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BAKU: Azeri parliament debates renaming village

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  • BAKU: Azeri parliament debates renaming village

    Yeni Musavat, Azerbaijan
    23 Dec 2006


    A group of MPs has firmly protested at an initiative to change the
    name of the village of Tatarli to Safikurd in Azerbaijan's Goranboy
    District. Addressing the parliamentary session, MP Agazada urged the
    commission chairman to explain the reasons for the proposed change.
    Another opposition MP Panah Huseyn said that "changing this Tatar
    ethnic name to Safikurd would have surprising and unpleasant
    consequences". Several other pro-government MPs as well as historian
    Yaqub Mahmudov strongly opposed this change. Mahmudov said that
    "systematic work is under way by the foreign intelligence agencies
    and certain domestic forces to split Azerbaijan". The following is an
    excerpt from Elsad Pasasoy report by Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni
    Musavat on 23 December headlined "Turkish-Kurdish fight in
    parliament" and subheaded "Authorities' plan against Turkism has

    Speaker Oqtay Asadov presided over another session of parliament
    yesterday [22 December].

    [Passage omitted: parliament debates on the law on medicines, on
    congratulation of President Ilham Aliyev on his birthday]

    The most controversial issue that was on the agenda yesterday
    concerned several changes to the administrative border of Goranboy
    District. During a speech Arif Rahimzada said that a group of locals
    have asked for the village of Tatarli to be renamed Safikurd.
    [Chairman of the Hope Party] Iqbal Agazada strongly opposed this:
    "Why should place names be changed at somebody's request? The
    chairman of the commission should explain why it is necessary to
    change the name."

    A member of the Musavat Party faction, Panah Huseyn said that
    proposing a new name is a completely different issue. "A number of
    Turkic peoples, including Tatars, played a role in the history and
    ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani nation. The ethnic unit Tatar is of
    great importance for studying our history. We fully protect the
    rights of those of our citizens who are not ethnic Azerbaijanis and
    who have taken part in the formation of the Azerbaijani nation.
    Changing this Tatar ethnic name to Safikurd would have surprising and
    unpleasant consequences. Recently, a very serious and controversial
    atmosphere has been formed in the Azerbaijani public and in the mass
    media over this issue. Therefore, I agree with Iqbal Agazada. Issues
    and ethnic names related to Azerbaijan's history should be treated
    seriously. Prominent historians and experts, including Yaqub muallim
    [mode of address] and Nasib muallim, are sitting here. I believe that
    we should learn their views in this regard and treat this issues as
    cautiously and responsibly as possible. As an ethnic Azerbaijani Turk
    I strongly protest at removing the name Tatar from the list of our

    Qudrat Hasanquliyev [chairman of the United People's Front of
    Azerbaijan Party] said that a group of intellectuals and the
    executive head of the village had petitioned him as well. He said he
    had received a request from Nargiz Quliyeva and Muzaffar Huseynov,
    intellectuals of the village. The MP added that the village was once
    known as Saf and Safali and that no Kurds lived there ever. "All they
    ask is to rename it Asagi va Yuxari Safikurd," Hasanquliyev said.

    Professor Camil Hasanli suggested suspending the debate to resume it
    after some research is done. "It is unacceptable to change historical
    place names at the request of several people. Tatarli is at least
    connected with the medieval history of Azerbaijan. It is unacceptable
    to change the name of the village to Asagi va Yuxari Safikurd without
    substantial historical research," he said.

    Professor of history Yaqub Mahmudov took the floor and said that he
    is a strident opponent of treating the issue lightly. There are other
    motives behind the move, he added. Yaqub muallim displayed a very
    strict and principled approach: "Systematic work is under way by the
    foreign intelligence agencies and certain domestic forces to split
    Azerbaijan. Books are published abroad to erase our Azerbaijani and
    Turkic identity. These issues, as well as the problem with religion,
    cause serious concern. They come to Azerbaijan and build churches for
    other countries. I strongly oppose removing [names connected with]
    our Turkic identity. Therefore, I suggest that we take the issue from
    the agenda and let a commission comprised of historians to research
    it. I will present more information next time."

    Many MPs, including pro-government ones, applauded the firm stance of
    the professor. Mahmudov said that Iqrar Aliyev used to chair the
    parliamentary commission which dealt with similar issues. Several
    historians were members of that group and Mahmudov added he could
    name several historians who could join it.

    MP from Goranboy Gultakin Haciyeva also displayed a firm stance. "Are
    not we concerned that today our ethnic place names are being changed
    in Georgia? Have not we voice our concern over Armenia's decision to
    change hundreds of place names? We informed the international
    community of this. I cannot understand the logic why we should change
    the Turkic name of Tatarli? There is a village called Safikurd in the
    region. Why is there a need to create a 'duplicate' and rename this
    village as Asagi va Yuxari Safikurd."

    [Passage omitted: Historical findings confirm that Turkic people
    lived in Goranboy from ancient times, Gultakin Haciyeva said]

    "I have received a petition from 200 intellectuals of Goranboy
    District and I can present it to you if need be. They protest at
    changing place names at the request of two people," Gultakin Haciyeva

    A member of the [place names] commission, Fazail Ibrahimli, said that
    the issue was included in the agenda after villagers asked the local
    executive authorities, which in turn contacted the presidential
    administration and then the presidential administration briefed the
    parliamentary commission. The commission discussed the issue once,
    but then put off the discussion for the lack of a report on what the
    locals wanted. The MP suggested returning to the issue later after
    the place names commission studies it.
    From: Baghdasarian