering bank, finance, competition and tax
    legislation, intellectual property, technical rules and standards,
    will help Azerbaijan deepen economic relations with the EU.

    -How much aid will Azerbaijan receive though the Action Plan?

    -The integration processes to the EU will be reflected in the EU's
    newly initiated cooperation program Europe Neighborhood and Partnership
    Instrument (ENPI). The ENPI will provide great opportunities for
    implementation of the Action Plans, and was designed for new neighbors
    such as Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russian Federation, South Caucasus,
    Near East and Northern African countries.

    The ENPI budget during the period of 2007-2013 provides ~@12 billion
    for realization of programs. The exact volume of funds for Azerbaijan
    will be set after the projects within the Action Plan are developed.

    -What about the projects through TACIS?

    - I think the cooperation between Azerbaijan and the EU within
    TACIS program is productive. Generally, the EU has to date provided
    technical assistance of over EUR 400m for Azerbaijan since 1992, of
    which EUR 100m was made possible through TACIS. This program mostly
    envisages reducing poverty, providing assistance for institutional,
    administrative and legal reforms, supporting private sector and
    contributing to economic development. The assistance for improvement
    of the state budget, taxation system and social protection, progress
    in investment climate for small and medium size enterprise and regional
    development, as well as higher and technical education can be regarded
    as that vital.

    - At what stage are the negotiations on Azerbaijan accession to the
    World Trade Organization?

    - We continue bilateral and multilateral negotiations with the
    World Trade Organization member states. Azerbaijani party has to
    date had four meetings with the special working group of the World
    Trade Organization. The European Union, the USA, Turkey, Canada are
    the leading supporters of Azerbaijan's membership. The negotiations
    with a number of countries on this issue have already finished and
    bilateral agreements are expected to be signed with these states. The
    next meeting with the special working group is to be held in Geneva,
    March- April. One of the main issues is to bring the economic law
    inline with the standards of the WTO. We are working on implementation
    of the presidential August decree on this issue.

    - When can the CIS countries become members of the WTO?

    - Ukraine and Russia are expected to be admitted to the WTO in 2007.

    But, it should be taken into consideration that all decisions are made
    by consensus and the organization has 150 members. It seems to me,
    Kazakhstan enjoys great perspective for admission. It is hard to say
    beforehand as everything depends on negotiations.

    - What is done to abolish the USA Jackson-Vanik Amendment that impedes
    the accession to the organization?

    - Jackson-Vanik Amendment does not hinder Azerbaijan's admission to
    the WTO. On contrary, the USA takes serious Azerbaijan's admission,
    having provided technical assistance. The Jackson-Vanik amendment may
    be banned after Azerbaijan's being admitted to the organization. If
    a country is admitted to the WTO, it means that this country is a
    market economy one, and the Jackson-Vanik amendment is removed. Of
    course, we try to remove the amendment now, but the US stated that
    this problem can be settled after Azerbaijan's membership to the WTO.

    - Some claim that accession to the WTO is not favorable for

    - In general, Azerbaijan's admission to the WTO is favorable and
    supports Azerbaijan's interests. This gives broad opportunities for
    trade liberalization, free turnover of goods and services, bringing
    benefit for consumers. These conditions increase the quality of goods
    and services and reduce prices. Producers try to produce competitive
    goods. The lesson of a number of countries proves that the membership
    brings great profits to the country. China's international turnover
    doubled after the admission to the organization. Besides, investments
    to the Chinese economy doubled.

    - One of the requirements made by the WTO is to reduce the subsidies
    for agriculture. How acceptable are these demands?

    - The World Trade Organization pursues the policy of reducing subsidy
    flow to various sectors because subsidy creates indefinite situation
    and disturbs competition. The organization considers if goods are
    produced through subsidy, their prize is not objective. Today, one of
    the main issues is the import subsidies of agriculture goods. The EU
    and other big states also made these subsidies. As per the agreement,
    the EU will not make export subsidies to agriculture goods after
    2013. One of the main questions under discussion with the WTO is to
    provide internal assistance to Azerbaijan's Agriculture sector.

    -Can Armenia join the BSECO Circular Road project via Azerbaijan?

    -Circular Road project envisages the restoration, reconstruction,
    development and improvement of the infrastructure of the countries
    located around the Black Sea. Being the members of the BSECO,
    Azerbaijan and Armenia have joined this project. As we have no direct
    access to the Black Sea we will get access to Circular Road through
    Georgia and Russia. Despite Armenia's participation in this project,
    it is both politically and technically impossible for this country
    to gain access to the Circular Road through Azerbaijan. Armenia can
    get an access to the road through Georgia. Understanding Memorandum
    on the project between the parties is being prepared at the moment.

    After the necessary procedures are completed the Understanding
    Memorandum will be signed by the organization member states, including

    - At the last meeting in Strasburg Azerbaijan suggested the AGO group
    stop the special monitoring on the country. How did the opposite
    party find this proposal?

    -During the last negotiations I suggested that the monitoring on
    Azerbaijan shouldn't be carried out by a special group, but the
    general monitoring, as it was in post-monitoring states, be applied
    to Azerbaijan. We think Azerbaijan has fulfilled the CE commitments,
    but the fulfillment of some other obligations is not up to Azerbaijan,
    but roots from the regional situation. That is why we consider that
    the results of the monitoring should be assessed, and new proposals
    should be taken into account. But the opposite party insists that
    there still is a need for special monitoring.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress