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This Person Is Becoming Dangerous For Nagorno Karabakh

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  • This Person Is Becoming Dangerous For Nagorno Karabakh

    Haik Aramyan

    Lragir, Armenia
    Dec 26 2006

    After holding a referendum successfully the public of Nagorno Karabakh
    can focus on the problem of candidates of president. Life goes on,
    and the political elite of Karabakh is growing active, for the country
    is coming to the point of necessary changes for development.

    However, it is already clear that not everyone welcomes progressive
    changes in Karabakh. As it usually happens, most people consider
    these changes dangerous for their personal interests. And though it
    seems that there cannot be such people in what concerns the people of
    Karabakh which has not been recognized by the international community
    yet, life shows the opposite. There are a number of people who proceed
    from their personal interests in evaluating history and the reality
    in Nagorno Karabakh.

    There have been a number of such cases recently, which aroused concern
    among the Karabakh public. Certain NKR officials were said to have been
    involved in games in connection with the problem of adoption of the
    NKR Constitution. Apparently, NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan wanted
    to put an end to these worries when he confirmed on December 10 the
    day of the referendum his decision not to run a third term and even
    promised to inform the public on his activities after leaving office.

    It appeared that reason won, and the country could go on to tackle the
    other problems of state building. But no. Someone has again decided to
    question the willingness of Nagorno Karabakh to act in accordance with
    the demand of history, and lead people towards his own wishes. And this
    someone is not another social climber from President Ghukasyan's team
    but the businessman Ara Abrahamyan, who has been trying to convince
    the Armenian people that he is the leader of the Armenians, and he
    was born to bring them together under the flag of the World Congress
    of Armenians.

    Ara Abrahamyan disagrees that the people of Karabakh should elect a
    new president. He decided that Ghukasyan is irreplaceable and must
    remain president until the country is recognized. Ara Abrahamyan does
    not care for the opinion of the NKR people. Moreover, he does not
    care for Ghukasyan's statement to take up another occupation. The
    "father" of Armenians denies the course of history; for him history
    is the fulfilment of his own dreams.

    We could grin at the wish of another rich man and not pay attention
    to it. Especially that this figure "generously donated" one million
    dollars to Karabakh. Perhaps at some time someone would explain to him
    that it is wrong to point it to people. Perhaps President Ghukasyan
    could explain the benefactor how unappropriate this is towards people
    who made so many sacrifices for the sake of freedom.

    However, the problem is that people are growing suspicious that
    Arkady Ghukasyan is not involved in the strange actions of the
    Diasporan benefactors, who are friends of his. Ara Abrahamyan is
    not the first. The society has not forgotten about another friend of
    president's, the gradiloquent speech of the American Armenian Vahe
    Karapetyan during the recent telethon of Armenia Foundation when
    he stated that he would support Ghukasyan to be elected for a third
    term. This man thought his donation of half a million dollars would
    make his wish more realistic. At that time, Arkady Ghukasyan standing
    near Vahe Karapetyan did not react to his friend's statement.

    Ghukasyan could have explained, if not to Vahe Karapetyan but to
    the entire Armenian nation that such notions as the fate of people
    must not be played with. Karapetyan would conclude that his words
    are impertinent. The fate of a friend may matter more for someone
    than the fate of a nation, but history does not forgive helping a
    friend at the expense of people. Ghukasyan did not explain, which
    means he does not understand either. And if he does not understand,
    he makes others think that he undertakes these political games rather
    than his Diasporan friends.

    The Armenian public has witnessed such "strange" behavior of the
    members of Arkady Ghukasyan's team, who tend to neglect public
    statements and vigorously try to stop the history for their own
    wishes. Then it became clear that they were fulfilling Ghukasyan's
    wishes rather than their own. But since Arkady Ghukasyan's plans
    are revealed one by one, he pretended that the ideas belonged to
    these figures.

    Meanwhile, in Ara Abrahamyan's case Ghukasyan lay himself bare. He
    should not have had Ara Abrahamyan utter his own text, since he had
    mentioned separate principles to others in private talks. Ghukasyan's
    memory failed, or rather the desire to keep the office prevailed. In
    Armenia, Karabakh and the Diaspora everyone knows Ghukasyan's theses
    that "he does not wish to run a third term but there is nobody worth
    to replace him." Most people remember Ghukasyan's words that only he
    personally can get money from the Diasporan rich people. The statements
    of Ghukasyan's team that they do not give money to Karabakh but to
    Ghukasyan are many.

    This is quite different from the words of a statesman who is interested
    is something else than his own fate. A person who lives abroad for
    months on without giving an explanation to the NKR public.

    He knows what he was busy doing there. And how could Ara Abrahamyan
    know that by citing Ghukasyan he would place himself and the president
    of Armenia in a funny situation? He did not calculate everything,
    whereas he could have acted a little more diplomatically.

    But diplomacy would hardly be helpful. Ghukasyan's policy of solving
    the problem of his own fate at the expense of people through someone
    else is already victious. And in this case ruses will not be helpful.

    All this would sound funny if it were not dangerous. Everything is
    clear about separate Diasporan benefactors: they know why they give
    the money, for people or for their "friends" who have high positions.

    Thanks God, these benefactors are few compared with the real friends of
    the people of Karabakh. Meanwhile, the people of NKR need to clarify
    the problem of its own ingenious figures who have turned their office
    and the external relations of NKR into a mechanism of solving their
    own problems.

    There is already a lot to discuss. First, the public of Karabakh
    needs to find out for what services the Diasporan rich men give
    the money to Ghukasyan and not to Karabakh. It is clear that if we
    believe this thesis of Ghukasyan's team, nobody would give him money
    for "beatiful eyes". Consequently, it is necessary to find out how
    Ghukasyan becomes preferable for his "friends". This is absolutely
    realistic considering that the money raised by the Armenian Diaspora
    in 2005 did not reach its destination, the region of Martakert. In
    NKR they still wonder about 1.5 million dollars which did not appear
    where it should appear legally.

    The media have reported about the transfer of the property of NKR to
    Swiss businessmen and gave facts on deals made by the NKR leadership
    and rich foreigners. The uncertainty over the activities of the
    foundation for maintenance of Goris-Lachin-Stepanakert motorway is
    reported, where the visible work does not correspond to the reported
    annual expenses (by the way, this project is also related to Vahe
    Karapetyan who annually provides 150 thousand dollars for roadworks).

    In other words, Ghukasyan does not tell a lie when he says that
    the money (at least part of it) is given to him personally not to
    Karabakh. And the fact that some rich Diasporans are fussing and
    making deals with Ghukasyan openly may have reason. Not only Arkady
    Ghukasyan fears leaving office. So they have made efforts to shut
    the mouth of the people of Karabakh with "patriotic" speeches that
    it is impossible to replace Ghukasyan. It is clear that Ghukasyan is
    irreplaceable for them for some reason. But this is their problem.

    And the problem of the NKR public and those who are responsible for
    legality of Diaspora charity is to prevent anything in the back of
    the state and the public. Ghukasyan, who is facing the problem of
    leaving office, is becoming dangerous for the people. Not only the
    public but also the relevant agencies should hurry to attend to
    these problems. It is high time that the parliament, the National
    Security Service and the NKR procuracy start official proceedings
    with regard to the relations of the NKR government agencies and the
    foreign financial sources. Today this is a matter of national security.

    The institutions of NKR are established and able to defend the
    interests of NKR.