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ANC Nevada Marks 2006 as a Year of Progress and Success

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  • ANC Nevada Marks 2006 as a Year of Progress and Success

    Armenian National Committee of America
    Western Region
    104 N. Belmont Suite 200
    Glendale, CA 91204
    Phone: (818) 500-1918
    Fax: (818) 246-7353
    Email: [email protected]

    December 26, 2006

    Contact: Ara Shirinian or Dr. Armen Hovanessian
    [email protected]

    Nevada ANC Marks 2006 As A Year Of Progress and Success

    Las Vegas, NV - Bolstered by strong community support and a
    dedicated team of volunteers, the Nevada Armenian National
    Committee (ANC) had a banner year in 2006.  The Silver State's ANC
    chapter focused this year on educating local, state and federal
    officials on issues of concern to Nevada's rapidly growing Armenian
    American community.

    Thanks in large part to the work of the Nevada ANC, the state is
    home to a delegation of House and Senate members who have
    consistently offered strong support for Armenia in the U.S.
    Congress.  The Nevada ANC maintains strong and long-term
    relationships with incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid,
    Senator John Ensign, Congressmembers Shelley Berkley and Jon Porter
    and incoming Governor Jim Gibbons.  The chapter also has a strong
    and positive working relationship with Las Vegas Mayor Oscar
    Goodman and Las Vegas City Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian, wife of
    famed basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian.

    "We are pleased with the growth of the Nevada ANC," remarked the
    chapter's co-chairman Ara Shirinian.  "Our chapter is committed to
    unifying our community around common issues that all Armenian
    Americans support.  As an example, this year we took some major
    strides in working with Las Vegas officials to erect a monument in
    tribute to the victims of the Armenian Genocide and worked to
    introduce a genocide education curriculum in our public school
    system," Shirinian added.

    Incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a strong friend of the
    Nevada ANC, has played a leading role in blocking the nomination of
    Richard Hoagland to serve as America's next ambassador to Armenia. 
    In a letter to the Nevada ANC this summer, Senator Reid shared that
    he was "extremely concerned" by the reluctance of Richard Hoagland
    to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.  Most recently, on December
    1st, Senator Reid called on President Bush to withdraw the Hoagland
    nomination and propose a new candidate to serve in this important
    diplomatic post. The incoming Majority Leader stressed that, in
    light of the broad-based opposition within Congress, the extensive
    media coverage this issue has received, and the strong stand of the
    Armenian American community against the nomination, "it would serve
    neither our national interests nor the U.S.-Armenia relationship to
    expect Ambassador-designate Hoagland to carry out his duties under
    these highly contentious and profoundly troubling circumstances."

    Supporters of the Nevada ANC hosted a number of fundraisers in
    support of area politicians.  In July of this year, ANC supporters
    in the Las Vegas area sponsored a fundraiser for Republican U.S.
    Senator John Ensign.  Ensign has emerged as a vocal proponent of
    U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide and introduced an
    Armenian Genocide resolution in the recently concluded 109th
    Congress.  Also in 2006, Nevada ANC supporters hosted a fundraiser
    for Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, a member of the powerful House
    International Relations Committee and an active member of the
    Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues.

    "I believe the growth in Nevada's Armenian American community has
    provided a positive opportunity for our ANC chapter to grow as
    well," commented Nevada ANC co-chairman Dr. Armen Hovanessian. 
    "And with the recent changes in Washington, our good friend Senator
    Reid is now the majority leader of the U.S. Senate.  All of this,
    the growth in our community and the change in Washington, presents
    a golden opportunity for Nevada's Armenian American community to
    play a major role in advancing the Armenian Cause," Hovanessian

    During the course of the year, the Nevada ANC joined together with
    other community organizations in participating in an April 24th
    ceremony that drew over 400 participants.  Among the public
    officials who attended the ceremony were incoming Governor Jim
    Gibbons, Congressmembers Shelley Berkley and Jon Porter and
    candidate for Nevada Secretary of State Danny Tarkanian. 
    Supporters of the Nevada ANC also hosted a successful fundraising
    event for the ANCA at the home of Dr. Armen and Lena Hovanessian.

    The ANCA is the largest and most influential Armenian American
    grassroots political organization. Working in coordination with a
    network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout the United
    States and affiliated organizations around the world, the ANCA
    actively advances the concerns of the Armenian-American community
    on a broad range of issues.
