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ANCA Welcomes John Edwards' Entry into Presidential Race

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  • ANCA Welcomes John Edwards' Entry into Presidential Race

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel: (202) 775-1918
    Fax: (202) 775-5648
    Email: [email protected]

    December 28, 2006
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Former North Carolina Senator Supported
    Legislation Recognizing the Armenian Genocide

    WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    today welcomed the entry of John Edwards, a former Senator from
    North Carolina who supports U.S. recognition of the Armenian
    Genocide, into the race for the 2008 Democratic nomination for U.S.

    "We are always pleased to see friends of the Armenian American
    community running for the White House," said ANCA Executive
    Director Aram Hamparian. "In the coming months, as the field of
    candidates takes shape - in both the Democratic and Republican
    parties, we look forward to learning more about each presidential
    aspirant's positions on the full range of Armenian American

    During his tenure in the Senate, Edwards supported issues of
    special concern to Armenian Americans, including official U.S.
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide. In 2002, Senator Edwards
    cosponsored S.Res.307, which marked the 15th anniversary of the
    U.S. implementation of the U.N. Genocide Convention. The following
    year, he was an original cosponsor of the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution, S.Res.164.

    During his run for the 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination,
    Sen. Edwards spoke with ANCA leaders about the importance of
    impressing upon Armenia's neighbors that "We [America] stand fully
    behind Armenia." In public remarks during the campaign, he
    stressed that America's interest are served by recognizing the
    Armenian Genocide, noting that, "it is the just thing to do; it is
    about time we [Americans] recognized it."

    Among the most likely Republican presidential contenders, two New
    Yorkers stand out as especially strong supporters of Armenian
    issues. Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani hosted
    commemorations of the Armenian Genocide in City Hall and maintained
    close relations with the Armenian National Committee of New York.
    Outgoing New York Governor George Pataki, during his twelve years
    as governor, maintained excellent relations with the leadership of
    the Armenian community, and emerged as the nation's most vocal and
    energetic state-level leader working toward U.S. recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide.

    Former Virginia Governor and Republican National Committee Chairman
    Jim Gilmore is a long-standing supporter of Armenian issues. As
    governor of the Commonwealth, he served as Chairman of Virginia's
    April 24th commemorations and inaugurated the Virginia-Armenia
    Advisory Commission. Senator John McCain (R-NV), during his
    lengthy Senate service, has generally not been supportive of
    Armenian American issues, but does maintain a relationship with the
    Arizona Armenian community. Despite the high level of civic
    participation by the Bay State's Armenian community, outgoing
    Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was largely indifferent to
    Armenian American issues during his term in office. Senator Sam
    Brownback (R-KS) for many years opposed Armenian American issues,
    particularly concerning restrictions on U.S. aid to Azerbaijan, but
    has, in recent years, emerged as an advocate for U.S. recognition
    of the Armenian Genocide.

    Among the potential, or already announced, Democratic candidates
    who have supported U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide are
    Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Joseph Biden, the incoming Chairman of
    the Foreign Relations Committee, Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY),
    Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Barack Obama (D-IL), retired General
    Wesley Clark, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), and New Mexico
    Governor Bill Richardson. Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack has no record
    on Armenian issues. Former Vice President Al Gore supported
    Armenian Genocide recognition during his service in the Senate,
    but, as part of the Clinton-Gore White House, blocked adoption of
    the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress