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Saddam: The questions that will live on

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  • Saddam: The questions that will live on

    Saddam: The questions that will live on
    >From Andrew Buncombe in Washington

    The Independent/UK
    30 December 2006

    So why did George Bush decide to invade Iraq? Nearly four years and
    hundreds of thousands of casualties later, the reasons appear both as
    obvious and as elusive as they were in the spring of 2003.

    The official reasoning was always straightforward. Key among the
    claims included in the so-called Iraq War Resolution passed by
    Congress in October 2002 was that Iraq "poses a continuing threat to
    the national security of the United States and international peace and
    security in the Persian Gulf region". It added that Saddam's regime
    harboured chemical and biological weapons and was seeking to develop a
    nuclear arsenal.

    In an address to the nation just three days before the invasion, Mr
    Bush declared: "Intelligence gathered by this and other governments
    leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal
    some of the most lethal weapons ever devised."

    It quickly became clear that central claim was not true, and it became
    equally clear the administration had been manipulating uncertain and
    "caveated" intelligence to make the case for a war that had been
    decided on long before. The famous Downing Street memo suggests that
    as early as July 2002 " intelligence and facts were being fixed around
    the policy". Indeed, within hours of the attacks of 9/11, senior
    elements within the administration were seeking for a strike against
    Iraq even though there was no evidence it was involved.

    But if the alleged threat of WMD was based on manipulated intelligence
    ` some provided by Iraqi exiles such as Ahmed Chalabi's Iraqi National
    Congress - what else motivated the US? Many remain convinced the
    overwhelming factor was a desire to control Iraq's oil supplies, the
    second largest proven reserves in the world. Such a view has been
    reinforced by recent recommendations of Iraq Study Group which said: "
    The United States should assist Iraqi leaders to reorganise the
    national oil industry as a commercial enterprise, in order to enhance
    efficiency, transparency, and accountability."

    Veteran dissident Noam Chomsky said: "It is glaringly obvious that
    Iraq is estimated to have the second largest energy reserves in the
    world and is right at the heart of the world's major energy producing
    region, and that establishing a client state in Iraq would
    considerably enhance policies that go back to the dawn of the oil age,
    and in particular to the post-war period when the US was taking over
    global domination, and established as a very high and natural policy
    principle the need to control this `stupendous source of strategic

    He added: "It takes remarkable obedience to authority to believe that
    the US would have 'liberated' Iraq - or taken revenge - if its main
    exports were lettuce and pickles, and the major petroleum resources
    were in the South Pacific."

    Some point out that a desire among some in government to oust Saddam
    predated 9/11, and suggest in the aftermath of those attacks, a
    climate existed in which it was easier to pursue an invasion. Indeed,
    among the signatories to the 1998 letter from the neo-con Project for
    the New American Century calling on President Clinton to take on
    Saddam were former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy,
    Paul Wolfowitz.

    Mr Wolfowitz later said Saddam's alleged possession of WMD was just
    one of many reasons for invading. "For bureaucratic reasons, we
    settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the
    one reason everyone could agree on," he said.

    David Swanson, a founder of, a coalition of
    peace and activist groups, said: "The one thing we know is that the
    reasons they told us were false. [I think] they wanted an Iraq that
    looked free but isn't and they wanted to control it¿They wanted
    the oil and the power that comes with controlling that oil and making
    profits for British and US oil companies."

    Did other factors influence Mr Bush? Was he seeking revenge against
    "the guy who tried to kill my dad" ` a reference to an alleged plot to
    kill the president's father during a visit to Kuwait in 1993 or was
    there even a broader strategic rationale, one that would benefit
    Israel ` something claimed by peace activist Cindy Sheehan.

    What does seem certain is that there was a confluence of factors and
    interests coming together in the aftermath of 9/11 that allowed Mr
    Bush to proceed to war with little opposition from the Congress, or
    indeed, the media.