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Plans For Genocide Memorial Stir Up Emotions From Diverse Groups

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  • Plans For Genocide Memorial Stir Up Emotions From Diverse Groups

    By Peter Hecht
    McClatchy Newspapers

    Monterey County Herald, CA
    Dec 26 2006

    SACRAMENTO - Assemblyman Lloyd Levine says he came to understand his
    Jewish cultural roots and comprehend a horrific epoch in history on
    a trip to Israel in 2004.

    He was at the Yad Vashem holocaust museum in Jerusalem, transfixed
    by cubes stacked like children's play blocks. Each depicted children
    who died of Nazi genocide. A somber voice intoned their names as 1.6
    million beams of light reflected the toll of young lives taken.

    "For the next several hours, I had the abiding urge to throw up,"
    Levine, D-Van Nuys, said. "It makes you sick knowing what happened."

    Levine returned to California determined to make his own contribution
    to the victims by seeking a "dignified and quiet" memorial outside the
    Capitol to honor those who "perished and suffered" in the Holocaust.

    But as the bill he sponsored was debated and amended in the Legislature
    and then signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger on Sept. 30,
    Levine's original vision grew markedly.

    Under Assembly Bill 1210, which goes into effect Jan. 1, California
    will begin a quest to construct a memorial in Sacramento not only for
    victims and survivors of the Holocaust, but for all people who faced
    genocide and ethnic cleansing across the world and many generations.

    On its face, the effort raises a poignant challenge by seeking to
    bring together diverse peoples and histories to acknowledge acts of
    inhumanity from the Holocaust of Nazi Germany to the killing fields
    of Cambodia to the ongoing ethnic slaughter in Darfur.

    Though still an ill-defined concept, the idea of such a memorial is
    stirring emotional discussions among vast, varied communities affected
    by genocide.

    In Glendale, Haig Hovespian hopes the memorial will acknowledge the
    mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Armenians in Turkey in 1915.

    "A vast majority of Armenians who came to California were either
    survivors or descendants of the victims of Armenian genocide,"
    said Hovespian, community relations director for Armenian National
    Committee of America. "If you want to boil it down, it is the reason
    that they are Californians today."

    In Sacramento, Zang Fang, 36, believes such a monument should
    acknowledge Hmong refugees who fled wanton killings in Laos during 30
    years of retaliations for the Hmong's support of the United States'
    secret war against communist Pathet Lao in the 1970s.

    As a toddler, Fang lost his father, Joua Lue Fang, who fought alongside
    U.S. forces and was killed in an explosives accident. As an 8-year-old,
    he saw an uncle, Zong Chue Fang, executed and lost a cousin, Xialee
    Fang, who was gunned down while collecting wild roots as Pathet Lao
    forces sacked Hmong villages.

    Thousands were ultimately killed or imprisoned, and 200,000 people
    were forced into exile. Fang's family attempted a perilous trek to
    flee Laos on a mountain trail lined with bodies of Hmong victims.

    They eventually made it to Thailand in a boat crossing the Mekong
    River, as 16 people drowned when a second boat capsized.

    "What the Hmong did to help the Americans needs to be acknowledged,"
    Fang said of the Capitol memorial. "And the price they paid to help
    the Americans needs to be acknowledged."

    Under AB 1210, a nine-member International Genocide Commission,
    including at least six survivors or descendants of genocide, will
    be appointed to select a design and initiate private fundraising to
    build the memorial.

    "The construction of this memorial will help all Californians remember
    the unimaginable suffering genocide survivors endured," Schwarzenegger
    said in signing the legislation.

    The bill declares that "California recognizes the atrocities of
    all ethnic cleansing campaigns," including "the Holocaust, Kosovo,
    Armenian genocide, Rwanda, African American slaves, Native Americans
    and the plight of the Hmong in Southeast Asia."

    If built, the memorial would be the 16th major monument at Capitol
    Park, joining such company as the Civil War Veterans Grove, the Father
    Junipero Serra statue, and veterans, Vietnam War and firefighters

    The planned genocide memorial's attempt to meld together such horrific
    events from far corners of world history may prove particularly

    Andrew McPherson, director of design at Nacht & Lewis Architects in
    Sacramento, which designed a veterans memorial plaza at Mather Field,
    said the genocide commission should cast a wide net in seeking input.

    "To have somebody go off into a vacuum and design a memorial is really,
    really risky," he said. "You're going to have people coming out of
    the woodwork that have different ideas. And you're going to have
    people who may be offended, saying, 'Why wasn't I asked?'"

    Holocaust survivor and author David Faber, 80, of San Diego wonders
    how other acts of genocide can be incorporated into the same reflective
    space as a Holocaust memorial.

    "It's nice if they do that," Faber said. "It can work, providing
    that it is put into sections: the Holocaust here, Rwanda here,
    Kosovo here...."

    His hesitation over a combined memorial may be because his own sense of
    persecution is literally burned into his flesh. Faber's left forearm
    bears number 161051 from the Bergen-Belson concentration camp in
    Germany, one of numerous death camps he was shuttled to as a boy.

    He witnessed Nazi soldiers executing his mother and five sisters at
    his family home in Poland. He also lost his brother, father and more
    than 90 extended family members to the Holocaust.

    "We're talking 6 million people (who perished)," Faber said. "How many
    would be here now if they hadn't been murdered? It would be over 50
    million. A generation was wiped out."

    Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center
    in Los Angeles, said a universal-themed Capitol memorial would be
    an appropriate "statement of empathy and solidarity with all victims
    of genocide."

    "... It is a shocking and depressing statement that, here in the 21st
    century, you have to stand up again and again and say this type of
    behavior cannot be sanctioned," he said.

    That's why San Francisco lawyer Martina Knee, a daughter of Holocaust
    survivors and a member of the Bay Area Darfur Coalition, wants the
    memorial to acknowledge still unfolding mass killings of hundreds of
    thousands of villagers in western Sudan.

    And Igor Cimpo, 30, of Sacramento wants the memorial to honor the
    12,000 people who died in the former Yugoslavia in Sarajevo and the
    8,000 -- Muslim men and boys -- massacred in Srebrenica.

    The Bosnian refugee dodged Serbian sniper fire during the 1992-1996
    siege of Sarajevo, "running to get water, to get food, always wondering
    if you were going to make it home."

    "There was genocide in the middle of Europe. It happened again, so
    long after the Holocaust," Cimpo said. "I fear these events happen
    and people forget overnight. I'm afraid they're forgetting now."