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BAKU: "Echo": Can Armenia Start War First?

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  • BAKU: "Echo": Can Armenia Start War First?

    Kh. Gasimova, N. Ramizoglu

    Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
    Democratic Azerbaijan
    July 6 2006

    Accordingly to experts, such variant must be ruled out as the countries
    that invested South Caucasus will not allow such provocations.

    Armenia will not be able to start the war first as it would be the end
    for this country. It was the statement made by head of press service
    of the Defense Ministry, Ramiz Melikov, for "Echo", on commenting
    recent statement of vice speaker of the parliament of Armenia, Vaan
    Ovanesyan concerning taking "steps" to prevent the threat to Armenia.

    In interview for "Aravot", Ovanesyan stated that "if Azerbaijan
    declares openly that it needs time out to strengthen attack, then,
    it would be wrong to provide time for it". "If we see that Azerbaijan
    not only threatens but turns into real threat for us, we should think
    about our own steps", he said. At the same time, Ovanesyan refused
    to explain what steps he meant.

    Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan holds that at this stage Armenia
    even cannot think of military operations against Azerbaijan. "Famous
    Azerbaijani poet, Samad Vurgun, wrote that before death comes, goat
    bothers herdsman. World knows Armenian as aggressor, and it cannot
    take such step to worsen its image. As for Azerbaijani military forces,
    they must be ready to repulse attacks of enemies", Melikov emphasized.

    Milli Mejlis deputy, Vakhid Ahmadov, shares this opinion. He and group
    of deputies recently visited one of military units on front line. He
    doubted that Armenia can start the war first. "While all leading
    countries and international organizations insist on regulation of this
    conflict this year, such turning-point is impossible. Leading countries
    are interested in security of South Caucasus and it is not surprising,
    as they invested economy of the region", parliament member said for
    "Echo". At the same time Akhundov doesn't deny that Armenia may give
    way to provocations. "Armenia knows that it is in no-go". Though he is
    sure that in case of attack against Azerbaijan on the part of Armenia,
    our army can manifest its forces to prevent provocations on the part
    of neighboring country.

    Military expert, Uzeir Jafarov, holds that Ovanesyan's statement
    shouldn't be taken seriously. He believes that it is another attempt
    of Armenian politicians to present desirable thing as real one. "To
    admit it was possible several years ago, as there were opportunities
    and prerequisites for the start of military operations. Taking into
    consideration the fact that economic project Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan is
    realized in the region, I don't think Azerbaijan or Armenia can be
    given chance to start military operations", Jafarov said for "Echo".

    Though accordingly to expert, Azerbaijan has moral and legal right
    to declare war to Armenia. Armenia occupied Azerbaijani territories
    and this fact is recorded in 4 UN resolutions. "We have right to start
    military operations. Nobody can use economic and legal sanction against
    Azerbaijan. Last statement of OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen once again
    proves that we just waste time, and no progress is observed in peace
    talks on regulation of Nagorni Garabagh conflict.

    At the same time Armenia refuses to return Lachin, Kalbajar regions".

    He said. Expert holds that in near future there will be
    no prerequisites for military operations. Though, he holds that
    Armenians attempt to do something in frontline regions. "But if any
    attempt of Armenia causes war, then separatist will face repulse",
    expert concluded.

    --Boundary_(ID_qNnDmxo8B3TTlABcLBZYvw) --