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Hayastan - All-Armenian Fund

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  • Hayastan - All-Armenian Fund


    "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund
    Governmental Building 3, Yerevan, RA
    Contact: Anush Babayan
    Tel: 3741 52 09 40
    Fax: 3741 52 37 95
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Recently the Toronto Affiliate of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund
    organized a fundraising dinner in Canada. Apparently, the presence
    of Conservative MP Jason Kenney at the event caused concern of the
    Azerbaijani Embassy and the Azerbaijani community.

    Canadian Press put an article on the newswire in this regard. It was
    picked up by several Canadian newspapers. Unfortunately, the reporter,
    Jennifer Ditchburn, used solely Azeri sources while covering the
    event. Moreover, the reporter tried to put a frivolous spin on the
    fact that Canadian Armenians extended a helping hand to their kin
    in Nagorno-Karabakh raising $300 thousand USD for construction of
    schools in the area. The reporter purposefully mentioned that the
    current Executive Director of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund used to
    hold the position of the Foreign Minister of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic. In this regard we would like to stress that the Executive
    Director is not appointed, but rather is voted into the office by the
    Board of Trustees of "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund, members of which
    are influential, well-respected and well-known representatives of
    the Armenian worldwide Diaspora.

    "Hayastan" Fund brings to the attention of all interested parties
    that during its 15-year history the organization has spend more than
    $130 million on projects in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the nature
    of which is purely humanitarian. This philanthropic organization
    has always been transparent in its operations. Since 1992 "Hayastan"
    Fund has been undergoing annual independent audits conducted by Grant
    Thornton. Never have our auditors revealed any improper spending of
    funds. Through its affiliate offices in 19 countries, "Hayastan" Fund
    often received co-financing from European (France, the Netherlands,
    Greece and others) and U.S. governments for its projects. Never has
    the organization had any problems with any government in this regard.

    "Hayastan" Fund considers unacceptable drawn parallels between the
    Fund and a unrelated questionable political organization. We want to
    remind that "Hayastan" Fund is a organization that is well-respected
    in the world and is proud of its mission benefiting people of Armenia
    and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    We consider this disrespectful and unsubstantiated attack a result
    and embodiment of Azerbaijan's shortsighted policy. We believe that
    this attack questions the reputation of the organizers of this smear
    campaign against "Hayastan" Fund and only strengthens the resolve of
    Armenians around the world to help Nagorno-Karabakh stand on its feet.

    In this regard we would like to cite MP Jason Kenney from the mentioned
    article: "...I can't imagine anybody objecting to Canada supporting
    clinics, schools, hospitals and the like". I think these words make any
    further commentary unnecessary. "Hayastan" fund is strongly convinced
    that the worldwide Armenian Diaspora will continue supporting their
    ancestral homeland.

    In her official letter to Mr. Russo, the Bureau Chief of "The Canadian
    Press", Mrs. Naira Melkoumian, the Executive Director of "Hayastan"
    All-Armenian Fund, mentions: "It was irrelevant to refer to the
    status of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, as the international status of
    Nagorno-Karabakh is subject to the outcome of the peace talks that
    have been mediated by the Organization of Security and Cooperation
    in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group, co-chaired by France, Russia and the
    United States. Meanwhile, "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund does not believe
    that mere fact that the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is not officially
    recognized by the international community should stand in the way
    of children's education or people's healthcare. The US Agency for
    International Development (USAID), International Committee of the
    Red Cross (ICRC), American Red Cross, Medecins Sans Frontier, Save
    the Children, Halo Trust and other international humanitarian relief
    organizations do not believe that either, since they have extensive
    projects in Nagorno-Karabakh. For a number of years the US Congress
    has been allocating nearly $5 million annually to the victims of
    the NK conflict who reside in Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. We think,
    these facts make any other commentary unnecessary."


    Mardakert Regional Development Project Underway

    The Regional Development project for the war-torn Martakert Region in
    Nagorno-Karabakh is currently underway. The multi-level development
    program focuses on developing the region through a series of
    projects. The program is going on at a fast pace in different

    Traditionally, construction competitive bid process is announced
    for the major projects implemented in Nagorno-Karabakh. The Bid
    committee consists of officials of the Fund's Executive Board,
    representatives of AGBU Armenian representative office, Armenian
    Relief Society Regional Office, Yerevan Office of Armenian Assembly
    of America and NKR Government. This year a representative appointed
    by the RA President was also included in the committee.

    A tender for the 4,865 km long Drmbon-Mardakert section of the
    North-South highway will be conducted on June the 5th. Prior to
    the tender the prequalification stage was conducted. Applications
    from Karavan and Virage companies were received. Karavan met the
    qualification requirements. The first tender for this section was
    conducted on May 29. Due to high prices offered by the participants
    the tender was cancelled and re-announced. The project of Mardakert
    drinking water of 30 km is in tender stage. The NKR government has
    ordered the design. The design cost worth of 40 million AMD was covered
    by "Hayastan" Fund. It is a two-stage project. Two prequalification
    proceedings were conducted for the construction on May 23. Dorozhnik,
    Sfinks, Sokol group, Virage companies took part in it. Dorozhnik and
    Virage companies have passed the prequalification stage. They will
    submit their proposals at the tender on July 4. The "Hayastan" Fund
    has also announced tenders for the construction of water supply system
    for Varnkatagh, Maghavuz, Mets Shen and Vaghuhas villages. Tender
    for Kichan-Drmbon section of the North-South highway is also announced.

    The project design of the gas pipeline for Chldran and Arajadzor
    villages is already ready. Currently, it is undergoing expertise. The
    design was made by "Artsakhgas" closed JSC.

    The planning and conceptual design of the Mardakert Regional Hospital
    are already ready. The project is being spearheaded by the U.S.

    Western Region affiliate. Conceptual design has been prepared by Los
    Angeles based hospital architect in collaboration with the NKR Health
    Ministry. The design of the hospital has been already ordered. The
    Los Angeles affiliate will provide the hospital with medical equipment
    contributed at the Telethon.

    Since 2005 construction of Madaghis school is in process. The
    Toronto/Canada/ affiliate of the Fund has undertaken the sponsorship
    of the project. The school is designed for 120 pupils.

    A tender is announced for Kochoghot village school. The project will
    be financed by the French affiliate. The contract for construction
    design was concluded on May 16. The Toronto affiliate has undertaken
    also construction of a school in Verin Horatagh village. In coming
    days, a design contract will be signed.

    A large-scale agricultural development project will be implemented in
    Mardakert. A commission is set to coordinate the works. The Executive
    Director of the "Hayastan" Fund, NKR Minister of Agriculture,
    leadership of US East Cost affiliate and representative of American
    "Turnaround associates" company are involved in the commission. The
    "Turnaround associates" is a qualified consulting company which
    provides consultation to the developing countries free of cost.

    The Fund will conclude an agreement with NKR government for joint
    implementation of the project. According to the agreement the
    "Hayastan" Fund will implement the project jointly with the NKR
    Agricultural Support Fund, which will establish a closed joint stock
    company and a NGO. The agreement will include charters of the NGO and
    the JSC, as well as a contract on the relations of NKR Agricultural
    Support Fund and the organization. All of these documents are prepared
    by a qualified legal expert. The "Hayastan" Fund will provide the
    closed joint-stock company with agricultural equipment.

    The company will give equipment for use to the peasants with low
    charges. Some of the modern tractors, trucks and other agricultural
    equipment have already been ordered. In August they will be in
    Mardakert. In addition, for about three years the Fund will pay
    salaries to the employees and cover other expenses of the company.

    After that period the company is envisaged to become a profit making
    organization. At present, the only shareholder of the company is the
    Agricultural Support Fund. During five years the peasants will buy the
    shares and the equipment will become their ownership. The population of
    the sub-region can use the agricultural equipment by becoming members
    of the NGO. Interests of the NGO members will be defended. Members
    of the NGO will be empowered to take part in decision-making and to
    take direct control over the works.