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Putin Wins The Hearths And Minds Of Europe

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  • Putin Wins The Hearths And Minds Of Europe

    by Tony Halpin

    The Times (London)
    December 27, 2006, Wednesday

    Vladimir Putin is entitled to take immense satisfaction from 2006.

    The year opened with Russia cast as the great gas ogre, embroiled in
    a bruising "cold war" over supplies to Ukraine that also threatened
    to dim the lights from Poznan to Paris.

    As 2006 closes, the state monopoly Gazprom has become the energy giant
    that ate Europe, extending the Kremlin's influence from the corridors
    of power to the kitchens of consumers. Add in his success in forcing
    Shell to hand control to Gazprom of Sakhalin-2, the world's largest
    private oil and gas project, and Mr Putin can reflect on a year
    well spent.

    Europe depends on Russia for a quarter of its gas supplies, so Mr
    Putin can fairly claim to be responsible for warming the homes of
    millions of citizens across the Continent. Hence his tone of injured
    surprise at international criticism of Moscow's energy strategy,
    which he argues is based on mutual self-interest. Russia needs the
    markets, Europe needs the gas.

    In reality, it isn't that simple. Collectively, Europe has a chance
    of negotiating with Russia on equal terms. Individually, Russia holds
    the upper hand -Moscow can always find another buyer.

    Russia's closest neighbours know this very well. The row with Ukraine
    exposed how far Gazprom was prepared to go to enforce its terms -the
    sound of the taps being turned off reverberated across the European
    Union. This was the wake-up call that prompted the EU to regard Russia
    in a different light.

    Belarus's President Lukashenko imagined that he enjoyed a special
    relationship with Russia through his much-postponed plan for a union
    state. Mr Putin has disabused him of that notion by having Gazprom
    demand a fourfold increase in gas prices next year to $200 per 1,000
    cubic metres.

    The "incentive" -more a ransom -on offer is to cede ownership of half
    of Belarus's network of pipes in return for a price reduction. Mr
    Lukashenko is said to be deeply offended at this betrayal of his

    But he cannot claim to have been surprised. At last month's summit of
    former Soviet republics hosted by Mr Lukashenko in Minsk, Mr Putin
    made plain that Russia now sought "market-based relations in our
    dealings with all of our partners, without exception".

    Georgia's difficulties with Russia run much deeper than energy, but
    Gazprom has adopted the same strategy: turn over your gas network
    or face a massive price increase, in Georgia's case up from $110 to
    $235 per 1,000 cubic metres. This is about the same price paid in EU
    states, but by a country where the average income is $120 a month.

    Georgia talked tough, insisting that it would seek alternative
    supplies, principally from neighbouring Azerbaijan, rather than submit
    to "blackmail". But submit it did, agreeing last week to meet Russia's
    price for this winter when it became clear that Azerbaijan could not
    meet Georgia's needs.

    Neighbouring Armenia buckled without a fight. It handed Gazprom control
    of a vital supply pipeline from Iran in return for holding down the
    price of gas until after Armenia's next presidential elections in
    2008. Thus, Russia strengthened its presence in the strategically
    important Caucasus while controlling Iran's route to Europe as a
    potential gas competitor.

    For Kiev, Minsk and Tbilisi today, read Berlin, Rome and Paris
    tomorrow. Turkey is even more dependent, relying on Russia for two
    thirds of its gas supplies.

    Gazprom is awash with cash, making profits before tax of £ 8.9 billion
    in the first six months of this year alone. It aims to bolster earnings
    still further by using its market strength and financial muscle to
    gain direct access to western Europe's consumers.

    Gaz de France signed a new contract last week to extend Russian
    supplies from 2015 until 2030 in return for allowing Gazprom immediate
    access to homes and business consumers. Gazprom aims to sell 1.5
    billion cubic metres a year, about 10 per cent of the gas it supplies
    to France.

    A similar deal was signed in November with Italy, which relies on
    Russia for a third of its gas. Gazprom extended the supply contract
    from 2017 to 2035 in return for the right to sell 3 billion cubic
    metres directly to Italian consumers.

    And what about Britain? Gazprom sparked a flurry of stock market
    activity earlier this year with rumours of a takeover bid for
    Centrica, owner of British Gas. That came to nothing, but deputy
    chairman Alexander Medvedev fanned the flames again last month by
    admitting that he would "never say no" to a bid as part of Gazprom's
    acquisition strategy.

    He set a target of gaining 10 per cent of the UK gas market by the end
    of the decade. An audacious swoop for Centrica's 16 million customers,
    however, would be likely to draw a sharp political reaction from the
    British Government.

    However strongly Mr Putin protests to the contrary, it is impossible
    to separate Kremlin strategy from Gazprom's activities, now and in
    the future. The chairman of Gazprom's board of directors is Dmitri
    Medvedev, first deputy prime minister and a leading contender to
    succeed Mr Putin as President in 2008.

    Europe may be forced into uncomfortable compromises with the Kremlin
    on democratic reform and human rights by too close an embrace of the
    Russian bear over energy.

    Russia argues that what's good for Gazprom will be good for Europe
    by ensuring stability of supplies in an unpredictable world.

    Nervousness over the future in gas-rich Turkmenistan after the death
    last week of "Turkmenbashi", the eccentric dictator Saparmurat Niyazov,
    illustrates how dependent Europe now is on far-away places to keep
    the lights burning at home.

    The gamble across the Continent is that Russian gas will prove the
    safest bet for Europe's energy security, and not a political weapon
    with which to extract concessions.

    --Boundary_(ID_aMolLOHwu01hoI4+h5Vzo Q)--